Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Monday, July 31, 2006

body products

hahahhahaa.. it seems like i've given everyone the impressiont hat i take care of myself very well... for birthday gifts i've been receiving body soap, body srubs, bedroom slippers, hand creams, lip blams, all of shich are chocolate flavoured!!! thanks guys, really appreciate it.

but in actually fact, i dont think i'm taking care of myself as much as last year. i dunnoe why, but i realise that i've been eating less fruit, less vegies, cookign less but.. drinking mroe water, i dotn like to put moisturiser coz i'ts sticky and cold, i love to shower with extremely hot water, and i stilld ance when i;m sick.. hahaha

aiyah, i enjoy myself too much lah.. better change..

okie anyway, this is going to be a record!!! i'm going to sleep now, like, before 12!!! ahhhhhhhh...... feel so happy! i got nothing to stduy so i tot i might as well sleep! i need it! i wanna recover before camp!!!!

hahaha, how am i going to study when this happns anyway... (suppose to insert a pic of neko but the blogger window screwed up, i'll add it in asaic)

Sunday, July 30, 2006


WHat a week for me... 4 birthdays, 3 parties/get togethers, and more homework...

ah! i must get well soon, this cough is not going away, as with my pimples, but my pimples dont matter in camp, it's the cough! i dont wanna be a chef who coughs into the food.. i really tried to rest mreo, i;ve been sleeping at 12-1am, if time permits. you see, how can a sick whale recover when she keeps swimming into stay-up-late parties? lucky last night was the last for this week and next before camp. hoepfully i can recover by then.

yesterday i watched porcelain, an abstract play by crunhc, the creative arts sch of melb uni. it was my first time watching such abstract stuff and i'm pretty proud of myself to learn that i actaully understood most parts. it was about the emotions and experiences of abortion on the couple and on the baby. and my goodness, the actors/actresses were brilliant!

suzz's party was cool, too bad we were all mostly dead when we got to her house. esp me, i wasn't feeling too well, and i kept myself away from most of the games, i wanted to recover soon so i didn;t want to 'expend' energy.ahh, didn't worl, i woke up coughing like crazy again. but it's okie, happy 21st suzz!!

siaowen's party was cool too. but i wasn't in a very good mood at the start. miss my prac coz i forgot to bring the book, got lost, litlle things u know, that make your day worst coz it keeps happening one after the other.

finally it's sunday, and i can rest!!!!!!!!! and do my homework of course,, i better buck up...

oh... and i'm STILL sleeping in lectures.. damn... must bring green tea to school tmr..

Thursday, July 27, 2006

clear skin

"whao.. you have such great skin.." "whao, your skin is so clear..." "whao your skin is so smooth" "oh you know that fair girl with very clear skin.." etc etc..

i wont get that anymore. my pimples on my forehead are NOT going away. this weekend will mark the 3rd week i've used clinique, and although there is slight improvement, the pimples are still there.

i use to have the clearest, most beautiful skin ever, i've a;ways felt that my skin was my best asset, the first thing that people notice about me, but what has happened? neko? stress? no sleep? exams? i dunnoe....

all i know is that, they are not going away, in fact they are here to stay. do i feel sad? i'm Distraught!!!

i'll give clinique another week, then i'm changing to another brand...


Wednesday, July 26, 2006


fucking moody right now. must be PMS combined with chnage of plans for the week from a fantastically even one to a hectic one.

let's just say i like to feel prepared for everything i do...

drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive

and to top it all up... i have to listen to someone(yes someone) quarrel on the phone everynight...

music music music... pump it LOUDER!!!!!!!!!!!!

and to add a cherry to the top of all my moodiness... my STUPID PIMPLES ARE NOT GOING AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


one day i'll dye my hair purple

"i wanna dye my hair purple, one day" those were the exact words i said to my JC frens and secondary school frens. and i finally did it.

i like the colour, but it cost me a bomb, and looking at the dried ends.. i think this will be the last time i dye my ahir.. (perhaps)...

enjoy for now though.. heeeeeeee


first day of school was already hectic. lectures from 9 to 1 then lab from 2 to 4.30. today, i had classes from 2-5. and this is the most relaxing week already...

