Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


yeah.. i'll be gone for 5 days..

man i hardly had time to breatheeeeeeeeeeeeeee after my exams finish and i have to go to the farm..

vet course is really harsh..


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

a picture paints a thousand words

oooo found a precious pic... this is miss peh and me in 2004. i look so cubby coz of the short short hair...

so sick of studying!!!!!!!!

it's 3.11 am in the morning and i'm still studying.. i really would like to continue(i'm known to study till 6 plus in the morning.. hoho.. ) but i knoe i need more energy tmr to study stuff i've never read thru before.

my goodness... i can't believe i'm going through my 9th paper. i actually thought i wouldne be able to make it to the 6th. i mean, who has 10 papers?

i had 7 papers in secondary school but that's just minor, i mean, look at the stuff we are studying now, it has definitely 10 folded (not sure if grammer is right..) compared to secondarys school stuff.

well it IS uni... but the things i find soooooo odd is that, different levels have different teachings. i mean, thing of anything, esp science, that you've been taught in JC or secondary school, then compare to now. besides the additional details, something has defeinietly chnaged. i'm starting to wonder if the schs are really right..

like in biochem for transcription, tranlation shit, i noticed that i;ve been learning different enzymes for the same function. okie fair enough, maybe there are a few names for the catalyst. but there are other examples i cannot remmeber righ tnow.. (drained)

i was soooooooooooooooooooooo lazy yesterday. i was suppose to study for microbiology practical. supoose to re-memorise all the stupid viruses, their names and what not.. caliciviridae, paramyxoviridae, togaviruses(to remember this, i drew a vrius in a toga top), rhabdoviridae, oribivirus, morbillivirus, lyssavirus, picornaviridae.. (okie shall stop before my com burst) btu i didn't start studyign till 11pm! and the exam was int he morning the next day. no i didn't sleep. i was slacking away. i'm just sooooooooooooooooooo sick of studying!!

seriously, my frens and i think there really wasn't a necessity to give us 10 exams. they just wanna look cool and tough. and ooooooooooo i just have to bitch about the EVIL microbiology teacher!

"there's going to be 30 questions in 1 hour for the first aprt of ur prac paper, then we will switch to level 4 lab and do 20 questions in 40 mins."

hmm doesn't seem to bad right? i mean, it is short-answer questions. then i looked at the "first" question and there were 4 bloody parts to it! a to d. then i looked at the second question, there were 4 parts too. WTF???????????????????????????

how short a time does he expect us to do 4x30 questions in 1 hour?(60 mins) he's crazy! luckily i timed mysefl well and i managed to reach question 27 at the 5 min mark. but i glaced over to my fren's comp and she was at question 10! and my fren ont he right was at question 20! OMG i thought.... we're all going to just die!

"okie class, i'm giving you 15 more mins coz the class(other hlaf) has not finished their prac" this fifteen mins of time saved our asses today. in order to keep up with the time i skipped alot of questions that i didnt' know, so i had time to go back and think more. and my frens also finished their papers in time thankfully.

then just when u think things will get better.. in the 4th floor lab, 20% of the questions were about gram positive and gram negative bacteria that they have never taught in lectures, and there was only 1 prac session to it. WTF? there were also long long long questions that took 2 mins to read, and there really wasn't enough time to interpret the assays(antigen-antibody plates etc etc) 2 mins was really not enough.

sighh james is evil! pure evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm going to have a bf(bitch fit) and write a letter to him. hopefully he;ll be more lenient.

Monday, June 19, 2006

miss peh..........

ooooooooooooooooo i just bought my first item on e-bay! check it out....

how beautiful is this painting???? perfect for my "african plains" home. Muahahahahahhaha and it costs less then 15 dollars with postage!

but on a sadder note.. my teacher miss peh passed away peacefully this morning. she was my english and math teacher for secondary 3 and 4. And she was the reaon why my grades pulled up so high when i went to secondary 3.

she was innovative, un-conventional, inspiring and sooooooooo nice! not one of her classes are ever the same! i will always rememebr the first thing she said in class for english. "throw away ur textbooks. we dont need them" to teach us english, she took us out for walks, tell us to express our feelings in words, and so dramatically pulling our grades up so high..

