Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

always look on the bright side of life...


just an hour ago, i felt miserable... had to pay freaking $85 bucks for a pair of boots for farmwork, then had to carry it and all my heavy books home. my shoulder ached like hell, and worst, sherleen smsed my to tell me that there may be ance today for the cmg ball performance.

i rushed home to check and found out that yeah, i received an e-mail that says there's practise on tuesday. i rushed to sch and found out that it was NEXT tuesday... but the e-mail didn't say that... so i went home.. frustrated of course.

so i went back home. sianz as ever. i called 2 frenz to ask whether they were free to est together, but they already had dinner plans..

so as usual, i went online to complain to my blog, jsut as i was about to do that, shwee msged my online to complain that she lost her dissection kit.

i told her to look on the bright side, that the things she lost was at least replacable. and in turn, she told me to look on the birght side too.. i had extra excercise!!!

i smiled and immediately felt better..

you know, not everything turns out all good and happy in our lives, we have to look on the bright side, like that song.. and smile, coz it makes us feel better than ever.. =)


  • At 8:40 PM , Blogger mAjEzTiX said...

    Yea mAn.. alwz look on de bright side oF liFE.. lalalallallalalla.....
    ^.^ u noe juz another of those kinda of sucky days... w/o sucky days how would appreciate the better ones? hehe.. they exists for comparsions purpose... =.= whhahhaaahahahahah........


  • At 11:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Cheer up man. hehe.. drink some Jack on the rock to ease ur sorrows... the next morning u shall forget, start afresh and holla holla Holla


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