just now my vet frens went out for dinner for 2 b-days. and i felt sad... i didn't realy enjoy myself coz.. number one,t he restaurant was some soul bbq thing and everything was meat. secondly, we were discussing about some lab tmr and everyone knew what to bring and i didn't/ i asked them how did they know? and they said they read the prac book already, i felt so lazy and incompetent, thirdly, the reason being soooooooooooo bitchy of me to say it that i wont. (nothing personal! it's about b-days and i feel forgotten), fourthly, i couldn't bloodi stop coughing!!!!

sigh.. i have to keep reminding myself that vet is no ordinary course. it's SICK, and i wonder if i can even make it out of there.. it's taking away my flare life, my social life(not as much as the others perhaps), my time to rest etc etc.. it's CRAZY...

why did i end myself up in this shit???

sighh all for the love of animalssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


Tuesday, July 25, 2006


why???? why do i feel this way???

hate it!!

must push it away...


dance dance dance choreo choreo choreo

car car car drive drive drive

study study study grades good good good

computer sims sims sims sims sims

i can i will i must!

Monday, July 24, 2006

sem 2 is here..

Sigh.. school is starting tmr.. and i'm so not ready. i hardly even had my holiday...

first week was spent at the farm, which i rather enjoyed, the second week was spent dancing, third and fourth week i balancing dancing and family.

it seems fruitful, i even managed to get my Ls and i can't wait to start taking lessons. i took my family out and spent time with them, i dance dance danced and performed, i slept like no one business, i ate, i shopped(not really.. i shopped mroe during exams), i had parties and outings..

but i'm sitting here in front of my computer, at 2am in ther morning, feeling that i'm not ready for sch. i haven't heard my grandma nag at me about stuff like "stop lazying around!!", i haven't quarreled wiht my sister over borrowing bags/cloths or the messiness of the room yet, i haven cried coz of a family problem/conflict( i did that almost every week at one point), i haven't lazed around in my house in singapore, sat in the garden and look at the mango trees, slpet till 2pm then get rudely awakened by my grandma going "chuanning ah! it's pass 2 and u're still sleeping???", i haven't heard my brother go "kejie, do u know that .... DNA... moon... satelite... gravity, harry potter, neopets, pokemon, molecule....", i haven't heard my mom scold the maids, or my sister screaming at my brother to go do my homework, i havent nagged at my brother tog o pack his school bag, i haven't heard my uncle and auntie telling me about ryan this that golf golf golf champion blah blah blah, i haven;t heard my mom tell me about family stuff and conflicts and internal matters of the companya nd family memebrs, i haven;t had dimsum then swiming at raffles town club with them, i haven been out with my real mom for lunch, geeeeeeeeee soooooooooooooo many thingssssssssssssssss

i also haven't played my sims... i really miss my days in singapore when i just ROT away at home, playing my computer game all day and night until i dont know what happens out int he real world, until i don't know that i just missed my lunch, or am already late for a gathering with my frens, or that it's 3am in the morning..

but why do i love to play that game so much??? i asked myslef that so many times, and i know exactly what the answer is.. i can really really ESCAPE reality when i play that game. i put myself in this imgainery world where everything is perfect, that everything goes MY way. i have good grades, loads of frens, popularity, beautiful, fit, perfect happy family, play the piano and drums fantastically, not shy etc etc etc.. i really really wanna play this game.. i'm dying from it's withdrawal symtoms... i MUST get this game here once i get my car bussiness done.

yeah i know.. my computer game allows me to escape reality but it makes my real reality worse coz i dont do much etc etc, but.. u know, it's really nice to put urself in that perfect situation every now and then... just to relax, to unwind, to... tkae a breather and come back to the real world stronger than ever to achieve that "perfect world" i strive for in my sims...

but i cannot sit here and dream about these days to come coz they will not. i'm not weak and i dont wanna be weak. (guess all that "chuanning u must be strong/independent and dont relay on your husband" thing from my aunties, uncles, grandparents, grandaunties and granduncles have really instilled this into me..) school has started and there's nothing i can do but get on with my life, strive to have better grades, strive to make my world perfect, and most of all, strive to be happy wiht my life.

sem 2, here i come!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

crown.. our last night

hmmmm the cakes were good and so was the dinner. but my mom wasn't impressed with jasmine (at crown)...

i think my mom enoyed the fire display the most. my sister loved the cartoon world of course! i suddenly realise that they sold "once in a season" things. like harry potter, tim burton's corpse bride etc etc. oooo the figurines were so nice.. feel lke buying them.

i dont collect figurines but the corpse bride figurines were really nice.. i actually like the whole goth idea. it's unique...

my sister was terrified of the fire dsplay though. and we bought 3 pizzas back fro my brother back in singapore..

okie yeah i realise this entry has no "system". i'm full, and all the blood's rushed to my intestines.. so there goes my brain..


