Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Friday, October 20, 2006

okie.. i'm just realli emotional now, is there something worng with me?am i too grumpy now a days? am i just annoying? why do i feel that some of my frens dont realli like me? am i just sensitive? why dont they call me out too? do they just think i'm too busy? well can't they at least try? or am i just not trying hard enough? am i too domineering? do i shout too much? do i direct and boss people about too much?



  • At 5:31 PM , Blogger Babee said...

    love u ning ning... *hugglez*.. i will miss u dearly with not being in Flare next year... :( Keep in touch yeah?

  • At 4:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    it is just purely PMS!!!!!
    i've been feelign the same way too!! it is like why nobody asked me out? why this guy or tt girl alwaz gg out one? why she alwaz so popular? is it sth wrong with mE???? or waT?
    and i only sit at home and grumble abt this and tt and still waiting for frenz to call me out.. =.=

    no.. the problems probably doesnt lies with us.. ok prob yes, tt we are so "complainy" and blames everyone elses but ourselves for not making initiatives.. other than tt it could b purely sch work tt laid everything back... cheerZ!

    Many frenz doesnt says alot too.. i have quite a lot of frenz i can crap with when i first see them, but usually they are nth more than acquiantances in sch.. "hi-bye" ~ that is even more saddening..
    all alone in sch and with frenz that will only say hello and byebye.. >.<

    fear not ning.. u alwaz have me or us ard whenever u need.. i'm on MSN!!!!

  • At 12:14 AM , Blogger Ningning said...

    miss you ade! muacks!


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