Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

i really miss my sims..

sigh.. whenever i'm having exams.. i start to think abotu the sims game back home... but now i can't play it!! coz i'm not going back!!

i really wish my mum can bring the cpu over..

i dont know how to explain it, but the sims 2 is really a fantastic game! it's like barbie doll and big brother rolled in one. i always create my life story there coz it's sooooo fun to watch those little figures walking around mimicking humans and the way we interact..

i really wanna play simsssssssssssssssss in a way.. i escape the reality that i have to suffer and study for exams miserably with this game..


oooooo and i miss painting too.. as i was browsing e-bay.. i went to this paints section and i saw all these beautiful paintings... sigh... it brought back so many memories.. i remember sitting in my garden painting on my easel... i'm not boasting but i was pretty good at art... somtimes i wonder why i ended up in this course.. perhaps it's the whole singapore mentality, that science is better... my grandma actually said "chuanning, if you can't get to jc, go poly and do designing" hahahhahaha..


it's amazing how many things to start to miss when u have to STUDY for 10 exams...


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