Friday, July 21, 2006

my body...

i've been so tired these few days that i've not blogged much in one entry. this is not going to be different.

i'm going to pi later, the new amber, and i took almost 1 hour to decide what to wear. my mom also helped my along the way. but after deciding on a skirt, a blue top, net stockings ans boots, i felt uncomfortable and chnaged to my usual top and jeans.

intially i wanted to wear a dress with boots. but my butt just popped out of it so obviously.

sigh.. and my calves... they are just hugeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

well there's nothing i can do about these.. i'm born with it. and anywayz, despite these flaws, i feel lucky already.

firstly, i have legs that not only can walk and run. they can dance too.

secondly, i am proportionate for most parts of my body. i was trying on some clothes at kookai when i opened the curtain to look at the mirror, this gril, wearing the same outfit was me, only a different colour also came out.

she was oobviously skinnier than me. but i looked better in the top for sure. why? coz of the boobs, and non-bluging tummy.

oops, gtg.. back with mroe later.........

Thursday, July 20, 2006

jc frens

Oh my goodness... within 1 week... i saw 2 of my jc frens. one in big w, who is going to study here, and the other in a farm i just went with my family for a day tour.. he was on holiday..

goodness gracious, soooooooooo unbelivable(pardon my spelling) .. i mean, what are the chances???

Monday, July 17, 2006

white hair

initially... i wanted to write about the happy stuff yesterday. but becoz i wanted photos from yesterday, i uploaded my mum's photos into my mum, and i saw a few pictures of my grandma in singapore..

her whole head of hair is white now. she looked so so so much older than before. i asked my mom why didn't is her hair so white. coz she usually dyes it black and perms it. "she can't take the dying chemicals" said my mom.. OUCH.. that was becoz of her chemotherapy..

ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch...

really wish i could be there sometimes... then again.. i can "run away" from it when i'm here..

no matter.. she's cured. that's all that matters..

Friday, July 14, 2006

yak yak yak

Man.......... chip of the old block.. my mom and sister never stop talking!!!!!!

it's good though.. my house feels warmer, homier and cosier..


Thursday, July 13, 2006



my dad just told me something... and i'm just soooooooooooo happy!!!! i mean, i haven't even learnt how to drive yet!!!!!!!

yeah.. that's one big clue already..

whao.. he reallys dotes on me...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Superman was SUPER

