Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

a little update

yeah.. i've been very busy studying and i just wanna put down some memorable events down... =)

last sunday, my vet frenz and i ahd a girls night out. it was so fun!! shwee drove me, pris and est to crown, where we meet lesley, jiajia, jean, hiro and mei!!!!!!! we went to greco's for suppers, we had the 5 most delicious cakes ever!! yeah, all of us shared the cakes.. it was so darn good.. too bad dawn couldn't make it. (dont worry, there'll be other times!!) hahahah, we sat in a circle and rotated the plates of cakes till it was all gone.. man it was so good!! our next target... the buffet at crown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

last few wednesdays ago, i went to the vet precinct in werribee, that's the place i'll eb at in my year3 and 4. wow!!!! it was an amazing, lifetime experience.. (at least for me..)

in my 1st trip, we got to learn how to handle dogs, and we had beagels to do that!!!!!!!!!! wow! we were lead into this "operation" like room and the teacher brought out aout 6/7 dogs for a group of about 4 to share.. hee.. me and pris somehow got one dog to ourselves though, and our dog was fat and shy!!! i first looked down at him, and his tail wasn't wagging, he lokked down at the floor and looked so "shy". he was so cute, but i've forgotten his name.. oops..

then we learnt how to carry him onto the operating table, ahhaha, he was quite fat, so it took both of us to carry him up there, then we learnt how to identify structures on his body, such as veins. then we had to use a cotton bud wet with alcohol to clean his neck, in order to see a a vein.. the strange things was, that the moment he heard the "spraying"sound of the alcohol and saw the cotton bud, he freaked out and wanted to jump off the table.. i tried to hold him back, but he was too heavy for me, so he did jump off.. it was pretty embarrassing, but pris's logic is that better it happen now then later when i actually practice vet on a real patient in fromt of it's owners right??

next, we went to the sheep shed, my goodness!! it was the most horrible thing i have every smelt... it was this pungent, stale air in the shed, and the hot weather just made it worst. but the sheep were sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!! they would RUN away from you th mometn you go to close to them!!! we had to learn how to catch them and flip them such that they sat on their bums with their front legs parrallel to the ground.. there were 3 methods to do that, and we had to use quite alot of force! i asked the demostrater lots of times if i was hurtiing the sheep, and she said that they were hardy animals and in afct, i was quite gentle with them already. one interesting thing, is that the sheep were very very complient to sit on their bums like that(so we can examine them, esp the testicles in males.. ahhaha) they didn't struggle when place int hat position and looked like soft toys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

next, we went to the piggery!!! oh mi gosh.. i could never eat pork again!!!!! i touched a pig for the 1st time in my life, and it was a piglet.. oh my goodness.. it is so so so so so so so so terrible cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, they were small and incredibly cute creatures.. the vet took us around to see the older pigs, and we went inside a pen with "teenage pigs" it was a very sharp contrast to the sheep.. these pigs were RUNNING TO US!!! hahaha, yes, they started smelling us everywhere and some even bit me here and there.. there was a particular pig that actually bit my bum, and i shriek! but luckily, we were wearing overalls and boots, so it was alright. they are such curious, intelligent creatures, i wonder why fairy-tales always describ them as lazy, dirty animals.. it wa so wrong.

yes, pigs are quite clean, they actually have a "shitting site", "wet site", "eating site" and they dont mix it. cool huh...

yup that was my 1st werribee trip, my 2nd one was to deal with cows and horses.. my my... cows are also very intelligent creatures.. and yes, it was also the 1st time i touched a cow in my life.. however, i didn't like the way they treated the cows.. i though the "neck clamming device" used to hold cows such that they cannot move much is quite cruel.. and i have doubt regarding their method of bring the cow down such that it lies ont he ground. it involed pulling the rope around several points of the cow's body, such that these"pressure points" induce the cow to lie ont he ground. but to me, the cow was more like falling on the ground then lying on it.... anyway, we also learnt how to tie many sorts of rope knots.. wow.. hope i'll rememeber them..

