Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

1 day without chocolate

i've been living the past weeks with chocolate everyday. chocolate as in cocoa.

yesterday when i was hungry after dinner, i snacked on some chocolate and ended up finishing the whole bar. not only did i feel fat and guilty, i felt hungry again!

so i thought to myself that maybe i should stop this viscious(shit.. can't even spell this, been spelling too many ostertagia, netamocera, echinophaga gallinae, demodex canis, sarcoptes scabei etc etc) cycle, and start 1 week without chocolate.

i love chocolate, but i'm begining to think it's making me grumpy everytime this sugar crash happens.

so today i didn't have milo in the morning, i had celyon orange green tea, juice and bread with peanut butter(and sugar of course) and bread with cheese spread.

then i didn't eat lunch becoz my breakfast was at 12.30((that's the time i woke up)

then i had sumptous dinner, steam fish, stirfry vegies and rolled omelletes(okie the spelling looks wierd here but hack..) for dinner with rice. then i had vanilla ice cream for desert.

yummmmm i nearly wanted to add nutella into my vanilla ice cream but i resisted.

feels good... =)


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