Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


I'm feeling shit right ow i dunnoe why.. maybe it's this whole car thing. i just feel so insecure.

I mean, i dunnoe what's good, what's bad, and i have no idea what insurance etc etc.. Just now i tried to pay my deposit by credit card of 1000 and it wasn't approved. I just feel shit.

I feel like I'm just absolutely lost. It's in times like this when i just wish my family was here to just take care of everything. I dont wanna bother paying bills, i dont wanna fork out my own money for stuff. i dont want to bother searchign online and or go about asking frens for advise for insurance, car types, car models, more insurance, roads, etc. I mean, i appreciate deeply what my frens have done for me. but sometimes i just wish that I dont have to take care of any of this CRAP.

Oh i got my car already.. 24200 with a spolier. not so keen on the spoiler but mum wants me to get it. "it keeps the car on the road". and i didn't manage to get my yellow one. i got the purplish blue one. I'm hopinhg to save up some money,ake sure the car has lots of srcatches then repaint it pink or green or organge! hhahahhaha..

sigh.... feeling shitty. I wish my family was here.


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