seriously... i've watched quite a few movies these past months and NO MOVIE BEATS SUPERMAN RETURNS!

~~~~~~ SPOLIER WARNING ~~~~~~~~

superman returns was so awesome... first, the digital enhanced effects were great. although superman looked kinda rubbery sometimes, the other effects were great. when i say great, i mean that the EFFECT was there! it doesn't have to be extremely real. just real enough to coz that effect, liek BOOM! like how the crystals were growing in the ocean, and how they showed the bullet hitting superman's eye and it didn't hurt him still. i mean, they have always always showed superman blocking bullets with his all mighty chest, never have they did this eye thing. there u go, a different situation, it lets the audience anticipate, (coz it's the all sensitive eye), it makes them not to doubt him anymore.

secondly, awwwwwwwwwwww brandon is so gorgeously handsome. handsome is a very rare word to describe man coz to be handsome requires alot of manly traits and sadly, alot of men these days dont have it. =p those kind bluest blue blue eyesssss, that hard, deep, sincere stare/gaze (depepnding on who he's looking at), that body..(DUH)... but most of all, the protryal of his character. bryan singer, the director was very smart to use an unknown actor for this role. coz there will not be any "pre-screening critisim". initially, james something(dunnoe his surname, but he was the actor of passon of the christ) wanted this role badly, too bad for him, but good for the movie. i mean, james did a good job with christ but for him to switch roles like this is too much for some people to take. i mean, people died watching christ! however, i felt that the movie should have concentrated a little more on clark kent.... well, it IS a movie, there isn't a lot of time...

thirdly, the plot was good good good good good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank goodness they didn't do the whole "discovering the baby in the shuttle" thing with young martha and johnathon kent. i mean... just look at all the cartoons and pass movies and tv series (smallville, superman...) it just made the fact that if we had to watch this sence again, it would be very VERY cheesy. i especially loved the fact that it was a "continuation" of the last movie. on how he had relations already with lois and lex before he went off for 5 years to look for his planet. again, to watch these "build up" tension/love sences would be cheesy and definitely unneccessary. but they did show how clark as a boy, learnt to fly. which is a major part of his life. and it's good enough. i especially loved the fact that he has a son!!!!!!!! how sweet is that??? he left his DNA on earth finally!!! hahahhaha, okie, rephrase, earth has a second hope! oh and how nice was the sence when he visited his son when he got out of the hospital??? and how he repeated what his father said to him, to his son.(the little boy didn't act very well, but it was good enough for a little boyless than 5years old...)

4thly, the characters were good too! Kevin spacey played an excellant lex luthor, evil, manipulative, unresentful, but strangly, in love with this girl called kitty who played a funyn role. she was nto evil, neither was she good. she was just... stupid, and did what she thought was right only when it was too much to bear, other than that, she blindly follows her lover, Lex. Martha, clark's mom, looked so lonely in the show... she only had 2 sences... lois was excellantly portrayed by kate bosworth. strong outside all the time, but really quite fragile.. kate's husband there(aka cyclops in x-men) once again played this man who is really, the 3rd part in my viwer's eyes. he also did it in x-men and in the notebook. but yeah. the character was good. it made me feel that he deserves lois as much as clark. (but superman still wins. =p) the other characters were ho-hum..

5thly, shit.. the moment i sawed the film staring i thought it was a damnt oo familiar a style.. X_MEN!!!!!!!!! yes, bryan singer also directed x-men. all that zooming in on faces and turning and slow talking............ all too familiar.... yeah he is a good directpor for his very very young age
(amongst directors) but he did disappoint in x-men3 (so sad. tlak abotu it later)

6thly,the ending was perfect.. superman lives, his girl loves him, his has an 'heir', and all is well... even Lex survived. nah he wont be dying too soon...

rating......... 20/10 hahahahhahahha

Friday, July 07, 2006

family blues 2

i sometimes, find myself on the verge of crying but i dont. i stop, i control, and i tell myself it's no use to cry. i did that just now when i spoke to my grandma. i'd never thought i'd say this, but i really miss her. i said that 'i'd never thought i'd said this..", it's becoz, i'm brought up, so used to being away from my family. that missing my family isn't really part of me, it isn't ning.

i guess my up-bring was harsh, btu it made me strong. sometimes, i also wonder if i'm putting on a strong front sometimes. but of course, no one is strong 24-7. in fact, i'm quite proud that i'm this strong. that i dont have to relay on people for emotional support all the time, that i wont die if i dont have a bf, that i dont feel lonely when i'm alone anymore. in fact... i really dislike it when people suggest to me that i should get a bf. like for what? i'm not desperate, and i'm not reliant! i like my freedom and i love myself and my life the way i want it. and most of all, i dont NEED one.

