Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

i know now

I've concluded.. Mommy.. remember that question you asked me along time ago?

well now i know why..

it's 20% looks, 80% attitude. and i dont have the latter. maybe a bit of the former..


ipod at last

I bought my ipod! thanks dad! i bought a pink one, 4g..

bit happier..

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


i can't get my car till next week..


that's it, i'm going shopping


my moods here are a rollar coster.. when i'm up, i'm so damn happy, then when i'm down, i'm so depressed..

right now i feel the later. feeling ignored, bored and alone...

this is like the worst holiday i ever had. aside from my dance frens, i feel like i dont have any other frens to count out. to hang out with, to do things. I feel like a big fat loser. I love my dance frens to bits, but when they are busy, i cannot seem to find any other frens to hang out with.

ning you LOSER...

Sunday, January 28, 2007


freaking bored.. I did nothing, met no one, and rotted this entire day.

tried calling people out. didn't work. tried doing some housework to direct my agony of loniness away from my mind, worked a little bit. tried calling my mom to wish her happy b-day, she didn't pick up.

my other mom tells me to 'cope'. cope with anything that comes my way. well i coped for 20 days. And didn't manage to do so well today. What's worst, i wanted to go shopping to cheer myself up but i realised that i really didn't want to part with my money.

sometimes i really hate my life.


Friday, January 26, 2007

college rock

Damn.. suddenly i miss my old college rock music.

i use to love some college rock. especially the old college rock. it reminds me soooo much of the older days in seceondary sch and in jc.. Man am i getting old..

college rock is alternative rock btw. and i like the ones that have not been influenced my grundge and what not. i like pure college rock. like green day is NOT college rock. hm.. nickelback is college rock in my opinion.

i think i will make this collection fo music from differnt eras. shit right now my computer not good enough for that.. (i think)

save money ning!! save money!!

btw, another random newspaper cutting:

Crazy english language:
- there is no egg i eggplant nor ham in hamburger.
- english muffins were not invented in england nor french freis in france
- sweetmeats are candies while sweetbread (which isn't sweet) is meat.
- quicksand makes one sink slowly, boxing rings are square and guinea pig is neither from Guinea or a pig.
- If a vegetarian eats vegetables what does a humanitarium eat?
- why do people recite at a play and play at a recital?
- why do we ship by truck and send cargo by ship? have noeses that run and feet that smell?
- park on driveways and drive on parkways? (okie bit worried about this.. didn't understand.. is it something i need to know while driving?)
- how can a slim chance and a fat chance be the smae while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites?

sims 2 cravings again

AHhhhhhhhhh i just watched van walder and if eel like playing sims again! it's the whole college thing!! fraternaties and sororities.. so fun!

sigh........... maybe i shouldn't get the computer after all.. i just dont feel like spending the money. and besides.. i realsied that without my sims game. i do alot more things. i accomplish mreo things..

there are just some things you gotta let go of..

Thursday, January 25, 2007


I'm feeling shit right ow i dunnoe why.. maybe it's this whole car thing. i just feel so insecure.

I mean, i dunnoe what's good, what's bad, and i have no idea what insurance etc etc.. Just now i tried to pay my deposit by credit card of 1000 and it wasn't approved. I just feel shit.

I feel like I'm just absolutely lost. It's in times like this when i just wish my family was here to just take care of everything. I dont wanna bother paying bills, i dont wanna fork out my own money for stuff. i dont want to bother searchign online and or go about asking frens for advise for insurance, car types, car models, more insurance, roads, etc. I mean, i appreciate deeply what my frens have done for me. but sometimes i just wish that I dont have to take care of any of this CRAP.

Oh i got my car already.. 24200 with a spolier. not so keen on the spoiler but mum wants me to get it. "it keeps the car on the road". and i didn't manage to get my yellow one. i got the purplish blue one. I'm hopinhg to save up some money,ake sure the car has lots of srcatches then repaint it pink or green or organge! hhahahhaha..

sigh.... feeling shitty. I wish my family was here.

money issues

sigh.. i bought the car already.. but i dont feel happy..

my heart just aches for all the money i have to pay. my new year resolution is to save money and yet again i have to pay mroe for insurance etc etc.. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh how frustrating...

i hate asking money from my dad but i dont want my money in my bank to dwindle to less than 1k again.