i also put my fingers up the cows nose.. apparently, the cow "knows you're boss" if you hold them by the nose. and that explains the ring on the bull's nose..

next, the horses....... my my. they were beautiful animals!!!!!!!! pris and i again had one horse to ourselves. we had a bay horse, which mean, brown with blackmane and it was a "shy" horse (again)!! this horse was so shy, that he had been bullied by the other horses on the herd that she was kept in. he had minor bites marks everywhere. but the teacher said that she'll remove the bossy one from the herd in oder to stop this bullying, but it will still continue, coz there will always be a dominant horse in a herd that bullies the rest.

anyway, we had to learn how to put on a bit and cloth on the horse, and also learn hoe to lift his foot up!!!!!! my, our horse was soooooooooooo stubborn!!!! but pris and i managed it!!! hurray!!!!!!!!!!! then we had to help clean her foot out, yuck there was so much shit stuck there.. ahahahhahahah but it was cool.. felt this sense of achievement when i did it.. hey, it was my 1st time after all!!!! =)

after finishing what we were suppose to practise on, ont he horse, pris and i went to lesley's horse, it was a beautiful old, palomino mare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it had such a beautiful colour, light brown with golden mane... whao!! then i tried to life it's foot up, and it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo darn easy!!! (my sense of achievement grew..) hahahhahahhahahahha

haha, pris was saying that i'll be baised for palomino horses in the future.. ahhahah i definitely think so!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

phew.. calm down.. calm down..

PHEW!!!! i was fumming just now... but i feel much better after cooking my lunch. i'm still cooking it actaully.. just waiting for the mushrooms to soak in the water long enough..

anyway, just now, i went to the post office to send my mom her necklaces as requested.. but when i got to the queue, i realised that i didn't write her address down on the envelop and msged her to get it. but my mom didn't reply on time. i thought it was alright coz i could always get the stamp first right???

but when i got to the counter, this mean ang moh lady, with blonde hair, dripping thick lip gloss and matted mascara, gave me such bad service!

1st, i told her where i wanted to send the thing to, and she asked me what was inside, i replied "necklaces" and she gave me that look that said "you are lying..... stupid asian" then she asked my where i was sending it too.. i said "singapore" relatively loud.. "what?? sorry???" she said, so i had to repeat myself!! you know, i understand if you can't hear me.. but why was it that you could hear the lady who was in front of me oin the queue just now?????

told me that i had to fill up some stupid declaration form and send it on the day i filled it out.. in other words.. she didn't allow me to get the stamp 1st.

you know.. i understand if i had to do that.. but they look she gave me was "you stupid asian, dont know a thing" i hated it! not i wasn't being sensitive, she was very very nice to the lady in front of me!!!!!! then i requested 10 $1 stamps and she asked me where they were going to, and i said, i want to sent postcards! she said they cots $1.10.. NO!! that's not true! sealed envelops costs $1.10. post cards cost $1!!! that was what they told me not to long ago!

ok fine.. i thought to myself, maybe i was wrong, then the wrots came. i told her i didn't need the $1 stamps anymore coz i have $1.10 stamps anyway, and she didn't even say good bye, of thank you.. just stared at me with that "yoiu stupid asian" look again! oh you BITCH!! i mumbled under my breadth as i walked away!

phew.. calm down.....ning, dont get pissed off over a post office girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2005


family and frens listen up!




i just finishd all my VPS talks today, VPS stands for veterinary professional studies and i learnt alot about the cruetly and treatment of animals, veterinary organisatons and what not from this. there were many very enlightening talks, that i wish to share with yah all..

but there are a few points i wish to get across to you!

