Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

acute flu?

is there even such a thing? i felt fine and healthy yesterday and i even taught jazz/hip hop for flaredance. then when i returned home, i felt giggy and very tired.. which i very unusual becoz no matter how tired i am, no matter how long my day is, i still have the energy at night to do my work. so i slept early (12.18).

sleep wasn't good.. i felt cold and hot at the same time, i was cold sweating yet i felt so warm. i knew i had a fever and my throat hurt really bad. i just couldn't wake up to go to school. so i decided to skip my first lessons or prac. anywayz, i can do them on my own. they are computer slides anyway.. my uncomfortable sleep improved slightly when i woke up to pee and eat 1 panadol tablet..

butwhen i woke up at 12 noon. my head was still spinning and i thought to myself.. goodness, i've never felt this sick in ages! my cousin came back from school to touch my forehead and said that it was very warm, indicating i was running a fever. well, i told her it was alot warmer this mroning.. i feel better already. so i decided to skip my whole day of sch.. woohoo!

no honestly... i would rather go to sch than be sick. i remmeber when i was a kid, i would rejoyce over the fact that i'm sick and so i dont need to go to sch. but when i was in secondary 1, i feel seriously ill a few times and skipped so much sch, it wasn't fun anymore.. i had asthma, twice, i had chicken pox, and i had badddd cramps..

but i feel blessed now. previosuly when i was sick here. i never had family of a housemate to take care of me. but my cousin just said "want me to cook porridge for u?"

i was like.. "whao.." in my head.. hahaha.. feels good to have family here finally. =)

really hope i get well soon man..

Monday, March 27, 2006

it's time to change..

it's time to change..

change my studying plan. it's out of date. it has not changed since secondary sch. now with 10 times more work. it must change.

the pathology test was bad.. bad bad BADDDDDDDDDDD. in fact, i have a very horrible feeling about this year's exams. it's going to be so so so so horrible.

i must change the way i study. i must become more efficient, more smart, more clever, i must push myself and not be lazy, i must read carefully and remember stuff in lectures instead of trying to remember them later. it's just much too many things to remember at the last min.

but am i not NERD enough? how much work does this vet course expect me to bloody do? is that why 90% of the ppl in my course have no lives but study? no! i dont wanna be like them! i wanna have my life, my social circle, my dance club, my frenz!!

i just hope i can PASS my exams. that's all i ask of u...

stupid quizz

stupid quizz.. what kind of f**king quizz was that? more like a freaking hard test!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

so silly of me

so silly of me to even feel that way for a second.. i shall never doubt myself anymore! (i hope)

anywayz, i watched tristan and isolode today with my cousin., not sure if i got the spelling of the names right, but yeah, it was quite a good show. i wasn't very keen on watching it at first. after all, i know these type of shows make ppl cry, emotional, that endings are not that happy and you can't laugh all the way, all in all, just not my kind of show.

anywayz, the movie was good. kept me at the edge of my sit thru-out. only thing though, the guy died!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why why why???? so irritating right!! just like the movie troy... sigh.. there is really no such thing as a happy ending is there?

alright,. gotta sleep... must get my beauty sleep!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

grooming urself is good therapy

things did not go all well today. heard some stuff i'm not very keen on hearing but still did. flare has some problems with fishnet dancers also...

then i looked in the mirror, and thought... hmmm, my eyebrows are out of shape. so i started to pluck and shape them. then i looked at my skin on my body. hmm, they look like they need some good brushing and moisturising. so i did. then i looked at my face, and realise that there were many spots there that weren't there before. so i steamed my face, squeezed out the yucky black heads, then put on a cooling madarine clay face mask. i've even decided to sleep early today. *wink

i feel better. coz i feel that i've pampered myself...

now i need to catch up on my work...

what's love?

was reading my fren's blog, alot of it was about relationships, boyfrens, perfect guys and stuff..

i couldn't help that find her passion and her belief in love AMAZING.

well, you all know how pessimistic i am about stuff like that. bad experience, bad boys, all adds up. in fact after studying so much biology and watching so many nature programs, i fell that mother nature's reason for us to love is to reproduce. yes. to solely reproduce.

i've been studying alot about ticks, fleas and other parasitic organisms and their lifestyles, and seriously, all they do in their lives, is to eat, grow then mate and reproduce.