just listening to me grandmother nagging away on the phone with me and repeating a few stuff that she's already said, just brought back memories.

perhaps i do miss the times when i rot away in singapore, playing my sims game, escaping reality, that everything goes my way like in the sims world. then again becoz of this game, i haven accomplished much in my singapore holidays...

still.. its nice to have this game around... perhaps that will be my goal after i'm done with driving..

Results day

freaking scary day.... imagine having to check 7 exam results after 10 papers.... OMG when i opened the webpage yesterday at about noon. i saw all P, H3, 1 H2b and i was quite relief. but what's this? my pathology results weren't out yet. then i found out thaat they weren't processed yet. oh my goodness.., path is the subject i was most afraid about! it was the only paper that i couldn't really do.

as in... i know, after i done a paper, whether i will pass anot. and i could definitely feel that path was bad.... during the paper, i left about 50 mins early coz i simply had nothing else to write anymore!

after on i learnt from mei that results will be given in results history if we order it online. so i did. and i spend the next hour or so there refreshing my e-mail account. i just couldn't go for dance without knowing it.

oh my goodness.. then it came... i opened the email and i scrolled down looking for a N. and there was none.. i had a P for path, i scraped thru! 53% that was sooooo lucky!!


sigh.. on a sadder note, my face is getting from bad to wrost. it's neko i believe. she keeps sitting on my pillow. my pimles on my forhead are not going away. it's so scary....

i consider my good skin my number one asset and now it's gone. sigh..

perhaps i better use srtonger products and chn age my pillow case every 2 days.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

please please please please please

the tension is unbearable.. please please let me pass path. i dont mind having bad luck today just let me have path passed pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

i dont wanna retake, most of all, i dont wanna retain!!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

driving 101

Hee hee hee...

just wish to express my happiness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i finally got a date for my learners!!!!! (driving)

phew... after all those years of procrastinating(am i spelling this right?). i just got more and more afraid of going to learn it. so when i walked into the office and told the lady i was 'clueless' she explained everything to me so nicely. well i was abit lost halfway but i think i gettit...

so my test is next tuesday! hahahaha... ning please pass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 03, 2006

weight issues 4

i'm just sick and tired of telling people who are not unhealthily fat, that they are not fat.

seriously... what has the world become? or at least, what has singapore become???

to be my size is to be FAT in singapore. to be my size in aus is to be slim and hot. it's just the stupid asian mentality that skinny girls are cool and all that. it's making people upset. it's making people diet whent hey dont have too, when they dont need to!

carbs carbs carbs, fat fat fat... shitheads... once and for all, carbohydrates are NOT FATTENING!!!!!!!!!! it will add on to your weight if you eat too much, but too little of it will put your body in starvation mode and your body will store more fats in the end!

protein protein protein diet... another stupid myth. proteins builds muscles. it doesn't make you fat, nor doea it make u skinny. it builds muscles. fullstop!

why has everyone forgotten the basic pyramid we all learnt in kindergarden???? the one with vegeis and fruits at the bottom, where we should eat most, followed by carbs, followed by protein, then fat, then sweets etc???

and clearly... every one who complained about being fat to me, are taller than me or lighter than me, or both.


even neko loves the pillow!

OKie... settled my admin stuff and my house and my shoes(for repair) finally....

noe i gotta choreograph, learnt to drive (super impt, keep badgering me!), settle internet, learn spanish (try lah.... i have this cd rom)

sigh... feels odd now that sch's out. but i have to enjoy it! only 3 weeks left!!!!

okie, this is a cute pillow ade and andrea sent over from singapore for me for my b-day. so so so so cute! muacks. i received it the morning before i went to the farm. i was so touched. coz it was the 'sliver lining' on the cloud that day. yeah, i was feeling kinda sad that i had to go to the farm..

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Some photos....

The 'family', shwee, rosie, me, Addy.

This is boisson, the famly farm dog. he's just sooooooooooooooo adorable!!!!!

This is just one of the 5 herds of cattle he has. the one at the front with the patch of prange curly fur on her forehead is Perier. she's just soooooooooo stupid-cute!!!! coz she was once a housepet. then later on the owners dont want her, so they passed her to Addy. so everytime a human walks up, she goes up to them while the other cattle run away. expecting a pat and an apple. heee.. she's soooo cute!!!!!
Imagine driving thru this everyday.... peaceful and refreshing...

Imagine living next to this unspoilt beach everyday.... this is just ine part of it. there's another part along the strectch that has sand... wooooooo

