Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

i shall keep my mouth shut!

next time, anything abotu my family, i must remind myself to keep my bloody mouth shut!

seriously, no secret is safe with them. nothing is undisclosed information in my family. every little crap you say will go one whole big round and come back to the person u've tried to hide the information from so dearly.

-no! i did not tell guma to tell ks to not be so petty!
-no! i did not tell ks that my mom's car did not have space in the bloody car to put stuff!
-no! i did not YELL at ryan and not love him! as naughty and as one irritating little brat he can be he is still my cousin and i do love him!
-no! mummy j did not involve the children in adult stuff! we all just listened thru closed doors! u think after living 21 years with cantonese ppl, i cannot understand simple words meh?

alright, whatever is it, i must make it up. i know they dote on me alot and i will undo what others have done.



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