Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

phew.. calm down.. calm down..

PHEW!!!! i was fumming just now... but i feel much better after cooking my lunch. i'm still cooking it actaully.. just waiting for the mushrooms to soak in the water long enough..

anyway, just now, i went to the post office to send my mom her necklaces as requested.. but when i got to the queue, i realised that i didn't write her address down on the envelop and msged her to get it. but my mom didn't reply on time. i thought it was alright coz i could always get the stamp first right???

but when i got to the counter, this mean ang moh lady, with blonde hair, dripping thick lip gloss and matted mascara, gave me such bad service!

1st, i told her where i wanted to send the thing to, and she asked me what was inside, i replied "necklaces" and she gave me that look that said "you are lying..... stupid asian" then she asked my where i was sending it too.. i said "singapore" relatively loud.. "what?? sorry???" she said, so i had to repeat myself!! you know, i understand if you can't hear me.. but why was it that you could hear the lady who was in front of me oin the queue just now?????

told me that i had to fill up some stupid declaration form and send it on the day i filled it out.. in other words.. she didn't allow me to get the stamp 1st.

you know.. i understand if i had to do that.. but they look she gave me was "you stupid asian, dont know a thing" i hated it! not i wasn't being sensitive, she was very very nice to the lady in front of me!!!!!! then i requested 10 $1 stamps and she asked me where they were going to, and i said, i want to sent postcards! she said they cots $1.10.. NO!! that's not true! sealed envelops costs $1.10. post cards cost $1!!! that was what they told me not to long ago!

ok fine.. i thought to myself, maybe i was wrong, then the wrots came. i told her i didn't need the $1 stamps anymore coz i have $1.10 stamps anyway, and she didn't even say good bye, of thank you.. just stared at me with that "yoiu stupid asian" look again! oh you BITCH!! i mumbled under my breadth as i walked away!

phew.. calm down.....ning, dont get pissed off over a post office girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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