Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Easter Holidays with my mom!!!!

yeah.. it was great! had lots of great food, and fun!

on saturday when she arrived, she was so engergitic, she started packing my room at 7+ in the morning the moment she arrived. i was asleep all this while coz i was really tired. then we went to shop at the city. i [aid for her 1st meal here, we ate vietnam rice noodles for lunch. it was so great to have a meal with my mom again. =)

then on sunday, we went to st kilda's beach. we walked the market and i bought a copper bangle. it's so beautiful.. that night, i had a frens birthday party to attend. it was held at the function-hall at my apartment so it was so convenient for me!! hahaha my mom went out for dinner with her fren.

all week we went out shopping and i felt so bad coz i was not doing any studying at all. i know it's a holiday, you are suppose to relax, but i couldn't. knowing every min i spend playing, someone in my course is studying and that mean, i get futher behind!!!!!!!!!!!!

so i tried to study at night, but i didn't achieve much at all. but anyway..

we went to dicksmith's on wednesday and bought so many stuff.. coz it was so cheap!! and good!!!

all in all for our entiore shopping holiday, my mom bought me.. a full-lenght mirror, a blender, more towels and rags, soap, towel stand, ........................ so many many many many more household stuff that i cannot remember now !!!!! but thanks mom!! it was great. my house now really feels like a home i can live in with comfort.

on saturday, the last night my mom is here, we went to a seafood resturant at crown casino. called waterfront. my goodness. the food, was good!!!!!!!!!! absolutely fantastic!! one dish cost about $30 and we even had reisling wine!!!!!!(not sure of spelling..) i ordered for myslef a grilled flounder and when it came, my god!!!it was huge!! about the lenght of my arm! from my elbow to the knuckle of my thumb!!! i was so afraid that i wont be able to finish it, but i did!! with the help of my mom of course. one thing though, the fish was very very flat so it wasn't alot of meat though it was THAT BIG. hahahhaa

after that, we went up to the mahogny room of the casino, where all the big players were placing their bets, it reminded me of the show, du zhien (sorry, i think the chinese spelling is wrong, anyway, it translates to god og gamblers. ahahhaha it was a restricted area coz onli member, aka my mom, was allowed.. whao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aside from the many gambling tables, there were 3 big LCD tv screens and comfy sofas!! we ordered drinks and it was FREE!! i could have ordered anything i wanted but since it was late at ngiht, i took hot chocolate.. hahahhaha

sunday was a sad day for my.. my mom left at 2.30pm and school reopened the next day... and also, i felt very very lousy.. i haven't done any work in the holidays, i mean sch work of course.... but i can i will and i must!!!!!!!


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