Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

a little update

yeah.. i've been very busy studying and i just wanna put down some memorable events down... =)

last sunday, my vet frenz and i ahd a girls night out. it was so fun!! shwee drove me, pris and est to crown, where we meet lesley, jiajia, jean, hiro and mei!!!!!!! we went to greco's for suppers, we had the 5 most delicious cakes ever!! yeah, all of us shared the cakes.. it was so darn good.. too bad dawn couldn't make it. (dont worry, there'll be other times!!) hahahah, we sat in a circle and rotated the plates of cakes till it was all gone.. man it was so good!! our next target... the buffet at crown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

last few wednesdays ago, i went to the vet precinct in werribee, that's the place i'll eb at in my year3 and 4. wow!!!! it was an amazing, lifetime experience.. (at least for me..)

in my 1st trip, we got to learn how to handle dogs, and we had beagels to do that!!!!!!!!!! wow! we were lead into this "operation" like room and the teacher brought out aout 6/7 dogs for a group of about 4 to share.. hee.. me and pris somehow got one dog to ourselves though, and our dog was fat and shy!!! i first looked down at him, and his tail wasn't wagging, he lokked down at the floor and looked so "shy". he was so cute, but i've forgotten his name.. oops..

then we learnt how to carry him onto the operating table, ahhaha, he was quite fat, so it took both of us to carry him up there, then we learnt how to identify structures on his body, such as veins. then we had to use a cotton bud wet with alcohol to clean his neck, in order to see a a vein.. the strange things was, that the moment he heard the "spraying"sound of the alcohol and saw the cotton bud, he freaked out and wanted to jump off the table.. i tried to hold him back, but he was too heavy for me, so he did jump off.. it was pretty embarrassing, but pris's logic is that better it happen now then later when i actually practice vet on a real patient in fromt of it's owners right??

next, we went to the sheep shed, my goodness!! it was the most horrible thing i have every smelt... it was this pungent, stale air in the shed, and the hot weather just made it worst. but the sheep were sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!! they would RUN away from you th mometn you go to close to them!!! we had to learn how to catch them and flip them such that they sat on their bums with their front legs parrallel to the ground.. there were 3 methods to do that, and we had to use quite alot of force! i asked the demostrater lots of times if i was hurtiing the sheep, and she said that they were hardy animals and in afct, i was quite gentle with them already. one interesting thing, is that the sheep were very very complient to sit on their bums like that(so we can examine them, esp the testicles in males.. ahhaha) they didn't struggle when place int hat position and looked like soft toys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

next, we went to the piggery!!! oh mi gosh.. i could never eat pork again!!!!! i touched a pig for the 1st time in my life, and it was a piglet.. oh my goodness.. it is so so so so so so so so terrible cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, they were small and incredibly cute creatures.. the vet took us around to see the older pigs, and we went inside a pen with "teenage pigs" it was a very sharp contrast to the sheep.. these pigs were RUNNING TO US!!! hahaha, yes, they started smelling us everywhere and some even bit me here and there.. there was a particular pig that actually bit my bum, and i shriek! but luckily, we were wearing overalls and boots, so it was alright. they are such curious, intelligent creatures, i wonder why fairy-tales always describ them as lazy, dirty animals.. it wa so wrong.

yes, pigs are quite clean, they actually have a "shitting site", "wet site", "eating site" and they dont mix it. cool huh...

yup that was my 1st werribee trip, my 2nd one was to deal with cows and horses.. my my... cows are also very intelligent creatures.. and yes, it was also the 1st time i touched a cow in my life.. however, i didn't like the way they treated the cows.. i though the "neck clamming device" used to hold cows such that they cannot move much is quite cruel.. and i have doubt regarding their method of bring the cow down such that it lies ont he ground. it involed pulling the rope around several points of the cow's body, such that these"pressure points" induce the cow to lie ont he ground. but to me, the cow was more like falling on the ground then lying on it.... anyway, we also learnt how to tie many sorts of rope knots.. wow.. hope i'll rememeber them..

i also put my fingers up the cows nose.. apparently, the cow "knows you're boss" if you hold them by the nose. and that explains the ring on the bull's nose..

next, the horses....... my my. they were beautiful animals!!!!!!!! pris and i again had one horse to ourselves. we had a bay horse, which mean, brown with blackmane and it was a "shy" horse (again)!! this horse was so shy, that he had been bullied by the other horses on the herd that she was kept in. he had minor bites marks everywhere. but the teacher said that she'll remove the bossy one from the herd in oder to stop this bullying, but it will still continue, coz there will always be a dominant horse in a herd that bullies the rest.

anyway, we had to learn how to put on a bit and cloth on the horse, and also learn hoe to lift his foot up!!!!!! my, our horse was soooooooooooo stubborn!!!! but pris and i managed it!!! hurray!!!!!!!!!!! then we had to help clean her foot out, yuck there was so much shit stuck there.. ahahahhahahah but it was cool.. felt this sense of achievement when i did it.. hey, it was my 1st time after all!!!! =)

after finishing what we were suppose to practise on, ont he horse, pris and i went to lesley's horse, it was a beautiful old, palomino mare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it had such a beautiful colour, light brown with golden mane... whao!! then i tried to life it's foot up, and it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo darn easy!!! (my sense of achievement grew..) hahahhahahhahahahha

haha, pris was saying that i'll be baised for palomino horses in the future.. ahhahah i definitely think so!!


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