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

shoe care

shoe care tips: adapted from some random newspaper cutting my mom handed to me...

- regular polishing does wonders fro your leather shoes. all you need is a tube of shoe polish, a soft cloth and some arm muscle to massage in a circular motion.

- give them a break. alternate btw 3 pairs of shoes at least.

- new shoes giving you blisters? rub in some good old olive oil. massage and soften it gently. works alot better than bitting your shoe.

- If your shoes got wet in the rain, dont put them out int he sun to dry, it'll crack the leather. instead, stuff some newspaper into your shoe to soak up moisture and leave them in a space away form heat.

- vomit-smelling shoes? try garlic! chuck a few cloves into them overnight and be amazed.

- suede shoes look best brushed. a toothbrush with hard bristles is enough.

- black patent leather shoes can be easily wiped clean with a damp paper towel.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

i have a tagboard!

I have a tagbaord!

random stuff

I just bought 2 tops from kookai for only 35 dollars total. whao so cheap...

I went to the desk to complain about that fu..... nvm, the bmw again. and this concerige is sooooooo much nicer. he offered to call the bastard to tell him to remove his car.

Anyway, i packed and rearranged my entire room yesterday. felt gooddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.. now i have an L-shaped table and an extra bookshelf that doesn't lean like the tower of pisa. one side of the table is my dressing table, and the other my study table. woohoo!!!!

everything juts looks so nice and neat now. i'm so satisfied. I've even managed to display all my nice and cute things that i previously didnt ahev the chnace too. like my flare cert, my birthday portriat from flarians, my pictures etc etc..

happy happy.. can't wait for movie and dinenr later with flairnas again.

Panick attacks

i dunnoe what's wrong with me.. I've not been sleeping well and i've been having panick attacks recently, every single time i think of my car.

Anything to do with my car i panic... whether i'll be able to drive smoothly, whether that stupid bmw qill still be in my parking lot, whether i can get the colour i want..

even the thought of me buying the car sends my heart racing. It's irrational fear i know. i try to calm myself down but i'm still soo..... panicky..

cool down cool down, chill chill.. everything will work out fine...

Monday, January 22, 2007

test drive on chapel!

okie okie... i'm calm now.... phew.. i really just needed somewhere to bleh everything out. I dont think i was atcually THAT angry about the man parking at my carpark space. It just so happen that he filled the last drop of my anger beaker, to the explosion mark.

lucky for me, i have many frens in this apartment where i can park my car first. Obviously that bmw doesn't.. hahahahaha...

I directed my anger at cleaning my house just now. i vacuumed like i never vacuumed before. i felt good. plus th efact that my hosu elooked super clean and neat.. what a bonus!

I went to test drive the honda jazz today with my fren. it was really smooth.. and the saleman kinda freaked when he realised that i just passed my driving test. hahaha.. I should be going to get the car wither on thursday or saturday. yellow. heee.. bright and sunny and happy!

After i test drived the car, my fren and i went to walk along chapel to window shop. it was nice t shop at a different place for once. Ahahahaha.. something funny happened too.

My fren and i were talking about car models, when i suddenly spooted one that i was talking about across the road.. a sexy vivid blue mazda 3 sedan. then suddenly i felt 2 pairs of eyes staring at us. There, sitting in a flashy silver convertable sportscar (dunnoe what brand) were 2 young dudes playing really loud music. Then i realised that they thought that My frena dn I were looking at their car and checking them out. So i immediately lifted my head abit higher and pointed to the mazda on across the road. immediatley, both of the 2 guys heads turned to see the mazda that i pointed at. and embarrassingly drove away.

ahahhaha how funny is that? My fren and i turned to each other to laugh! These dudes thought that 2 chickes were checking them out in their flashy cars but Noooo.. we were looking at something else.. hahahhaha.. flt good to trash their fantasy of being checked out by chicks on the road!

it's so cliche too.. sounds likewhat something would happen in a comedy..

fucking bmw!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm sooooo fucking angry!

this mother fucker has been parking at MY parking lot forever! What does he take this lot for? Free fucking parking?

