Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

stupid telemarketers

Wah lau, telmarketers now a days damn fucking rude man. and the best part, all of the rude ones i've encountered are indian. (not being racist here mind you..) COme on lah, you guys can do bettter than that lor!

i was so mad i wrote a complain email to the victoria electircity..

"Dear Sir/Mdm,

I would like to complain about a certain telemarketer of yours. He was rude, extremely pushy and actually flared out at me at the end of the phone call.

I do not know his name but he did speak with a strong Indian accent.

First he asked if i would like to change my electricity plans to a cheaper rate and told me all the benefits. I needed more information of course, so i asked more questions. He gave me very vague answers, so i had to ask again. He then grew increasingly impatient and at one point interrupted my question halfway to say that 'it's alright, everyone's renting anyway.'

Then when i finally learnt that i had to change my electricity supplier/provider in order to had cheaper rates, i told him that i cannot make this decision because ultimately, i wasn't the person in charge of the elctricity bills, phones bills, rent and waht not for this house that I am renting. I apologised and told him to call back 1 month later when my housemate comes back, for she is in charge of these things.

He become angry and doubtful. 'No, you said just now that you were in charged of the electricity bills!" he said. Then i told him that I've mistaken your question. I mean, I can pay the bills, but bills come under my housemate's name.

He didn't believed me and asked me that same question 3 more times. He also kept trying to convince me that 'It's all the same anyway, whether the bill comes under your name or your housemate's name'. He even started asking me what my name was, what my cousin's name was, and what gender she was. The questions got ridiculously out of point, as though he was questioning me like a convict. I'm a potential customer, not someone in his custody to question like a crimminal.

In all, he was extremely pushy and rude. I would have considered discussing this change of electricity provider over to Victoria with my cousin, but with this rude telemarketor, I really think not.

Should you want to attract more customers to switch over from one electricity provider to your provider, please do something about these rude telemarketers.

Thank you.

yours sincerely,Ni"

WHat i didn't add in the email is that he asked me all those stupid questions liek whats ur name, what's ur cousins name, in that matter that you know he's just checking. WTF right???? EVen if you knew i lied, then you know bloody well know that i am not fucking interesting alright bitch?! are u like stupid or what????

i even had to stop him by saying "stop asking me all these questions like you're quetioning a convict"

"why should i stop asking you questions" he sneered. "it's so easy, you'll receive the papers in 2 weeks then u just have to sent it back, you can even reject after i've sent u the papers"

WTF???? i thought.. you never told me about these paperwork i have to do. and i hate paperwork u asshole!

"just now u said that you were in charge of electircity" he said again.

"sir, you've asked me that that question 3 times already. and i told you, i'm sorry, i mistook your question. i am not in charge here." i said as calmly as i could.


"No but you said... " he insisted that i am in charge of electircity. then he went on yelling to me about i lied and etc etc... well i did lie. btu i dont want to chnage! and i wanana ask my cousin ni, and i dont wanan do paperwork u moron!

"sir now you're just getting angry" i said

"no matter noe.. thank you b.." i slammed down the ohone even before he finish. i wouldn't normally do that, unless i'm really annoyed with these fucking moronic people.

hahaha BTW, i put "Ni" just incase they wanna check who i am.. Ni can be either junni or ning what..



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