if this is really what life is about, then why do we love? according to books and programs i've read and watched, we love in order to keep the relationship alive. this relationship we all call 'love' is the key to keeping couples together, long enough to reproduce young.

do ticks, fleas and lice love? maybe.. maybe not..

all in alll, humans are too complex to understand why we love. we just do.

but stubborn old me is still pessimistic about it. =p

i miss...

was looking through flare's 2005 and 2004 pictures online.....

i miss the old flare members so much... support... where are u all???


we started out with so much bad stuff, like how the nightmarket got canceled...

hopefully things will chnage for the better.. it's onli the start...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

i shall keep my mouth shut!

next time, anything abotu my family, i must remind myself to keep my bloody mouth shut!

seriously, no secret is safe with them. nothing is undisclosed information in my family. every little crap you say will go one whole big round and come back to the person u've tried to hide the information from so dearly.

-no! i did not tell guma to tell ks to not be so petty!
-no! i did not tell ks that my mom's car did not have space in the bloody car to put stuff!
-no! i did not YELL at ryan and not love him! as naughty and as one irritating little brat he can be he is still my cousin and i do love him!
-no! mummy j did not involve the children in adult stuff! we all just listened thru closed doors! u think after living 21 years with cantonese ppl, i cannot understand simple words meh?

alright, whatever is it, i must make it up. i know they dote on me alot and i will undo what others have done.


Monday, March 20, 2006

my house-warming party was hot

hahahhaha.. it was great! great food, great music, great friends! at first i thought my house wouldn't be able to fit so many ppl in. but thank goodness ni let me use her room! (thanks ni!!!)

the food was so so so good, a lot of ppl ate till they could explode! haha grace sat in a corner going"i'm so full, i'm so full" and am was like "i'm so full!!! but i'm still going!" and takes another spoonful of pudding.

thanks am for the classic tiramisu... thanks pris for the cannot-get-enough-of oreo ice cream cake, shwee's successfull beehoon, lesley and jia's curry puffs, grace's and vinh's drinks, sherleen's delicious shephards pie, queenie's jelly, jean's lemon mouth-watering tarts, kel's (kel's mum rather... =p) lormaikai, cindy and siaowen's pasta, jel's beautiful sandwiches, derrick's chick tangy thingy, sharlene's cute eggs with stuffings, joon's minimuffins, and so many other i cannot remember!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

great stuff!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

so many parties

really! i have so so so so many parties recently. they are all birthday parties! i had 2 last week, i'm going to have 2 this week plus my house warming party. asides all the parties, i also have all the flare and non-flare gatherings. whao! so happening.

but i really need time to do my work also man.... so i do it at night.. but then i can't keep awake in lectures. so i'd rather sleep(right....) then do it at weekends.

anywayz, it was so funny today, i was late(as usual) on my way to sch on tram 59 when the tram stoped at queen vic market. suddenly this girl(blonde hair, obviously local) asked me if this tram turned left or went striaght to flemmington road.

i thoughed for a while and remember the tram alwayed turned left. so i said it turned left. then she got down the tram. then the doors closed and guess what, the tram went striaght. then i suddenly remembered that this tram does go to flemmington and it turns left only later.. "damn" i thought. the tram stopped at the next stop not far down the road and at that point i prayed that the tram stop would quickly close and move on in case that girl run up to this tram to yell at me for giving her the wrong directions. =p

directions.. anyone who asks me about directions on the wrong is doomed to get lost for sure. i'm prob the type of person vihn discribes as one who shouts "turn left" then points to the right.

just the other day this couple, i think they were tourist from some medditeranian country. the guy asked me "does this tram stop go to the city? or is there a direct tram to ??? zoo" zoo?? i thought, is there even a zoo nearby? so i looked at him with a blank expression. then suddenly the lady goes "zoo? where? zoo? animals? where? how?" like i was so uneducated girl who doesn't know english. she was actually quite rude, so i went " i dont know where the zoo is but i know any tram here goes to the city" in my most fluent english with a little aussie accent ever! but the lady just looked away and walked on with her guy. so rude right.. damn these tourists...

sometimes i find it sooooooo funny when locals or other ppl think that all asians come from china, or that we all speak chinese at home, that we dont know english that well etc etc, it just shows how shallow they can be. well of course not all of them are like that. but i seriously got this qns once in my rad class! "ning, are your parents from china?" OMG, i could have fainted with my face right in the bloody brachial plexus(set of nerves) of the dog! ppl can be so ignorant sometimes...

no i'm not saying that asians are not ignorant too. i suppose different cultures are ignorant to different things. eg? asian are ignorant to animal and environmental health and care and preservation. sad but true. this prob one of my top life time achievement wants.

okie, gtg sleep... night!