1st and formost!! DO NOT WAER FUR! fur is a cruel trade that tortures animals, maily minks and baby seals. these animals skins mainly come from china and their killing methods are totally unacceptable! i watched a video, and i will sent it to you, about how a mink was killed in china for it's skin. 1st, it was dragged out of the cage, and its head slammed on the floor to knock the cutie pie out, then it's legs were chopped of. you should have seen the look of the innocent animals in their eyes... they were CRYING!!!! many other minks watched the fate of their frens while they sat in cages barely large enough to contain them. then, they sliced the skin off the hind legs first, before hanging the animal on a pole and tearing the skin off the animal while it was alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you should have seen the animal screaming in pain, struggling to be free!!!!!!! when all it's skin has been ribbed off, they just threw it into a trunk full of dead bodies of minks and left it to die. and you think it's not the end???? the camera zoomed into the mink and it was still BREATHING. it lifted it's head to look at it's naked body then collasped and died!! how cruel is this? can anything in the world be so bad as to compare with this form of cruelty to animals?? imagine how you'd feel if someone had to rib off skin from your body??? i tell you, it's going to be very very very very very painful.. in my lab classes, we had to rib off skin off dead dogs as part of our disection, and i'm telling you, it's not easy, coz a lot of fascia(connective tissue) holds the skin very close to the flesh of the body. to think that these cruel men can actually ribb the skin off these minks so easily demonstrates just how hard they pull, whch also means, how painful it can be to the mink!


next, KFC chickens.. did you know that these chickens are kept in such bad conditions, and bred such that their legs cannot support their weight????? their legs suffer from fractures as a result and they cannot breath, eat or move properly. also, then it's time to slaughter the animals for food. these KFC CHEAPSKATE PPL use low power voltages to shock the animal till they are stunned but NOT DEAD, hen their throats are cut and thrown into boiling water!!!!! what can we do! DONOT PATRONISE KFC. I USE TO LOVE THEIR FRIES, BUT EVEN THAT HAS STOPPED NOW. UNLESS THEY IMPROVE THEIR METHODS OF KILLING THE CHICKENS HUMANELY, I WILL NEVER START EATING THERE AGAIN!

next, i wanna talk about the live export of animals such as sheep. did you know how high the mortalily rate is when animals are transported on ships alive??? would you rather compromise their suffering? or your freshness of food? i saw a video of how live australian sheep are tranported to countries such as the middle east. the living conditions on the ship, it was terrible.... the sheep hardly had space to WALK.. they were underfed, crampped, mistreated, and as a result, they suffered from confusion and refused to eat, many straved to death. disease outbreaks also took a toll on their lives. also, these horrible men.. whenever a sheep is dead or about to die, they remove them from the flock so as to prevent diseases! but they actaully threw the bodies abroad to the sea!! and the sharks eat them!!!!!!!!!!!!1 some shipd even had grinding machines that grinded the sheeps while they are still alive to produce meat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then as if that was bad enough.. when the sheep were unloaded onto land.. the ppl in the middle east poke and proded at them!! hitting the sheep whenever they stopped to rest so as to move them into the slaughter houses quicker. then the worst came!! THE SHEEP WERE MADE TO LIE ON THE CEMENT GROUND, WITH THEIR THROATS AT A DRAIN, ONE BY ONE, THEIR THROATS WERE SLICED, AND LEFT TO BLEED TO DEATH!! IF THEY STRUGGLED, THEY WERE HELD DOWN BY THE MAN'S FOOT ON THEIR NECK AND BODY!!!!!! it was terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what can we do?? DO NOT BUY MEAT THAT HAS BEEN EXPORTED LIVE!!!!! esp when you know they have travelled for dayssssssssss in such poor conditions!! ppl talk about freshness of food, well you can always use freezer compartments!! no doubt that's more expensive, but it saves the lives of many many sheep (eg, 5000 sheep died aboard a ship journey that lasted 14 days to the middle east) and thus saves money too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

next... DO NOT SUPPORT FOX HUNTING, or BULL FIGHTING! i'm not talking about the bull fighting where they make the bull chase a piece of red cloth around.. i'm talking about the one where they stabb the bull with 9, yes 9!!! sharp spears as "entertainment" again, i saw the videos!! it's absolute disgust!!!!!!!!!!!! the "cowboy" is a BIG CHEAT!! he rides on the horse while the bull chases him around, so the rider is protected against the impact of the bull's hit. but the horse isn't!!! not only does the horse get hit, the bull get's killed!!!! these people that practise this claim that it's "culture". bull shit!!!!!!!!!! if they claim this "culture" should be allowed, then they are saying that glatiator fights and other forms of ancient entertainment where lives and suffering is inflicted upon a living thing should be allowed too!! these ppl are crap!!

