Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

thank god for a housemate.. i still have internet access even when my stupi dcomputer is down...

i get this feeling that a computer idiot like me should get a mac instead.... no viruses, spyware what so ever,...

i want to play sims...

need to study..

okie.. shall stop grumbling ramdom nonsense..

for the past 2 days without proper internet working for me has been strange,.. i have learnt to study with m y computer on at all times... i cannot live wthout my msn on.. sure.. i concentrate a little more, bt i am deeply sadden by the fact that i cannot check things up on my fav website, aka,, whenever i come to stumble upon somthing i dunnoe in my lecture notes..

and forgive me for all he spelling mistkaes for i am not sued to my cousin's keybpard.

but, i have also learnt that i can indeed survive wihtout my computer on.. it;s time to moderate my time with the computer nd studying outide the in the living room where i am usually more ..

sources have reached to me that i am very grumpy and unhappy this year.. well yeah, and i know people ar econcerned..

well, knowing that ppl are concerned is a good enough reason for me to keep living my unlucky life as it is. i love the ppl who love me.. i mean, i know there are just some things in my life not going th way it is, and thru these few days, i have come to accpet them.. i'm sorrie if i caused a stir or caused anyone to worry, but, my previous entriess were really just whinny ones. without a speck of hapiness in it. i am not as depressed as my blog says i am. prob cause i took all the sadness out of me and put it in my blog, thats why i'm so muich happier when u see me in person.

i'm going to be happier from now on, well, at least, i'll TRY to be ahppier... knowing so many people care. =)


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