Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Sunday, July 30, 2006


WHat a week for me... 4 birthdays, 3 parties/get togethers, and more homework...

ah! i must get well soon, this cough is not going away, as with my pimples, but my pimples dont matter in camp, it's the cough! i dont wanna be a chef who coughs into the food.. i really tried to rest mreo, i;ve been sleeping at 12-1am, if time permits. you see, how can a sick whale recover when she keeps swimming into stay-up-late parties? lucky last night was the last for this week and next before camp. hoepfully i can recover by then.

yesterday i watched porcelain, an abstract play by crunhc, the creative arts sch of melb uni. it was my first time watching such abstract stuff and i'm pretty proud of myself to learn that i actaully understood most parts. it was about the emotions and experiences of abortion on the couple and on the baby. and my goodness, the actors/actresses were brilliant!

suzz's party was cool, too bad we were all mostly dead when we got to her house. esp me, i wasn't feeling too well, and i kept myself away from most of the games, i wanted to recover soon so i didn;t want to 'expend' energy.ahh, didn't worl, i woke up coughing like crazy again. but it's okie, happy 21st suzz!!

siaowen's party was cool too. but i wasn't in a very good mood at the start. miss my prac coz i forgot to bring the book, got lost, litlle things u know, that make your day worst coz it keeps happening one after the other.

finally it's sunday, and i can rest!!!!!!!!! and do my homework of course,, i better buck up...

oh... and i'm STILL sleeping in lectures.. damn... must bring green tea to school tmr..


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