Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

killer litter

Ni and I were accidental killer litters today.

No.. luckily no one got hurt. i droped a compact powder into my window gap 2 weeks ago and today finnlay bothered to retrieve it. it was th eold compact powder, easil;y 3 years old so it was long expired and deserved to be thrown out.

It was such a joke to watch 2 people using every means possible to try to get that compact powder out.

first we tried to use the get right walking stick form flare's prop collection, bu thte rubber at the end was too thick to go thru.

then i tried to use the stick, tied to a hanger. nope, was too soft.

then i used blue tack with the stick and the hanger. also no. in fact it left my bluw tack stuck at the bottom of the window together with the compact powder.

then ni used the towel hanger, she extended it and wala! it was long enough to touch the compact powder. she tired to flick the thing arond so that it's length was lying vertically and my stick will be able to reach it. but instead we opened the compact powder by accident and the sponge came out.

then i stuck tape to the towel hanger but the tape got stuck on the window instead. now we have 3 things stuck to the window. tape, compact powder and sponge.

then finally, we locked neko in my room, opened te window and used the towel hanger to move the stuff to the edge. hence exposing it the edge of the building, 19 floors down, but reachable by all the things we tried to use previously.

i used tape to stick the walking stick to stick to the powder but as ni was about to grabe it.... ....................... it fell off the stick and later. "splat". yes! we heard that splat. that was how loud it was...

we retireved the rest of the things and i hurried down to take a look.

there was a family sitting at the table where the thing landed and i asked them where it was..

"oh yeah.. 3 things right??"

"huh no.. there was only one... " hmmmmmmm the thing just broke into 3.. [DAMN]

i only managed to find the back casing of the compact powder.. dunnoe where the mirror went and God knows how many pieces it broke into.... (and hence, how many years of bad luck i'm goign to get again... shittttttttt)

but when i looked at the name of the powder.. it said... translucide...

kina sounds like suicide right?? hahahhahahhhaa

i mean, all this was an accident, but it got me thinking..... what if it fell on someone's head (that's far worst than just being unlucky) willwe be prosecuted? i eman, we didn't mean it....

killer littersssss


Ekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk wanted to write about it then realise it's daylgiht savings today!

less one hour of sleep!!!

ekkkkk better sleep soon and study now!

Friday, October 27, 2006


sometimes, i realli talk too much and i'm too striaght forward..

i should shut my trap sometimes...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

i love myself...

just wanna say.... that... 2007's committee has a lot to live up to.....


anyway... i was lookign around a few of my frens blogs and realised that i missed out on so mnay pictures and so much fun..

i wasn't in alot of pieces.. so waht was i doing?

well... brooding in corner i suppose, worrying abotu things that may go wrong etc etc..

i am just liek that. when i have a responsibility, i take it so seriously, i forgot the other part of my job, that is to enjoy the fun in it and fool around with my frenz.

hopefully, with my stepping down, i shall return to my more normal, mroe happier self...

i love myself too....

It's in the blood

I never thought junni could deliver such a good speech. at the end of it all, i was dumbfounded by her chaisma..

i never knew this girl i grew up with playing baribie dolls, dress up, play pretend, hide and seek and watched endless cartoons (tar-toons for me..)could acutally be so capabel of churning out a good speech. i mean, everytime i come home, she in her room sleeping. if she were to just cut half her sleeping time, i think she can acomplish more things..

anyways, besides that point.. i'm really proud of her. my little nini has grown up. (hahahhahaa) i actually didnd't think tha she'd make it to the committee at first coz of all the whinning she does at home to me about work etc etc. but the speech just proved everything wrong..

go ni go! go ni go! (it's in the blood.. hahahhahhaha)

i'm also proud to say that i thought XY was going to be my 'successor' all the while. in alot of ways, she's like me. we're not that good at speeches, but you know we have so much to give simply because we LOVE flare. it has given us life when we were dying of our own misery of boredem, loniness etc etc..

also proud of nessa of course.... go ness go! i have 110% faith in her...

oh, and of course jules.. she may be quiet, btu i think she has potential.. lots of it.

i actully had a VERY hard time thinking of who should be in com best.. and i thought these were the best. ahaha

as for the others.. dont fret. i men, you dont even need to be on com or sub-com to help flare out or give it all you've got..