for math, she didn't use the textwork wuestions either. she used the TYS(ten-year series) book. whao.... i seriously think she's the ultimate role model of what MOE considers as "out of the box teaching"

she contracted cancer when we were in secondary 4. we all knew she was always in great pain even after treatment(chemotherapy) but she still continued teaching and even turned up for our examinations to support us(morally) even when she was suppos eot be resting at home. come to think about it, she didn't manage to teach us alot in sec 4 becoz of her condition.

apparently, my frens who saw her a few weeks before she died, they said she couldn't speak, was in great pain and was oedematous(swelling all over her body.) she asked the doctors if she could be euthanised but obviously, that's not allowed in singapore! i calle dher house phone but the relative who answered said she couldn't speak. well i already knew that, but i just wanted to get the address. so i made a nice card and mailed it to her.. i dunnoe whether she received it though.. or even read it..

anywhoooooo i'm happy for her now. with a heart like hers, she's definitely in heaven smilling down at all the students she's ever taught and inspired. miss yah miss peh!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

mum and mei are coming!

can't wait to see them here!!! especially meimei (pearlyn) she's never been here!!!


How to make a ningning
5 parts intelligence
3 parts brilliance
3 parts ego
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of curiosity


weight issues 3

my BMR is 22. which is acceptable. but i gotta face it... if i keep up with my eating habits, i will gain more weight.

yes, i know i'm not fat. but i'm FATTER than most girls. and i feel especially so when skinny girls start complaining about their weight/thighs/etc etc..

i really must start to find an alternative to dancing as an exercise. with the way i;m eating... sigh........... and it's the exams............ sighhhhhhhhhhhh

Friday, June 16, 2006

when i feel that i'll fail......

when i;m stressed.............

i wear my shoes and walk around the house. this pair is clean.. or else, i'll walk only on the tiles..

hmmmmmmmmmmmm so beautifull(that's right.. double L for very beautiful)... ahha

or else.. i draw..... hmmm.. Neko was a good subject, she stayed still all the way, till i took out my camera. she faced in a direction not the same as the one that i drew. so i pasted another pic of her. ahhahahhaa

that fussy brat! she's getting skinny! coz she's super picky on food now... all thanks to me.. yeah.. i spoilt her with wet food... now she only eats that, unless she's really hungry then she'll eat her normal food...

occasionally... i comfort myself that if i fail, i can go do designing... but this is seriously my last resort!

But most of all... i remind myself that i have many family and frens who CARE!!

thank you guys soooooooo much for the suprise! totally unexpected... MUACKS!!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

what is in a name?

yeah.. this is what i do when i'm bored from studying... i surf rubbish websites..

and i decided to surf websites abotu baby names. hahahha perhps i'll givemyself a name other than ning or ah chuan. HAHAHAHA

vote k.. ahahha

i like names from hawaiian origin. (coz i think it's cool. =p)

(1) Noelani --> meaning... beautiful girl from heaven.. ahhahaha wahhhhhhh too much to take! but i liek the sound of the name. ahhahaha hmm perhaps not unique enough..

(2) Kamea --> no meaning. btu sounds nice hahahahaha

(3) Kekona --> sounds nice but it means second born. not me i'm first born!

(4) Kiana --> moon goddess.... whaooooooo

(5) hmmmmmm no more nice hawaiian names..

okie.. spanish..

(1) Desi --> means desire............................ ooOOOOooooOOOOooooo it sounds so cool!

(2) Chiquita ........sounds so cute! but nah.... maybe not for me???

okie.. will search more later.. HAHAHAHAHHA

okie here's more...

this is of Ethiopian origins... (1) Desta.. meaning happiness!

okie.. this is a jap name my stepmom gave me.. hohoho.. (1) Miko kinda sounds like neko.. hahahhahahhaha

ooo this is of Maori origin.. (1)Aroha ... means love.. hahahhahahhaha

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

disappointing Japan!!

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i really should be studying but i can;t stand it!! how can Japan, the number 18th in the world lose to fucking australia?

no i dont hate australia but i hate their cockiness! i'm going to see countless and i mean countless of news going on and on and on and on about the socceroos..


i can't wait for the day aus gets beaten by whatever country! so that they can shut the fuck up!!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

i really miss my sims..

sigh.. whenever i'm having exams.. i start to think abotu the sims game back home... but now i can't play it!! coz i'm not going back!!

i really wish my mum can bring the cpu over..

i dont know how to explain it, but the sims 2 is really a fantastic game! it's like barbie doll and big brother rolled in one. i always create my life story there coz it's sooooo fun to watch those little figures walking around mimicking humans and the way we interact..

i really wanna play simsssssssssssssssss in a way.. i escape the reality that i have to suffer and study for exams miserably with this game..


oooooo and i miss painting too.. as i was browsing e-bay.. i went to this paints section and i saw all these beautiful paintings... sigh... it brought back so many memories.. i remember sitting in my garden painting on my easel... i'm not boasting but i was pretty good at art... somtimes i wonder why i ended up in this course.. perhaps it's the whole singapore mentality, that science is better... my grandma actually said "chuanning, if you can't get to jc, go poly and do designing" hahahhahaha..


it's amazing how many things to start to miss when u have to STUDY for 10 exams...

