Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

what's wrong with me?? i always get this feeling when i'm alone... feel sad, sad sianz... ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm suppose to be studying right now.. but the topic, embryology, is so boring!!! and the lecturer who taught it sucks big time.. so i actually carried 3 library books home yesterday to help with my weekend studying...

should i move again???? to a 3 bedroom place in bouv close???? but my fren says that the room is very small there for a 3 bedroom apartment.. then agin i shouldn't.. just in case i feel lonely again... at least i have lots of fren here in CS..

should i move to vale?????? where is is near my vet sch? but the place is so small!!!

yeah.. lots of frens here in CS.. but i dont look them up much.. coz i have to study alone where i'm more efficient.. sianz... kinda missed last year when i always had my 3 best frens with me all the time. now i have to cook dinner alone and stuff coz my sechdule is so tight, i can hardly organise dinner gatherings with ppl. ha, in fact, i hardly have the time to cook dinner for myself... how can i cook foor my frens?

really hope my cousin will come next year, then i can stay with her and not feel so lonely again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyway, i went clubbing wiht my vet and dance frens last night!! i haven clubbed in ages!! its been a year!!!!!!really really enjoyed myself alot! it was so fun dancing together. we made up funny moves and lots of fun,,.. until i came home and quarreled with someone... felt so sad and frustrated, i cried myself to sleep.. i literally sobbed in bed.. maybe coz of the alcohol.. i cried really loud. then i suddenly heard my neightbour knock my the wall.. which meant, "SHUT UP!"

oh whatever...

gotta get back to studying...


  • At 10:03 PM , Blogger scubscub said...

    Just try not to think too much and keep yourself occupy with books, mags, bloggings and chat over skype or msn with friends. :)

    Hold on there, girl.

  • At 10:01 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Hey gal,
    your gd friend is still here... although we 4 maybe apart in distance. we're never too far to care.

    As for that DUMB person who made u cry... i'm sure THAT person will make up later :)


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