i was thinking of jo and shar a while back ago and for all the times i've worked with them. it just never occured to me that shar is not on the com and jo is not even in sub-com. we listened to each other no matter our positions, and in fact, these position thingy is forgotten whenever we work together. (sorrie to use you ppl as examples..)

i feel happy that i've paved the way for another generation with so much mreo to give to flare. but at the same time. sad sad sad sad sad that i have to give my 'baby' up. no mroe bossing ppl around (man, i used to hate that...) no more first hand changes that i can make. in essence, no more authority...

but come on.. i'm not lee kwan yew... gotta give way to some new ppl.... and beside, they have mroe to give than me to flare next year when i have to study at werribbee... (stupid place..)

i have still yet to write about our wonderful production.. looks like i have to do that another entry...

muacks.. love all my family and frens!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

thank god for a housemate.. i still have internet access even when my stupi dcomputer is down...

i get this feeling that a computer idiot like me should get a mac instead.... no viruses, spyware what so ever,...

i want to play sims...

need to study..

okie.. shall stop grumbling ramdom nonsense..

for the past 2 days without proper internet working for me has been strange,.. i have learnt to study with m y computer on at all times... i cannot live wthout my msn on.. sure.. i concentrate a little more, bt i am deeply sadden by the fact that i cannot check things up on my fav website, aka,, whenever i come to stumble upon somthing i dunnoe in my lecture notes..

and forgive me for all he spelling mistkaes for i am not sued to my cousin's keybpard.

but, i have also learnt that i can indeed survive wihtout my computer on.. it;s time to moderate my time with the computer nd studying outide the in the living room where i am usually more ..

sources have reached to me that i am very grumpy and unhappy this year.. well yeah, and i know people ar econcerned..

well, knowing that ppl are concerned is a good enough reason for me to keep living my unlucky life as it is. i love the ppl who love me.. i mean, i know there are just some things in my life not going th way it is, and thru these few days, i have come to accpet them.. i'm sorrie if i caused a stir or caused anyone to worry, but, my previous entriess were really just whinny ones. without a speck of hapiness in it. i am not as depressed as my blog says i am. prob cause i took all the sadness out of me and put it in my blog, thats why i'm so muich happier when u see me in person.

i'm going to be happier from now on, well, at least, i'll TRY to be ahppier... knowing so many people care. =)

Monday, October 23, 2006

my computer's turn to catch a cold

FUCK........... just kena virus online.. why was i sooooooo stupid to accept that file???????????????????????????? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

have to send my bloody com to the repair shop...

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck...

just pleaseeeeeeeee dont let me los elal my precious doc and pictures...

Friday, October 20, 2006

okie.. i'm just realli emotional now, is there something worng with me?am i too grumpy now a days? am i just annoying? why do i feel that some of my frens dont realli like me? am i just sensitive? why dont they call me out too? do they just think i'm too busy? well can't they at least try? or am i just not trying hard enough? am i too domineering? do i shout too much? do i direct and boss people about too much?


sad... as always

Today was the first time i felt truely back again.. my acute illness that made me spin out of my own life... it's as though i was sleeping for 4 days.. sun-wednesday..

i can feel that some people kinda dont believe that i am that ill.. heck them lah..

today, i officially have no frenz outside flare. (except my vet frens and soem other, realli fewwwww) i saw this group of ppl i use to hang out with go out without me. that group that i thought intentionally left me out, has realli realli left me out, maybe not intentioanlly.. i'm depressed. they tried to talk to me on hte tram and when we were walking but i didn't have the mood... coz i was too shocked, trying to absorb it all in at one go. plus the fact that i was dead tired after production.

suddenly i find myself back in 2004.. i hate ot admit it, but i dont have realli realli close frens other than my family here. even my family i snot that close. i am alone.. as always.

production's 1st day was good. but i could have done better.. it it truely different to in only in a few pieces.. kinda feel left out alot of times... but i'm sure there are other in worst situations than me.. my schedule for the dances suck.. (see.. my bad luck never ends) i have nothing int he first half, then everything, almost back to back after... WTF...

but we're sold out 3 nights! wooho.. my inspirational email turned scary email worked!!!!! i think...

i'm just going to die in the next few weeks trying to study for my 8 exams and my 2 tests next week.. does anyone want to be me for just one day? to be unlucky and all? bet my toes off, NO...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Anther whinny note

sigh. i am sick.. again..

the late nights and insufficient sleep plus overwork has taken it's toll....

of all weeks, i have to be sick now, and today as well..

i have a test tmr that i only started studying today and i'm screwed as usual...

but i must try.............................. i'm not going to give up without a fight!

