Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Monday, July 03, 2006

weight issues 4

i'm just sick and tired of telling people who are not unhealthily fat, that they are not fat.

seriously... what has the world become? or at least, what has singapore become???

to be my size is to be FAT in singapore. to be my size in aus is to be slim and hot. it's just the stupid asian mentality that skinny girls are cool and all that. it's making people upset. it's making people diet whent hey dont have too, when they dont need to!

carbs carbs carbs, fat fat fat... shitheads... once and for all, carbohydrates are NOT FATTENING!!!!!!!!!! it will add on to your weight if you eat too much, but too little of it will put your body in starvation mode and your body will store more fats in the end!

protein protein protein diet... another stupid myth. proteins builds muscles. it doesn't make you fat, nor doea it make u skinny. it builds muscles. fullstop!

why has everyone forgotten the basic pyramid we all learnt in kindergarden???? the one with vegeis and fruits at the bottom, where we should eat most, followed by carbs, followed by protein, then fat, then sweets etc???

and clearly... every one who complained about being fat to me, are taller than me or lighter than me, or both.



  • At 10:21 AM , Blogger joonwin said...

    diet theories change all the time. there's some truth in everything, but u're right.


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