Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

so many parties

really! i have so so so so many parties recently. they are all birthday parties! i had 2 last week, i'm going to have 2 this week plus my house warming party. asides all the parties, i also have all the flare and non-flare gatherings. whao! so happening.

but i really need time to do my work also man.... so i do it at night.. but then i can't keep awake in lectures. so i'd rather sleep(right....) then do it at weekends.

anywayz, it was so funny today, i was late(as usual) on my way to sch on tram 59 when the tram stoped at queen vic market. suddenly this girl(blonde hair, obviously local) asked me if this tram turned left or went striaght to flemmington road.

i thoughed for a while and remember the tram alwayed turned left. so i said it turned left. then she got down the tram. then the doors closed and guess what, the tram went striaght. then i suddenly remembered that this tram does go to flemmington and it turns left only later.. "damn" i thought. the tram stopped at the next stop not far down the road and at that point i prayed that the tram stop would quickly close and move on in case that girl run up to this tram to yell at me for giving her the wrong directions. =p

directions.. anyone who asks me about directions on the wrong is doomed to get lost for sure. i'm prob the type of person vihn discribes as one who shouts "turn left" then points to the right.

just the other day this couple, i think they were tourist from some medditeranian country. the guy asked me "does this tram stop go to the city? or is there a direct tram to ??? zoo" zoo?? i thought, is there even a zoo nearby? so i looked at him with a blank expression. then suddenly the lady goes "zoo? where? zoo? animals? where? how?" like i was so uneducated girl who doesn't know english. she was actually quite rude, so i went " i dont know where the zoo is but i know any tram here goes to the city" in my most fluent english with a little aussie accent ever! but the lady just looked away and walked on with her guy. so rude right.. damn these tourists...

sometimes i find it sooooooo funny when locals or other ppl think that all asians come from china, or that we all speak chinese at home, that we dont know english that well etc etc, it just shows how shallow they can be. well of course not all of them are like that. but i seriously got this qns once in my rad class! "ning, are your parents from china?" OMG, i could have fainted with my face right in the bloody brachial plexus(set of nerves) of the dog! ppl can be so ignorant sometimes...

no i'm not saying that asians are not ignorant too. i suppose different cultures are ignorant to different things. eg? asian are ignorant to animal and environmental health and care and preservation. sad but true. this prob one of my top life time achievement wants.

okie, gtg sleep... night!


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