also, DO NOT PURCHASE BEAR BILE, SHARK'S FIN, AND MANY OTHER ANIMAL PRODUCTS THAT HAVE CAUSED UNNECESSARY ANIMAL SUFFERING!!!! yes you know what i'm talking about.. bear bile.. yuck!! there is absolutely no nutritional value in it what so ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! some chinese remedies are total crap!

also, save the pigs!!!!! to look at how pigs suffer, go to

oh.. there are so many many others.. also, DONT GO FISHING !!!! oh mi gosh i use to do that so often.. that has got to stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

die.. i think i can become a vegetarian for good............

should be allowed too

Saturday, April 16, 2005

what's wrong with me?? i always get this feeling when i'm alone... feel sad, sad sianz... ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm suppose to be studying right now.. but the topic, embryology, is so boring!!! and the lecturer who taught it sucks big time.. so i actually carried 3 library books home yesterday to help with my weekend studying...

should i move again???? to a 3 bedroom place in bouv close???? but my fren says that the room is very small there for a 3 bedroom apartment.. then agin i shouldn't.. just in case i feel lonely again... at least i have lots of fren here in CS..

should i move to vale?????? where is is near my vet sch? but the place is so small!!!

yeah.. lots of frens here in CS.. but i dont look them up much.. coz i have to study alone where i'm more efficient.. sianz... kinda missed last year when i always had my 3 best frens with me all the time. now i have to cook dinner alone and stuff coz my sechdule is so tight, i can hardly organise dinner gatherings with ppl. ha, in fact, i hardly have the time to cook dinner for myself... how can i cook foor my frens?

really hope my cousin will come next year, then i can stay with her and not feel so lonely again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyway, i went clubbing wiht my vet and dance frens last night!! i haven clubbed in ages!! its been a year!!!!!!really really enjoyed myself alot! it was so fun dancing together. we made up funny moves and lots of fun,,.. until i came home and quarreled with someone... felt so sad and frustrated, i cried myself to sleep.. i literally sobbed in bed.. maybe coz of the alcohol.. i cried really loud. then i suddenly heard my neightbour knock my the wall.. which meant, "SHUT UP!"

oh whatever...

gotta get back to studying...

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

What nerds… who get the last laugh..

Yeah, those ppl in vet sitting at the front row have actually done alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the qns in the biocehm lecture notes!!! Oh mi gosh! Are they so god damn free??? Where has my time gone to then?

Oh I know… cooking, cleaning, housework etc etc… and dance..

Shit.. no one really understands how busy an overseas student is.. damn sianz. I love to cook. But it’t taking up too much of my time..

And what a bad day, I woke up early to cook curry, then rushed to sch for a stupid vsp project meeting and only 4/6 turned up. And worst, they were doing what we already agreed to do in home. We were supposed to piece together our stuff today!!!! So I sat 2 hours in the lab doing nothing. I couldn’t study, it was too noisy.. damn..

Then after sch I had dance. It was fun, but it took quite some time…. I’m so worried about my homework, I couldn’t dance properly..

I know I shouldn’t be using other ppl as bench-marks, I have to go at my own pace. But I’m used to being 1-step ahead of everyone. It feels good.

Guess I’ll have to change that big time… so disappointed with myself, though I know I did nothing wrong coz I already tried my best…

Sunday, April 10, 2005


huhuhuhuhuhuhuhdrthhseeeeeetrhrthhhhhhhdrthdrthdrthdrthdrhtdrthrdthdhdrth drth drth drth drth drth drth drth drth drth drth drth drth drth rdth drth drth drht drth drth kffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb hhhhhhh iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

just venting my frustrations...