Fuck you BMZ1 Fuck you! i hope the fleas of a thousand dingoes swarm to your butt and make it their home!

It's just sooooooooooooo frustrating that whenever i wanna park at my lot, some idiot is there! fuck you man!! i hope you crash and have to pay billions of dollars to repair your car.

And the best part, i'll be needing it this week. so fuck off! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm going to see the management tmr and i bloody well hope they can fuckign srcew your car up and down!



I cannot wait to get my car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

empty again

After an entire day of work.. i feel empty once more. sigh.. why?????????

my choice is made btw, honda jazz. I know alot of you will go "another one???!!" But face it, it IS the best car for ME.

must find things to do.. but right now i;m drop dead tired..

Friday, January 19, 2007

it's alright

big smile.........................

I know everything as to why my parents acted the day they did last night..

My dad was just busy lah. and he didn't feel comfortable talking to me about car stuff in front of his clients and some people.


everything is alright.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

family blues again

............. this is the lowest i've felt this week. And it's because of my family again.

It's just so hard to talk to my dad. He's not even making the effort to try to talk to me about normal stuff. I email, i call, i sms. But all i get is one liners or one worders like "ok" or "will send money tmr." In calls, he tries to cut it to as short as possible. "okie? okie.. byebye.. love you darling.."

sigh, i know you are busy daddy. but can't you just soare 5 mins more or even 3 mins more to tlak to me about your day? about my day? The only time you called was when i apssed my driving test. I've never heard you speak to me this happy for so long. not since i scored all 'A's in my exams..

I know you expect a hell alot from me dad. A 97% on my math test in primary6 wasn't even good enough for you. i still remember the words till today "how come no 100%?"

I know you want to try to push me further. further that i can attain, maybe further than you can attain. But just for once, please come back down to earth and speak to me like a happy father?

Sigh.. and my mum.. she just loves to give me the insecurity about our finances. Come on lah. I am not blind. The stuff you buy now? Please lah.. Be honest with me can, stop making me feel insecure.

Lucky for me, i have frens here to help.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


OKie.. i just saw a Mazda2 hatchback on the road.. Not so nice...

toyota yarris is damn cute. so is the jazz. But i think mazda 3 sedan is damn sexy..

sigh.. my dad has work to do in hongkong and cannot give me answer by saturday.... i wish he'd be quicker..

what car?????

Oh the PAIN of deciding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Pursuit of Happiness 2

I just watched the movie "the pursuit of happyness" Oh my goodness it is so heart wrenching...

Jel said she didnt feel motivated, kel said he felt sad, am felt that her heart fell out a few times, and rani said he felt fine (what..)

Well, throughout the film, i just felt so much pity for them. I keep thinking, why didn't the government do something for these so many homeless people???

Then when i reached home.. I looked at the things around me, all the things that i bought, and i thought... how damn lucky i am to have this. I know my father works his ass off to get me this luxury in life. I also looked at Neko and thought.. How my father would feel if he knew that was supporting another being? I mean, i think he knoew, but now think... how does he feel now that he knows.

Damn i feel so lucky. the aircon, the bed, the many bags, the many clothes, the laptop, the car to be.

alright new year resolution.. SAVE MONEY!!!

and stick to it!

Monday, January 15, 2007

I got my Ps!



so estatic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i had a score of 55/58.. that's 95%!


like another exam

oh nooooooooooooooo.. my heart cannot stop racing. and everytime i thnk about it, it skips a beat.

i'm really scared!

no, i must relax, treat it like any other driving lesson. excpet this time, i make my own decisions and be more careful and alert.

chill man chill...

face my fears

tmr.. no i mean today, is my driving test.

wish me luck man...................

this is like the main reason as to why i am back here so early..

wish me luck.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

must pass...

I'm so proud of myself! I atcually found a route to the place i wanted to go, then i went online to search for public transport and i found it!!