Friday, March 10, 2006


5 essays all done and printed!

now for the weekend! 3 parties to attend! and 2 shopping sprees(sort of)
not forgeting cooking up a delicious meal!


Thursday, March 09, 2006

i should really relax!

i feel so tensed up. i keep thinking that i have hell alot of work to do but when i sit down and do it, it's not really alot..

-i finished my 5 essys due this friday. printed out 4 of them, editing the 5th, printing out tmr.
-in lectures, i understood anatomy, physiology, a bit of pharmacology, parasitology, pathology, a little of AHM, and my last subject VPS is just a project due end of this semester...
-i borrows a pharmacology book immediately after i didn't understand that lecture. (what a nerd.) and i've been trying to read it... in fact i'm planning of photocopying that particular page.

i really should try to relax man...

but i think the reason why i'm so uptight is coz, last year i was totally unprepared for my subjects. i didn't understand everything and my first anatomy prac just made me feel like quiting uni vet course. see-rye-ious!

hmm to be competent or not?

guess it's okie to be a COOL NERD. haha

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

hahahahahhahaha.. true or false??

Dating StrengthsDating Weaknesses
1. Appearance - 100%
2. Generosity - 73.3%
3. Kindness - 72.7%
4. Financial Situation - 61.5%
5. Spirituality - 61.5%
1. Vanity - 83.3%
2. Temper - 50%

Dating Strengths Explained
Appearance - Despite what some will say, appearance matters in dating. You get high marks on appearance. Just make sure you balance it out with other qualities.
Generosity - You are a giving person by nature. Others will see this quality in you and recognize your kind nature. Take care not to let others take advantage of you.
Kindness - You treat other people with empathy and goodwill. This positive trait helps you stand out and draw people into your warmth.
Financial Situation - You've got your financial situation under control, which is a very desirable quality. Be careful to avoid guys who are only interested in your money.
Spirituality - Your spiritual side brings you peace and balance, and keeps you grounded. This is attractive, as you can help reinforce this quality in other people.
Dating Weaknesses Explained
Vanity - Learn to put a lower priority on looks. Appearance is, of course, important, but vanity is undesireable. The only people you will attract are the superficial.
Temper - You need to work on controlling your temper. Don't let your anger get the best of you. A calm and rational persona is important when dating.
Take the Dating Strengths and Weaknesses Quiz

i'm one big kan-chiong chabor

seriously.. its only tuesday of the 2nd week and i feel that i need to work harder already. i need to keep up with my dance practises and meeting and organisations and events. i need to keep up with my never ending school work which i have learnt that if i ever stop, i will just drown in upcoming homework. i need to keep up with so many parties this week. i need to keep up with my new housemate, my cousin junni, make sure she's okie and stuff. i need to keep up with my househols chores, i still also need to buy more stuff. and finally, i need to keep up with my new cat Neko. (that adorable little black fluff whom i can't keep to keep my hands and eyes off)

kind of reminds me of the song i danced to last year.. "can you keep up?"

arghhhh sure i can.. (i hope) haha, sher told me to relax a little or else, i wont be able to even breath in mid sem, which is true. perhaps i shouldn't be too uptight about all these things. then again, after my 5 essays are due and done this friday, i'll have so much more freetime. maybe tese essays are the reason why i feel i need to keep up with so many things coz they've been taking quite a bit of my time...

haha.. oh well.. whatever. i love Neko (that rascal clawed 4 holes in my jacket...)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

CS did it again!

congrats!! college square did it again!

today i reeived my bond month from them and here was what they charged me:

$4 for globes
$110 for cleaning
$130.90 for dry cleaning
$147.40 for patch and paint
$15 for matress protector
$11.80 for telephone

a total of $418.38, thus leaving me and bond with $566.26

wow.. so nice them right? and i though priscilla's aprtment manager was so mean to charge her $20 for carpet, $20 for window, $20 for the wall etc etc.. and you know what the best part is? when i first moved into the apartment, my carpet nor the entire area wasn't cleaned at all. my lights weren't working too so i had to pay for new globes!

they are so kind... (i'm being sarcastic duh! bloodsuckers! rot in hell!)