We went up to nobbies creak?(not sure). it was sooooooooooooo windy i had to tale my hat off!!!

Saturday, July 01, 2006


Day 1 (25th June 2006)

Arrived at Philip Island today at about 6 pm. Yeah we started the journey late, that’s why. We initially had trouble finding the place but we eventually found it. It was an endless narrow road lined with tall tall tall trees. It was like the trees unfolded themselves for us.

I was actually very sad yesterday. I had to face the fact that I was going to a place far away when I just finished my exam. I mean, I didn’t even have time to breathe after my 10 exam nightmare and now I have to leave. I’m just so going to miss out on so much fun within that first week of school holidays, and most of all, I’m going to miss dearest darling Neko. That poor kitty is so going to miss me. I bet she’s sleeping on my underwear drawer again. I haven’t been one night from her before, and I’m so worried that she’ll feel lonely and all that. Lucky I found some nice ppl to look after her, and they stay around the block too. So it’s pretty convenient for them as well.

Well, we placed our stuff at the farmer’s place first before proceeding to shwee’s relative’s restaurant to eat. Whao, the farmer’s name was Addi, and he has an Indian wife, Rosie. And they have one of the most beautiful houses I have ever entered in my life. it was beautifully, warmly decorated. Our room had 2 queen sized beds and our own toilet. This was a farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr cry from maffra, where I did my milk farm work.

Then we went to shwee’s auntie’s restaurant. Shwee has so many relatives there. Lucky girl! I felt a little bit like a leech there. Coz I was eating their food and yet I wasn’t really talking to them. Well they all spoke Cantonese or Chinese and both my languages suck! Its times like this that I really wished I made the effort to learn Cantonese from my grandma.

And speaking of my grandma… I drank this Cantonese soup they cooked just now and it tasted just like how my grandma cooked it. awwwwww I miss her so much. I really wish I could go back to Singapore now. But I have to be reasonable. I would do nothing there! I might as well spend my time here learning how to drive and dancing…

Well. Time for work tomorrow. And we only have to wake up at about 8! Hahahahahahah. We had to be up by 5 at maffra. This is just like a holiday! =)

Day 2

Okie, this will be quick coz I’m typing this on day 3 actually…

We woke up at 8.15am on our first day of work. And we had a hot drink in the morning before proceeding to work. Basically, there’s nothing much to do on this cattle farm. First we went to the shed where Addy released the smaller chickens and gave them some food. Then we went around checking all the cattle paddocks. We chased some cattle from one paddock to another and fed some cattle some hay in another shed, and 3 small calves some green stuff… I think it was dried oat or something. But it smelt good, like the alfalfa I buy for my rabbits in the past.

We then went throughout the farm, opening and closing gates to check on the cattle. Making sure everyone of them followed the herd. Then we went back for lunch. Shwee and I drove to the city and we had our own lunch. We sat at the beautiful beach (up where the grass is) and I just closed my eyes to sleep… it was so peaceful… if only another person was here. I mean, I really appreciate shwee’s family letting me est their restaurant food and all that but I’m really very paisei. As in, deep down inside me I kinda feel that the owner, shwee's aunt, is not very willing to give me food. I mean, just look at her face. Her mouth is turned down all the time. No smiles no nothing, and she hasn’t said one nice thing to me yet. I’d really rather go out to eat while shwee dines in her auntie’s restaurant.

Sigh… right now she’s at her aunt’s restaurant and I’m so glad I agreed not to go. It’ll be too painful for me to watch them talk in Cantonese and laugh all day long while I’m sitting there, half wondering what they are talking about and half laughing about some things they’re said that I’ve understand but 100% feel awkward and unwelcome.

Sigh... this is only Wednesday.

Anyway, after lunch, we went back to there farm where we followed addy to a broken fence to fix it. And for once I felt helpful being around. I offered to cross under the fence to collect the broken pieces of concrete when he had difficulty bending down.

Later Addy showed us his olive plantation. Man, this guys is absolutely self sufficient. And he tells me and shwee that all the “fresh” stuff at the supermarket are at least 1 year old. Ahahaha, I find that hard to believe but yeah, it could very well be true.

Then we went home at about 5, bathed, and went to her aunt’s restaurant for dinner again. Lucky she didn’t want to eat dinner with her family at night. I mean, they eat at 9pm, that’s the time we should be sleeping. Also, I feel sooooooooo uncomfortable there. Just wish I could melt and disappear into thin air when I’m these kinds of situations.

We went back ta about 8.15pm, changed and watch a few MTVs, then half of dirty dancing Havana nights.

Day 3

OMG it’s only day 3. To be honest, it’s not the farm that’s killing me now; it’s the thought of going to her auntie’s restaurant. I hate to feel awkward. And besides, all they called me is “ni de pend you” as in “your fren” they never speak to me directly.

