Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

die.. die die die die

this is it.. i'm going to fail para.

i've been studying for 2 days and i still dont know shit. i tried to do the online questions. it's really hard. really really.

how on earth am i going to pass this?

alot of things start to come onto my mind.

what is i had to go back home coz i failed? then i would have wasted almost 3 years here.

i relaly dont wann fail!

all i hope for is to pass.

oh shit!!!!! it's really bloody fucking hard! (excuse me)

all these nematodes and insects and aranchids all look the same!!! how on earth am i suppose to rememeber all the families, genuses, species, their life cycle, their pathogenesis, etce tc. dont they feel that it's crazy trying to rmemeber over 10 species of insects, nematods, arachinids what not, their life cycle, their pathogenesis each?

oh shit.........................................

physiology was hard last year coz of the content. but this is 10 times worst. not only is there fucking loads of content, there is no logic to it at all. it's just pure memory without understanding!

and to add to all this, i hate insects! (and arachnids, and nematodes)

and before i end off, would like to say something abut my birthday.

just in case anyone is planning anything. please dont.

i would like to drown myself in my own self pity this year during the exam, then think about it when exams are over.


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