Monday, March 06, 2006

as promised

yes, here's my really LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG entry as bugged by alot of you. ahhaha well, to cut the long story short... my absence in january was simply coz i had nothing much to write about, and my absence since i got back here was becoz i was BUSY!

yes, busy busy busy.. with my new house, new environment and not to mention new company. most of you would know that i'm staying with my cousin now, Junni (i always call her ni..) and ever since ni, my aunt(ni's mom) and i arrive back in melbourne (well i arrived back, but they came.. =p) we're been busy setting the my new apartemnt.

it's concept blue, and it's on the 19th floor!!! OMG, its the highest i've ever stayed! haha i mean, i did go to fren's houses on the 25th floor and stayed overnight kind of thing but never did i live on a 19th floor apartment before! like in singapore, i was only on the 2nd story. and last year in college square, i was living on da first floor! but hey, living on the 19th floor doesn't mean i'm not down to earth! =p

my new apartment is beautiful! it has a view fit for a king! i can actually see redmond-berry building of melb uni from my window. how cool is that? it's also 3 times larger than my college square pathetic room and has a heated swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna, screening room etc etc...

my aunt, ni and i spent the first day here unpacking all my stuff in the boxes and cleaning up the place. lucky i already have 2 matresses in my apartment. so we slept on it by joining the 2 matresses together. we went to ikea to look for furniture the next day but didn't buy any becoz it was kinda late when we decided. we went instead on the 3rd day (saturday, i came back on thursday morning) and had it delivered to our house on monday. whao that was when all the fixing and mechanical skills came in handy! the 3 of us fixed everything together, the tables, the chairs the sofa beds. felt so proud of myself.. heeheeehee......

by tuesday, our house was mroe or less ready. i bought my fridge from cindy who has yet to charge me, and derrick, henry, j to the win, and cindy helped me carry it over. whao i was so greatful!!! i also took more of my stuff from pk, and mou, j to the wina nd pk helped me carry it over. man! thank you all so so so so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ni bought a vacuum cleaner from harvey norman and i bought a washing machine from the good guys.

whao, i never knew setting up a house of your own was that troublesome man! i had to arrange so many 'shifting' times to move big stuff into the apartment. coz i ahve to inform the apartment ppl and they had to pad the lift etc etc,.. so ma fan! but seeing my apartment now.. in such an awesome state.. it was all worth it!

the next few days, i spend my time bringing my aunt and cousin around and my aunt introduced me and ni to some of her frens here. they took us to eat at alot of places. how nice are they? (they also called this mornignt o ask how we were doing) i also practised for orientation dance programe. i felt so unfit! i've never danced in such a long time. and when shar asked if i could break with her, i wa a bit hesitant at first. i wasn't sure if i could really do it.. but i practised and i did!!! woohoo!! orientation, here i come!

priscilla also come over to my house to stay for few days. she loves my place. no kidding! hahah. ni's bf also came over to accompany her. he's so scrawny, i swear! my calves are definitely larger than his in diameter! that why whenever i cook, i try to push food to him! hahahahhahahaha. but my guests were all so nice. before pris left, she gave me a beautiful table cloth, an elegant serveing platter, and a knife sharperner(coz i didn't have one and never bothered to sharpen my knives..). so nice right? thanks pris!! she said it was a little house warming gift. aw....... aaron has also been helping out with household chores. he's always cleaning the rubbish for us. hahahhaha.. he's so free anyway! and he vacuumes regularly. not to mention, he's been showering ni with lots of gifts! so far, he's bought her a cat, clothes, shoes, food, sunglasses etc etc and they are all not cheap okie! he's so sweet to her.

does my house sound like some refuge for the homeless.. well kinda of.. not only did pris, my aunt and ni's bf satyed over, so did my cousin junli, who is junni's sister. she came over just last week when she received her letter of acceptance in mid feb (late right? stupid uni..) so without accommodation yet, she stayed over at our place for a while.

i suddenly realised that i have family in this continent at last! hahahha.. happy!!

anywayz, it's kinda late. i have alot more to say but everything is kinds jumbled up in my head at the moment and considering the fact that i have school tmr at nine. i shall sleep and add mroe another time.. hahhaha. (do u think my language is a bit funny? maybe coz i'm sleepy lah.. )