We started work very late today coz Addy returned from his first round late. Then we had to wait somemore coz Addy and Rosie needed to do some administrative work. We left the house at about 10 plus. We went to the work shop at the shed and watched him make some hinges. It was fun to bump around there. I choreographed 2 eights there. hahahhaha.

Then we went back from lunch. Hmmm… Rosie cooked curry today. It was pretty hot for me but I really wanted to show them how thankful and appreciative I was so I ate as much as I could. We even had basmati rice with it. hahaha, and Addy could eat spicer stuff than me. I’m such a loser for an Asian. (in terms of eating spicy stuff lah!)

Then we bumped around in the house again. It was such a cold day that even Addy said that he wasn’t going to do much work today. He was just going make the hinges. So we stayed at home. Hahaha, we didn’t even open and close gates today. (well, that’s what we felt we were doing all the time anyway. Hahahha)

Then we watched scary movie 3. Well I continued to watch the whole thing. Shwee wanted to go to her aunt’s place to find them. And I decided to stay here by myself. Maybe I should go out and talk to Rosie. I can tell they’re very lonely people. I dunnoe if Addy has any children but there certainly are no photos of them if they ever existed.

I know he married Rosie as his second wife. And he went all the way to Sri Lanka to find her. And I have a feeling Rosie worked in Singapore before. Well… apparently there are a lot of scandals going down here in this little town amongst all the farmers and longer staying Philip Islanders. There is this one guy to came over yesterday. He’s now married to his 4th wife. Who is from Malaysia and now cannot go back coz she’s over stayed and her passport has expired for 4 years already. This guy is not working and drinks all day, and get government grant. His 2nd and 3rd wife he sponsored from figi divorced him and his 3rd wife even had a child with him. Today this lady, her husband and their grandkid with a stuck up face came to visit Addy during lunch. Rosie told us that she’s been married 6 times. Her 5th husband suffered a stroke not too long ago and so she left him. She’s now a grandmother to 14 kids and a great-grand-mother to 1.

Sigh… I never knew farmers had this sort of shit too. And how shameless can this people get?

Friday faster come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Day 4

Wednesday… only? Oh well, it wasn’t a bad day. We didn’t do anything much as usual. Hahaha… we woke up at a record of 8.45 today!!!! And guess what, Rosie made some lovely pancakes for breakfast. Whao, they were the best pancakes I have ever tasted in my life. It was just so full of that delicious eggie flavour. I could even eat it on its own. We ate it with maple syrup and butter, and I even tried it with some of Rosie’s homemade marmalade. Well the marmalade wasn’t too bad. It was just a bit bitter for me. But hmmm… the pancakes were fantastic!

Today we just lifted 5 bales of hay to 5 paddocks, and then went around looking for a lost dog. We even met the Philip island fox hunters. Yeah, that was that dog that was lost. It was a cute blood hound. They went around Addy’s farm to hunt the fox with about 6 hounds. We rode our buggi and went to look for them, Addy wanted to tell them where he dog was, but by the time we got there, they already found the dog. Well that’s good for them (I’m starting to sound like Addy himself). Anyway, Addy stopped to speak to the hunter for a while. The hunter was holding a shotgun and as he spoke to us, he held his gun behind him. But that still didn’t hide the fact that he was a killer.

It just really surprised me that Australia would still resorts to this sort of hunting methods to get rid of their foxes. Surely there are other more less cruel ways? It seems to me that everything foreign or not originally from Australia is considered a nuisance. And it doesn’t matter what they do to these animals. They can stuff them and turn them into souvenirs or kill them for lab experiments like the frogs, or hunt them brutally like these foxes, or simply not treat them when they are injured and brought into vet clinics, like some possums.

I asked Addy if they selectively kill the foxes. Like kill only males and not mothers and young ones, and he said no. Well anyway, the british people claim to do that when they fox hunt. Anyhow, to me, it doesn’t matter if you selectively kill of just kill, you are still killing them cruelly and it’s down right wrong. (shit… I really am starting to sound like Addy) some of my fellow vet students from Britain actually still fox hunt. It’s just rubbish! How can they even be vets? Shitheads…

After that, we came home for some rest then shwee and I went out to the town for lunch with her mum in her other aunt’s restaurant. This auntie is a godsister of shwee’s mum. And she’s a whole lot nicer. They even greeted me. So I ate happily and not guiltily. Then we walked around the shops. I bought some natural lip balm and it feels great and smells great on my lips. And then we bought some ice cream for them, so that they can eat it with pancakes. Haha, then we went out with Addy to try to get a chainsaw back form his fren on another farm. Unfortunately, he wasn’t a home. So we went back empty handed.

