Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Monday, January 22, 2007

test drive on chapel!

okie okie... i'm calm now.... phew.. i really just needed somewhere to bleh everything out. I dont think i was atcually THAT angry about the man parking at my carpark space. It just so happen that he filled the last drop of my anger beaker, to the explosion mark.

lucky for me, i have many frens in this apartment where i can park my car first. Obviously that bmw doesn't.. hahahahaha...

I directed my anger at cleaning my house just now. i vacuumed like i never vacuumed before. i felt good. plus th efact that my hosu elooked super clean and neat.. what a bonus!

I went to test drive the honda jazz today with my fren. it was really smooth.. and the saleman kinda freaked when he realised that i just passed my driving test. hahaha.. I should be going to get the car wither on thursday or saturday. yellow. heee.. bright and sunny and happy!

After i test drived the car, my fren and i went to walk along chapel to window shop. it was nice t shop at a different place for once. Ahahahaha.. something funny happened too.

My fren and i were talking about car models, when i suddenly spooted one that i was talking about across the road.. a sexy vivid blue mazda 3 sedan. then suddenly i felt 2 pairs of eyes staring at us. There, sitting in a flashy silver convertable sportscar (dunnoe what brand) were 2 young dudes playing really loud music. Then i realised that they thought that My frena dn I were looking at their car and checking them out. So i immediately lifted my head abit higher and pointed to the mazda on across the road. immediatley, both of the 2 guys heads turned to see the mazda that i pointed at. and embarrassingly drove away.

ahahhaha how funny is that? My fren and i turned to each other to laugh! These dudes thought that 2 chickes were checking them out in their flashy cars but Noooo.. we were looking at something else.. hahahhaha.. flt good to trash their fantasy of being checked out by chicks on the road!

it's so cliche too.. sounds likewhat something would happen in a comedy..


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