Friday, October 13, 2006

left out

Got left out of 2 groups of frens today, one was not intentional, one probably is..


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

horrible wednesdays


Bad luck bad luck please go away.......

for the 2nd wed this moth, i've been disturbed by phone callsf rom my agent. not just phone calls, it's freaking TWENTY calls!! during my cattle lesson in werribee...

and when i called back urgently.. "who is junni?" was the qns all they had to ask..


okie okie, i know, it's 10am in the morning, as ppl are asleep/working, but ELLO>> you're forgetting some people have SCHOOL!!!!!!! and no, not just lectures, LESSONS!!!!, PRACTICALS!!!

ahhhh asides this, junni also called to tell me that the leak DID coem from our house washing machine and thus we have to pay for the damage..

oooooooooooooo 'how can things get any worst?' you think..

well it did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my afternoon post mortem pac lasted from 2pm to 6pm!! hence, makign me miss my dance class, hence, amking me nto able to pratcise chnaging, hence denying junnit he innocent one from practising in her costume and shoes coz i was suppose to bring it to her and so on..

but the best part was.. that the prac lasted till 5pm initally, but some SUPID STUDENTS.. okie, i admit, some NICE< but terrible STUPID students, wanted to make a demonstration fo their specimen, NO, nto just any other specimen, NORMAL speciements, mostly all perfectly nromal..

"this dog died of a broken heart.." HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA.. it's NOT FUNNY when it's 5.40pm and that my brain is frying up coz of the whoel smell of the room and the time we're been int here!!! plus the amount of things we have to take into our heads!!!!!!

PLUS! my lecture, had to go on and on and on about some other stuff that she took so freaking long to explain!! WHY IS PATHOLOGY SO FREAKING LONG WINDED?! OOOO did i mention that there were 3 lectures taking turns talking too????????


i'm jinxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

anything that i touch is jinx! Computers crash when i try to work it, Animals/pets being fat when i take care of it (hmm.. that could be a good thing) event he dog i was doing a post-morteum on had a chest filleddddddddddddddddddddddddd with blood!! (ie, ABNORMAL, and should have been ont eh semonstrators tab;e, btu i couldn't be bothered! and i'm sure alot of ppl are thankful for that!)

jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx jinx

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

My oh my

quote from yahoo news:

"North Korea has announced its first atom bomb test, defying efforts to stop the secretive regime from joining the world's nuclear powers and triggering global outrage and calls for tough UN action."

"One of the most isolated and impoverished nations in the world, reliant on outside aid to feed its people, North Korea called the blast a "historic event" that had been carried out safely for the betterment of security and peace."

"The nuclear test was conducted with indigenous wisdom and technology, 100 percent," North Korea's official KCNA news agency announced.

"It marks a historic event as it greatly encouraged and pleased the (North Korean army) and people that have wished to have powerful self-reliant defense capability."

How more can these North korean leaders SHAME themselves???

requiring international aid for food and medical supplies etc etc for their own country people who are starving, falling ill due to poor living conditions and the backward civilization, and dying, and yet they do this? Honoring it as some fantabulous glorious moment in theri life.

have these people have no conscience? can these people have no sense of what's right and wrong, or better still, what Priorities are?

I read somewhere about how these bunch of deciphers of the bible predicted that the world will end in 2006.

well if this continues.. yeah SURE!

Bless us all........

Sunday, October 08, 2006

enough is enough

DId a little shopping today to reward myself for the studying this whole week...

i went home and i displayed and counted the number of shoes i had...

OMGoodness... i have to STOP shopping!!! i mean, 20 pairs of shoes??? This is NOT funny ning!!!

STOP shopping and start studying!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

What a week..........

WHat a week... i've been studying everyday for thw entire week, well, that's normal, i study everyday, but this time, i studied everyday for only 1 test, that was today, my parasite test. and how did it go? well,, just not as good as i wanted to.

i dunnoe's what's wrong with me, i force myself to study but i can't, its just in me, i will not study unless i am freaking nervous and worried about it. and i tried to make myself nervous. it did work, but mostly, it didn't. coz i just know that even if i leave it to the last min, i can do it.. my brian is just freakingly lazy... a lazy smartass...

i guess i have to study smarter now a days...

wednesday was a nightmare...