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Great performance at the MUOSS night market

too bad it was the last, for that particular dance piece i mean, "get low"

but anyway, i went back home feeling a litlle empty again,,

well, i guess that's becoz, under normal circumtances, you would come home to your family. but i come home to no one. i thought of my mom who was here just a wekk ago immediately, and of course wished she was here again..

but i have to grow up.. this is uni life.

another reason could be that i dun have my steady gathering of my 3 frens anymore.. we all live differently and have our own busy stuff to do.

so i spent my night studying... and planned for tml.

tml will be a better day i hope. =)

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

always look on the bright side of life...


just an hour ago, i felt miserable... had to pay freaking $85 bucks for a pair of boots for farmwork, then had to carry it and all my heavy books home. my shoulder ached like hell, and worst, sherleen smsed my to tell me that there may be ance today for the cmg ball performance.

i rushed home to check and found out that yeah, i received an e-mail that says there's practise on tuesday. i rushed to sch and found out that it was NEXT tuesday... but the e-mail didn't say that... so i went home.. frustrated of course.

so i went back home. sianz as ever. i called 2 frenz to ask whether they were free to est together, but they already had dinner plans..

so as usual, i went online to complain to my blog, jsut as i was about to do that, shwee msged my online to complain that she lost her dissection kit.

i told her to look on the bright side, that the things she lost was at least replacable. and in turn, she told me to look on the birght side too.. i had extra excercise!!!

i smiled and immediately felt better..

you know, not everything turns out all good and happy in our lives, we have to look on the bright side, like that song.. and smile, coz it makes us feel better than ever.. =)

Monday, April 04, 2005

Easter Holidays with my mom!!!!

yeah.. it was great! had lots of great food, and fun!

on saturday when she arrived, she was so engergitic, she started packing my room at 7+ in the morning the moment she arrived. i was asleep all this while coz i was really tired. then we went to shop at the city. i [aid for her 1st meal here, we ate vietnam rice noodles for lunch. it was so great to have a meal with my mom again. =)

then on sunday, we went to st kilda's beach. we walked the market and i bought a copper bangle. it's so beautiful.. that night, i had a frens birthday party to attend. it was held at the function-hall at my apartment so it was so convenient for me!! hahaha my mom went out for dinner with her fren.

all week we went out shopping and i felt so bad coz i was not doing any studying at all. i know it's a holiday, you are suppose to relax, but i couldn't. knowing every min i spend playing, someone in my course is studying and that mean, i get futher behind!!!!!!!!!!!!

so i tried to study at night, but i didn't achieve much at all. but anyway..

we went to dicksmith's on wednesday and bought so many stuff.. coz it was so cheap!! and good!!!

all in all for our entiore shopping holiday, my mom bought me.. a full-lenght mirror, a blender, more towels and rags, soap, towel stand, ........................ so many many many many more household stuff that i cannot remember now !!!!! but thanks mom!! it was great. my house now really feels like a home i can live in with comfort.

on saturday, the last night my mom is here, we went to a seafood resturant at crown casino. called waterfront. my goodness. the food, was good!!!!!!!!!! absolutely fantastic!! one dish cost about $30 and we even had reisling wine!!!!!!(not sure of spelling..) i ordered for myslef a grilled flounder and when it came, my god!!!it was huge!! about the lenght of my arm! from my elbow to the knuckle of my thumb!!! i was so afraid that i wont be able to finish it, but i did!! with the help of my mom of course. one thing though, the fish was very very flat so it wasn't alot of meat though it was THAT BIG. hahahhaa

after that, we went up to the mahogny room of the casino, where all the big players were placing their bets, it reminded me of the show, du zhien (sorry, i think the chinese spelling is wrong, anyway, it translates to god og gamblers. ahahhaha it was a restricted area coz onli member, aka my mom, was allowed.. whao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aside from the many gambling tables, there were 3 big LCD tv screens and comfy sofas!! we ordered drinks and it was FREE!! i could have ordered anything i wanted but since it was late at ngiht, i took hot chocolate.. hahahhaha

sunday was a sad day for my.. my mom left at 2.30pm and school reopened the next day... and also, i felt very very lousy.. i haven't done any work in the holidays, i mean sch work of course.... but i can i will and i must!!!!!!!