Haha, we went back home to do nothing again! We ate some pancakes with ice cream for tea, and then I went to shower and arrange some of my photos on my computer while we waited for dinner. Then we ate some fried rice Rosie cooked, and then watched some TV that really stirred up my feelings. Yeah, it was about misogyny. You know how I hate this sort of stuff. plus racism and cruelty to animals and the environment. Okie, shall talk about them some other time.

The warm TV room plus the smell of the wood fire just made me and shwee so sleepy. And it was only 9.30!!!! We retired to our rooms and so I’m typing this now.

Overall, the farm is pretty cool. I mean, Addy doesn’t have any viruses or bugs (except lice) troubling him. Coz it’s just too cold for any mosquitoes to spread arboviruses, too cold for ticks, no fleas, only some small worm problems. (We’re going to do drenching tmr if the weather permits)

Sigh… at dinner, while shwee and I were helping them wash up, Rosie said “you 2 are like his children to him, coz you follow him around and keep him company” whao… I felt so so so so touched. I so know what it’s like to be lonely. And I just can’t bear to see these good hearted people feel lonely. Especially Addy. He’s just so kind and so frenly and so warm. He’s also very un-australian. In fact he reckons the English and Yankees and Australians are rubbish stupid people “sometimes” hahhaha.. what he means of course is the bad things that they do.

Till this point, I’m pretty convinced that Addy doesn’t have children. And my heart just aches to think of him feeling lonely. I dunnoe if he longs to have children and I will never know. But I really hope he lives a good happy life no matter what.

And I really miss Neko too…

Day 5

Woohoo… 2nd last day! Today, so far, was th hardest work of all. And guess what it was… Gardening… yup. It was a lovely day. The sun was shining and it was warm and sunny. The wind was still terribly cold though. We helped Addy oil the hinges and bolts and what not at the cattle crush (for animal idiots, it is a place where cattle are held for inspection, application of medicine etc) in the morning. Then we went out for lunch at shwee’s aunt’s place again (the one who’s not very nice). And for the first time, some of the other relatives talked to me abit. One of them even made fun of me in a non-offensive way. I mean, which would you rather. For them to ignore you for make fun of you? It was nice to sit there for the first time. I didn’t feel too awkward.

Then we went back to the farm early to do some gardening with Rosie since there was nothing to do on the farm already. My goodness… I felt as though I pulled 3 wheelbarrows of weeds but the garden still looked weedy. Oh… did I mention that they had their own bees? Yeah... natural honey, and it tasted so damn GOOD. Anyway, Shwee and I though it was the hardest work so far. And we couldn’t stop laughing about it. I mean… we’re gardening, not doing farm work, and it was harder work. Ahhahahaha

Rosie made some delicious ice coffee for a pre-dinner drink. My my my… hmmmmmmmm thinking of it just makes me drool. She’s a damn good cook!

We went back to our rooms to retire and clean up. Then I went out to see if rosie needed help with dinner. Hmmmm… my nose nearly lead me up in the air. The aromatic smell of whatever she cooked was making me tear. It was baked pasta. But her’s was so good. I don’t know why… we even had some red wine for dinner. Hmmm... Fabulous. I ate so much pasta my tummy bloated up so much I think it protruded more than my boobs.

Then we chatted till it was 10, then we went to bed. And before that. Rose said it again… “we’re gonna miss you when u leave” oh it just tears me up to see these beautiful people sad… clearly, money isn’t everything…

And btw, we learnt that rosie is a rich business women from sri lanka and has traveled the world man… Addy’s ex-wife died of cancer. (I sort of guess it right… coz in the book shelf. There were ao many many books on cooking, traveling, farming but just one odd book about ‘how to fight cancer’) Addy lived for a year alone when his ex-wife died and he was really skinny and sad… my heart bleeds for him

Day 6

friday... at last! sigh... it feels weird to leave unhappily, but i'm kinda 60% sad, 40% happy. coz i know they are so going to miss us. i hope they adopt someday. anywayz, we did drenching today. was really dusty. and 2 of Addy's frens came to help. one of them actually asked us "so which part of china are you from" FUCK! i nearly fainted...

to them, all yellow skined people are from china...

anywayz, we had lunch, then packed our stuff and left. it was hard to say goodbye. hahahaha, in maffra i couldn't wait to leave! sigh... i promise to send them pictures. hope it'll make them happier maybe?

instead of leaving immediately, we went to the rest to pick up shwee's mom. then the mean auntie was there as usual... sheesh... she's really nasty.. shall not spoil my mood by typing them out.

yeah, then we stopped over at shwee's place to pick ur her brother. then they sent me home. (thanks!)

what a week.... this is no doubt the most enjoyablle farm trip ever! they kept telling us to come back whenever we can. yeah sure. i'll bring ni along too. she can do her farm work there. if she makes it to vet that is.

okie okie.. here's a free add for the nice farmers... if you're looking for beautiful accommodation for your stay on philip island during the summer, go stay there!!!!! they have 3 rooms, 120, 130, 150 a night. and Rosie will cook breakfast for you! AU NATURAL from the garden and farm!!!!! honey, herbs, eggs, apples, pear, etc etc...