Sigh.. now, i really realise how important a car is. I wouldn't have bought anything if suz wasn't with me to drive. There is just no way i am able to carry all those things.

I didn't manage to get my bed frame though.. Ikea doesn't stock king-single bed frames.. dman.. but i decided to get a single bedframe, then just let my mattress sit out a bit. howveer, all Ikea bed frames are 'sunken in' for the matress. which is no point fo rme..

but i found a chepa good one in fantastic furnitures. SHould be going there soon. maybe i'll wait for my frent o come back. i dont wanan go alone. coz she needs furniture too.

sigh.. driving today didn't got oo well.. made mistakes i know i really should be making at this point. SHIT MAN. WONG CHUANNING PLEASE PASS! You really need it!

think of all those times you had to ask ur frens to drive you, so thick skin. think of all the times you walk home late at night, so lonely and dangerous, think of all those time you wanted to buy stuff but couldn't carry...

you must pass please. u need this..

Saturday, January 13, 2007

stupid telemarketers

Wah lau, telmarketers now a days damn fucking rude man. and the best part, all of the rude ones i've encountered are indian. (not being racist here mind you..) COme on lah, you guys can do bettter than that lor!

i was so mad i wrote a complain email to the victoria electircity..

"Dear Sir/Mdm,

I would like to complain about a certain telemarketer of yours. He was rude, extremely pushy and actually flared out at me at the end of the phone call.

I do not know his name but he did speak with a strong Indian accent.

First he asked if i would like to change my electricity plans to a cheaper rate and told me all the benefits. I needed more information of course, so i asked more questions. He gave me very vague answers, so i had to ask again. He then grew increasingly impatient and at one point interrupted my question halfway to say that 'it's alright, everyone's renting anyway.'

Then when i finally learnt that i had to change my electricity supplier/provider in order to had cheaper rates, i told him that i cannot make this decision because ultimately, i wasn't the person in charge of the elctricity bills, phones bills, rent and waht not for this house that I am renting. I apologised and told him to call back 1 month later when my housemate comes back, for she is in charge of these things.

He become angry and doubtful. 'No, you said just now that you were in charged of the electricity bills!" he said. Then i told him that I've mistaken your question. I mean, I can pay the bills, but bills come under my housemate's name.

He didn't believed me and asked me that same question 3 more times. He also kept trying to convince me that 'It's all the same anyway, whether the bill comes under your name or your housemate's name'. He even started asking me what my name was, what my cousin's name was, and what gender she was. The questions got ridiculously out of point, as though he was questioning me like a convict. I'm a potential customer, not someone in his custody to question like a crimminal.

In all, he was extremely pushy and rude. I would have considered discussing this change of electricity provider over to Victoria with my cousin, but with this rude telemarketor, I really think not.

Should you want to attract more customers to switch over from one electricity provider to your provider, please do something about these rude telemarketers.

Thank you.

yours sincerely,Ni"

WHat i didn't add in the email is that he asked me all those stupid questions liek whats ur name, what's ur cousins name, in that matter that you know he's just checking. WTF right???? EVen if you knew i lied, then you know bloody well know that i am not fucking interesting alright bitch?! are u like stupid or what????

i even had to stop him by saying "stop asking me all these questions like you're quetioning a convict"

"why should i stop asking you questions" he sneered. "it's so easy, you'll receive the papers in 2 weeks then u just have to sent it back, you can even reject after i've sent u the papers"

WTF???? i thought.. you never told me about these paperwork i have to do. and i hate paperwork u asshole!

"just now u said that you were in charge of electircity" he said again.

"sir, you've asked me that that question 3 times already. and i told you, i'm sorry, i mistook your question. i am not in charge here." i said as calmly as i could.


"No but you said... " he insisted that i am in charge of electircity. then he went on yelling to me about i lied and etc etc... well i did lie. btu i dont want to chnage! and i wanana ask my cousin ni, and i dont wanan do paperwork u moron!

"sir now you're just getting angry" i said

"no matter noe.. thank you b.." i slammed down the ohone even before he finish. i wouldn't normally do that, unless i'm really annoyed with these fucking moronic people.

hahaha BTW, i put "Ni" just incase they wanna check who i am.. Ni can be either junni or ning what..


