Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

What a week!

Last week, i was so bored and lonely that when i tried to study, i just couldn't coz i have no motivation...

this week however, i was just soooooooo busy with dance and parties, i hardly had the energy left to study!!!

this entired week, i;ve been either staying up late to do booklet, or pactising late into the night... and on friday, i ahd 2 parties to attend to (yes.. again.. the 3rd time this semester, i am officially, miss popular lah!)

Pre-production party:

fun fun fun.. it was nice to see everyone dressed up pretty and girly... coz most days, we're all rocked up with sweat pants and t-shirts/singlets. and we usually stink. the food was good too.. it wasn't that much, but it was enough to make am and i full. (which means, it's enough.. ahaha) the events committee have truely outdone themselves man.. who would expect them to give out beautiful certs to committee members of the past, present and subs? and my group won the game!!!!!!!!!! woohoo.. we had kit-kat as prizes!! (ahha dessert)

Gracey dearest and me...

all happily eating!!!

White, blue and white again!!!!!!!! me, jo and winny!! pretty pretty!

well done committee!!!! truely well done!!!

hmmm.... all the food... all GONE! why? coz am is sitting here.. heee no offence.. aiyah, i was there too.. so was erny!

lastly, Junni and me. we both stood in front of our toilet mirror making up, then realise, ai............. our dresses have the same styled ribbon!!!! man, it's the brain waves that we emitt when we sleep next to each other's room!!!!

Later that day (friday), i went clubbing at lavish with my vet frens. it was great to see them all drunk and happy when uaually they'll be stressed up wbout their studies.. heeee..... wenwen was sooooooooo drunked she had to be dragged out of the club by the security! aiyahhhhh why can't we go clubbing like this my flare frens.. well you see, coz they dont usually drink.. they just dance! which is cool too!!! coz we do routines and dance liek real dancers, but we shoudl try to get high one day.. tteeeheeeeeeeee

anywayz, caught naughty neko eating my leftover bread crusts one day.. greedy girl! she chewed off her collar today! naughty girl! i ahve to egt her a new one,..


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