"water is leaking from your door" said the concerige at my place.. the first thing i thought of was.. neko.. i imagined her swimming in a puddle of water knee high in our house. i asked them to help me open my door to check and she refused.. telling me about some stupid crap policy. which i thought was crap coz, they can jollywell open my door to fix my window but cannot open it to check for a leak. i mean, what if it was an emergency.. like... "elo excuse me, ning? there's smoke coming out of your door, would you pls come back to check at once. no i'm sorry i cannot open the door to check for you due to some policy we have"

anywayz, i had to freakng rush home via a taxi, before that, i had t get my bag from my fren's carwhich was at the other end of the zoo, and before that, had to get the keys from my fren who was also at another end of the zoo.

the worts part was trying to get my cousin to answer her phone. btu she was at chem lab, understanable..

thank goodness i have dear frens who were willing to help me out... thank you ness for organising the'rescue' thank you caleb for coming to my house to check the leak and telling me neko is okie, thank you vet frens for trying to think of solutions. really appreciate it. =)

and no thanks tot he stupid concerige who made me go home for no reason, amkign me missout on good stuff at the zoo..

well, i wanted to go home anyway.. i did complainf rom the start of how i wanted to go home to slack.. i got my wish, though not the way i wanted it to be.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


OH my GOODNESS...................................... i just drew out my time table with my exam dates and the things i have yet to study and OMG...................

i ahve sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much to study it's not funny.. so many things to memorize, so many things to learn and understand.....

i have not kept my own promise from last semester,t hat i will study hard etc etc and be consistent. i have to stop being upset and bored and stop being miserable and stop thinking oo much and just get my asssssssssssssssssssssssssssss up on the chair an dstudy my ass off!

there are no mroe excuses. i CANNOT have anymroe excuses. it's time to study. truely.....

time to study.. please nign please, just study. your chances of fialing are bloodly high... you know how strict and particular they are about answers. you know how they love to fail ppl coz its VET SCIENCE. please nign just study! stop feeling broed. you chose this course. you came here for it. there were no other excueses to come here but for it. just get your ass up to study right now. stop fooling around with the non-sensical stuff you do everyday that makes you un[roductive. please study.. please.. you have 6 subjects and 9 exams. please ning, srudy. i canot stress ths enough. you have to pass..

study study study.. it's time to get serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



What a week!

Last week, i was so bored and lonely that when i tried to study, i just couldn't coz i have no motivation...

this week however, i was just soooooooo busy with dance and parties, i hardly had the energy left to study!!!

this entired week, i;ve been either staying up late to do booklet, or pactising late into the night... and on friday, i ahd 2 parties to attend to (yes.. again.. the 3rd time this semester, i am officially, miss popular lah!)

Pre-production party:

fun fun fun.. it was nice to see everyone dressed up pretty and girly... coz most days, we're all rocked up with sweat pants and t-shirts/singlets. and we usually stink. the food was good too.. it wasn't that much, but it was enough to make am and i full. (which means, it's enough.. ahaha) the events committee have truely outdone themselves man.. who would expect them to give out beautiful certs to committee members of the past, present and subs? and my group won the game!!!!!!!!!! woohoo.. we had kit-kat as prizes!! (ahha dessert)

Gracey dearest and me...

all happily eating!!!

White, blue and white again!!!!!!!! me, jo and winny!! pretty pretty!

well done committee!!!! truely well done!!!

hmmm.... all the food... all GONE! why? coz am is sitting here.. heee no offence.. aiyah, i was there too.. so was erny!

lastly, Junni and me. we both stood in front of our toilet mirror making up, then realise, ai............. our dresses have the same styled ribbon!!!! man, it's the brain waves that we emitt when we sleep next to each other's room!!!!

Later that day (friday), i went clubbing at lavish with my vet frens. it was great to see them all drunk and happy when uaually they'll be stressed up wbout their studies.. heeee..... wenwen was sooooooooo drunked she had to be dragged out of the club by the security! aiyahhhhh why can't we go clubbing like this my flare frens.. well you see, coz they dont usually drink.. they just dance! which is cool too!!! coz we do routines and dance liek real dancers, but we shoudl try to get high one day.. tteeeheeeeeeeee

anywayz, caught naughty neko eating my leftover bread crusts one day.. greedy girl! she chewed off her collar today! naughty girl! i ahve to egt her a new one,..