Thursday, June 08, 2006

should i buy it?

i really love x-men!! the whole idea is so real yet so imaginative and creative!!! and COOL!

i was surfing the web when i'm taking a break form my studying when i found the whole set of x-emn cartoon, the 90's one on e-bay! iit will cost me 100.........

aarghhhhhhhhhhhh i asked my dad and he said go ahead!

but i feel that it's little waste of money!!

how??? the bidding time left is only 1 day!!

quick help me decide guys!!

should i???

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

a sitter for Neko for 5 days when i'm on a farm faraway..

Neko sings...

Wanted: a nanny for 1 adorable kitten

If you want this choice position
Have a cheery disposition
Rosy cheeks, no warts!
Play games, all sort
You must be kind, you must be witty
Very sweet and fairly pretty
Take me on outings, give me treats
Sing songs, bring sweets
Never be cross or cruel
Never give us castor oil or gruel
Love me as a son or daughter
And never smell of barley water
If you won't scold and dominate me
I will never give you cause to hate me
I won't hide your spectacles
So you can't see
Put toads in your bed
Or pepper in your tea
Hurry, Nanny!
Many thanks

Sincerely, Neko Wong/Lim

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

what the...

Muder and Mayhem of the Oestrous cycle of the cow.

where to begin? perhaps at the begining. with the demise of the corpus luteum.

the corpus luteum is murdered most horribly over 24 hours by the conspiracy of the ovary, uterus and dominant follice. the murder wepon, prostaglandin F2a. (the mystery will be solved later)


but i gotta admit, it's damn funny.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

1 day without chocolate

i've been living the past weeks with chocolate everyday. chocolate as in cocoa.

yesterday when i was hungry after dinner, i snacked on some chocolate and ended up finishing the whole bar. not only did i feel fat and guilty, i felt hungry again!

so i thought to myself that maybe i should stop this viscious(shit.. can't even spell this, been spelling too many ostertagia, netamocera, echinophaga gallinae, demodex canis, sarcoptes scabei etc etc) cycle, and start 1 week without chocolate.

i love chocolate, but i'm begining to think it's making me grumpy everytime this sugar crash happens.

so today i didn't have milo in the morning, i had celyon orange green tea, juice and bread with peanut butter(and sugar of course) and bread with cheese spread.

then i didn't eat lunch becoz my breakfast was at 12.30((that's the time i woke up)

then i had sumptous dinner, steam fish, stirfry vegies and rolled omelletes(okie the spelling looks wierd here but hack..) for dinner with rice. then i had vanilla ice cream for desert.

yummmmm i nearly wanted to add nutella into my vanilla ice cream but i resisted.

feels good... =)

Saturday, June 03, 2006

die.. die die die die

this is it.. i'm going to fail para.

i've been studying for 2 days and i still dont know shit. i tried to do the online questions. it's really hard. really really.

how on earth am i going to pass this?

alot of things start to come onto my mind.

what is i had to go back home coz i failed? then i would have wasted almost 3 years here.

i relaly dont wann fail!

all i hope for is to pass.

oh shit!!!!! it's really bloody fucking hard! (excuse me)

all these nematodes and insects and aranchids all look the same!!! how on earth am i suppose to rememeber all the families, genuses, species, their life cycle, their pathogenesis, etce tc. dont they feel that it's crazy trying to rmemeber over 10 species of insects, nematods, arachinids what not, their life cycle, their pathogenesis each?

oh shit.........................................

physiology was hard last year coz of the content. but this is 10 times worst. not only is there fucking loads of content, there is no logic to it at all. it's just pure memory without understanding!

and to add to all this, i hate insects! (and arachnids, and nematodes)

and before i end off, would like to say something abut my birthday.

just in case anyone is planning anything. please dont.

i would like to drown myself in my own self pity this year during the exam, then think about it when exams are over.