Friday, January 12, 2007

good answer..

I was searching thru yahoo answers when i came across this silly girl with this question..

"Is Race Mixing GENOCIDE?
Race mixing is genocide and even our enemies know it. My caucasian brothers and sisters should have more childen and NOT have children by other races.It is funny you are against Eagles going extinct but you are for... "

i just plainly replied.. "of course not" but some very angry and passionate guy replied...

"There is only 1...

That is the HUMAN race. we are all the same species of being. our skin tone is an ecological change and nothing more. it is no more a diffference then 2 cats with different furs are differnt species.

a cat is a cat irregardless of its breeding. a manx and a siamese are both the same they just have mninor differneces in size and fur color. both animals are essentialy cats.

same with human beings. we are all the same speicies. the conspet of race is an outdated and put moded conept kept alive by peatheitc scared litle men who hide under the delusion that because a man has a differnt skin tone they are a threat.

I got news for you hun. if being different scares you then you need to make sure that you kill your white brothers and siters, because each one of them is as different form you as that siamese is to the manx.

every single human being has minor differneces in appearance to be able to distinguish one form the other. animals use smell. we use visual ques.

please I beg of you do not be a sheep that gets lead around by your nose. by patheitc little racist hypocrites. we are all one speices one race the human race. its time to join it.

oh and as a PS. if we do not mix the races in any way. as your white supremacist would suggest. then the " white race" well die out. its called genetic stagnation. its caused by inbreeding. its a self destructive habit that can cause an race to become extinct. inbreeding causes a higher rate of birth defects, and other deliterious effects. with out racial diversity in our breeding practices we well slowly become extinct by virtue of genetic stagnation.

inbreeding is the true cause of genocide,along with human stupidity. "

interesting point of view eh...

finding things to do

For the one millionth time... i am bored...

sigh.. i seriously need my sims game soon man... but i dunnoe how much money am i willing to spend just to kill the boredom out of my life. i dont even know if the game will let kill this boredom forever.

shit ah, i must find soemthing to do. will.. there's the ironing.. there's the spanish.. there's te choreographing...

see see.. you're just LAZY...

slept at a record of 9pm last ngiht. yeah, was that tired.. but had a good sleep. thanks to the air con.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


empty.. sigh.. i feel so tired but i dont feel like sleeping. it's the emptyness, the feeling that i have not done enough today..

i wish i had my sims game here..


I know i should be sleeping now but i just dont feel satisfied enough to sleep.. I feel like my day cannot end like this, like me doing almost nothing today...

Well i did do something, I met up with Am at last! and rani, am and ern-may/mei went for dinner then went to starbucks to get ice cold coffee coz it's freaking hot, then we went to vic mark to see the night market.. whao.. happening man... quite cool.

There was this dance floor where the DJ was playing some music, kinda retro i think.. then there were these kids just going there to show off their stuff.. so cute! No, unlike the ones in downtowneast in singapore, they didn't lock and pop but they were so cute. rolling around and such.

Then i walked home and tried to do some hazard perception practise tests.. man rani was right. it's a bitch.. i cannot rmemeber if my practise questions were the low quality ones that i downloaded, but i hope the actual test will not be that blur. coz i couldn't see alot of things.. like signs and traffic lights.. i had 1/3 on my first try! Oh ning, please please please please pass!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel so damn bored.. i keep thinking.. what am i going to do tmr??? everyone is working.. well most... maybe i'll go to am's place and bug her. or call ginnie to shop. or call suzz to do??? eat???

but i knoe i have to sleep now.. haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz at least i have air con at my place..

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


tmr's my hazard perception test.. ekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk so scared...

must pass must pass must pass.....................

Neko darling is back

Woke up at 2pm this morning.. SHIOK...

but i had to keep rubbing and scatching my nose throughout the night. I have hear dof the bush fires that has cozed spi (is it spi? standart p?? index? the one that measure the cloudiness of the air) levels to soar. so much so that it is dusty and smokey etc. although it has somewhat cleared, the skyline view from ym apartment is still smokey.

