Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

i love myself...

just wanna say.... that... 2007's committee has a lot to live up to.....


anyway... i was lookign around a few of my frens blogs and realised that i missed out on so mnay pictures and so much fun..

i wasn't in alot of pieces.. so waht was i doing?

well... brooding in corner i suppose, worrying abotu things that may go wrong etc etc..

i am just liek that. when i have a responsibility, i take it so seriously, i forgot the other part of my job, that is to enjoy the fun in it and fool around with my frenz.

hopefully, with my stepping down, i shall return to my more normal, mroe happier self...

i love myself too....


  • At 1:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    i sososo understand how u felt all this while.. with responsibilities on hand and such.. Well, everything goes better after it ends BUT there gotta be some adaptations as well.. no longer tt busy.. sometimes probably feeling left out cuz u are not in the group anymore..

    butbutbut.. everything gotta end someday! so look forward to the next BIG thing!! =)

  • At 2:21 AM , Blogger Sheryl Tian said...

    ah juan here man! u are nv alone ah ning..

    try gg out with them more often n probably cook for them or bake for them? or do tiny gestures to win them over..they will feel tat u are making an effort to be in the grp..n will nt leave u out anymore..

    i know how it feels to be alone..i m kinda alone in hostel specific grp..sigh..just do wat i like n roam ard..


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