Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Neko darling is back

Woke up at 2pm this morning.. SHIOK...

but i had to keep rubbing and scatching my nose throughout the night. I have hear dof the bush fires that has cozed spi (is it spi? standart p?? index? the one that measure the cloudiness of the air) levels to soar. so much so that it is dusty and smokey etc. although it has somewhat cleared, the skyline view from ym apartment is still smokey.

Perhaps i need an air purifier. hmm.. but is it worth it? or should i just use my air con?

ahhhhhhhhhhh i hate it when my nose gets stuffy.

anywayz, i got neko darling back yesterday. she still rmemebers me! the moment we entered the house of her caretakers, she ran under the sofa. but i put my hand there for her to sniff and she came out!!! then i carried her to her cage, but she clinged on to my jacket with her claws as though she didnt' want me to le her go.. so sweett..

Ginnie and got home from thr tiring journey, phew, carrying so many things... wish i had myc ar alreaady...

the moment i opened the cage, she was walking around sniffing stuff as though she remembers her home. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.........

SHe's a little skinny now... at least skinnier than i cna rmemeber. btu she's still the same size.

SH'es a tiny cat.. kinda like an asian cat. we let her eat all she wants but she doesn't eat much. thus her small frame.

I'm going to soooooooooooooo fatten her up.. my poor baby...


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