Perhaps i need an air purifier. hmm.. but is it worth it? or should i just use my air con?

ahhhhhhhhhhh i hate it when my nose gets stuffy.

anywayz, i got neko darling back yesterday. she still rmemebers me! the moment we entered the house of her caretakers, she ran under the sofa. but i put my hand there for her to sniff and she came out!!! then i carried her to her cage, but she clinged on to my jacket with her claws as though she didnt' want me to le her go.. so sweett..

Ginnie and got home from thr tiring journey, phew, carrying so many things... wish i had myc ar alreaady...

the moment i opened the cage, she was walking around sniffing stuff as though she remembers her home. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.........

SHe's a little skinny now... at least skinnier than i cna rmemeber. btu she's still the same size.

SH'es a tiny cat.. kinda like an asian cat. we let her eat all she wants but she doesn't eat much. thus her small frame.

I'm going to soooooooooooooo fatten her up.. my poor baby...

The Pursuit of Happiness

The moment i arrived in Melbourne. I looked at the people waving frantically to their family members who just arrived in melbourne and i sighed... No one was there to pick me up or receive me warmly at the airport. Not that there was no one to do so. I was the one who didn't plan for anything. in other words, i blame myself lah..

Then in the cab, i tried to call some friends i knew who were in melbourne. but they weren't free. I felt so sad... i nearly teared in the cab.

Went home, tried to call more people... but to no avail. Felt even more sad... and of course sspent a good 30 mins crying and staring at the window. Neko's absense made things worst.

I started to wonder why when i was back in sinagpore, i couldn't wait to get back here. but the moment i arrive, the feelings of just being back here is just.. unbearable...

I know what it is.. it's the whole things about me having to get use to being independent, being alone and being by myself all grown up-ish. It's the whole, i have to adapt again. and i hate adapting all over again...

lucky i managed to go online (you know how computer/internet problems just LOVE to come to me on the worst moments) and ginnie msged me. i had no idea she was still in melbourne... anyway, we arranged dinner. it was so nice to speak to someone at last.

I had a godo time with her in melbourne central eating mushroom rissotto. But i canot help btu notice how extraordinarily quiet it was in melbourne. I mean, even on Monday nights, restaurants would usually be packed with people. at least not extrememly packed. but this time round, there was hardly anyone around. there were only 4 groups of patroners. ginnie and i were the 5th. the other restaurants hardly had a customer. and they closed early at about 8. Even in the day time when i did a little grocery shopping, it was so quiet..

It seems that the city is packed with students from overseas. it is the holidays. so everyone is not back yet.

but it's really incredibly quiet.......

anyway.. i came home later that night. and... sigh.. tears started to fall form my face again. I looked at myself in the mirror and i thought, why the fuck am i always so unhappy?

So i told myself, STOP. stop being unhappy. stop digging into the past and remembering horrible sad moments in my life. stop looking at the sad side of life. stop shopping t make urself happy. stop thinking that u're cursed/jinxed/whatever.

I wanna HAPPY and CAREFREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But right now, i'm really bored.. school starts on 5th and before my driving tests, i have nothing to do leh..

soooooooooooooo.. I must find things to do

- make room nicer.
- buy new furniture like bed frame and study table and bookshelf.

- buy food. more food!
- exercise for goodness sake!

- save money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- buy computer
- buy ipod! (gave mine to my brother... man, be THANKFUL!)
- pass driving test and buy car!!!!!!!!!!

- learn spanish
- get a sense of direction. (possible???)

shit.. buy so many things.. how to save money?????

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I hate this! i hate this empty feeling. it happens everytime i get back from one country to another. but even mroe so when i get back from singapore to melbourne.


met up with ginnie today. was realli nice to see a fren here at last.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

What cha gonna do with with all that junk

All that junk inside your... bar, backyard, kitchen, uncle's room, cupboard behind theTV, and many many bottle of alcohol?

It's a miracle. all it took was a little nagging from me to get my mom to clear some stuffwith me. the houseislike 10 tems neater...

aiyah..ta;lmorelater. i hate this keyboard..