Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

accommodation crap

freaking worried about my accommodation now.. i can;t seem to find a nice, reasonably priced apartment to live in. and to think that i post poned my flight just for that.

i was hoping to get an apartment and move in by the 8th of december but i think i wont be able to do it again.. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! this means i miay have to come back here, then start moving, which is soo freaking troublesome coz my famil will be coming with me. not that they are troublesome, but it sort of adds to the "troublesomeness" in that i dont wish to trouble them.. and my cousin junni who is my future housemate, has to have an address soon for her admin uni stuff..........

argh........... i'm just lousy at such stuff.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Xenophobic Aus?

i was readin gmy notes on the role of vets in wildlife care for my AHM(animal health and management) subject, when i came across something that i felt was so so so so wrong!!!


"wildlife is defined as any animal of a vertebrate species, other than humans or fish, which is indigenous to australia or its territorial waters."

"what is not wildlife? most introduced species are not wildlife (such as rabbits and foxes) and should not be treated and released. there are unassailable ecological reasons why introduced species should not be released in spite of the enthusiasm of some people for saving everything. the cost to our native wildlife from introduced species is devastating and this should be borne in mind."

WHAT THE F?????? this is soooo wrong! they are saying that if someone brings a wild fox/rabbit to me for treatment, and he/she is willing to pay for the cost of the treatment, i still cannot treat the animal. that i must let it die, even though it was some car who knocked it down, even though some family moved into its territory and their dog injured it, etc etc...

it's almost saying that the PRs here cannot receive medical treatment coz they are not 'real citizens' that they were not born here. this is so wrong! isn't a vet suppose to treat all animals? isn't that our obligation to do so? isn't it our obligation to save as may lives as possible. we are the doctors of the animal world, we have no right to say "no, i wont treat this animal coz he doesn not deserved treatment, coz it's foreign, that he's an introduced species"

so what happens to human doctors if these rules apply? doesn this mean they cannot treat the paitent coz he's not a citizen here, that he's not under medicare(where costs are charged to the gov, sort of) so u let ur paitient die?

this is just so wrong! i'm disappointed. i though australia was unlike singapore in that they care a whole lot more for the eniviroment and their animals. wildlife or domestic. i though they didn;t discrimminate animals, just like how they claim to not diacrimminate against people of certain races. those lines that i typed above just proved sooooo unotherwise.

alright, i cannot deny that introduced species will sort of upset their ecological system and what not there. but how will the treatment of 1 or 2 animals and returning them to the wild affect the ecological balance so severely? afterall, these animals that have been treated are already weakened. nature will take it's course and claim their loves someday. so what big diiference does a treatment make to the ecological balance, other than giving the animal a 2nd chance of life?

well, i guess that's that. if i ever practise in aus, i hope i dont encounter such a "introduced wildlife case" puts in a such a dilemma

update: exams

whao, i haven't blogged in AGES... well, that's coz i've been too busy studying, i had to go to the farm, then i was busy playing.. haha, but i finally

my exams went okie, but it was always NOT OKIE the night before my exams! you see i have a bad habit. i tend to start studying only at noon, and i study really slowly coz i keep thinking that i have the whole afternoon and night, so i study thoroughly and slowly. but i always overestimate the amount of stuff i can squeeze into my head given a time limit. so, i always end up having to study till 6 am in the morning. Thank God al my major papers are in the afternoon at 2. if not, i would have fainted on my way to the exam hall!

i thought i would do okie for all my papers. but i thought i could die for biochem! the amount of stuff i had to study for biochem was almost 1/3 that of physiology and anatomy! (comparing the thickness of the stack of notes) but the content was so freaking hard to remember! as u know, all my subjects are memory. all my exams are essay, except anatomy that's part MCQ. anywayz, biochem was so tough to remmeber coz of all the jargon! all the different enzymes and pathways that cross and link here and there could kill me! i thought i was a goner when i entered the exam hall. but luckily i managed to do the paper, i know i'llll pass.. thankfully..

Monday, November 07, 2005

weight issues 2

yupz, it's about my weight again..

okei okie.. i know i'm NOT FAT! i know almost everyone think that i have a good body and all that. unfortunately, singaporeans dont usually see that.. yeah, seriously, that is what i feel.

i feel alright, i feel fine, and i feel good about my body here. i know i;ve put on a bit of weight since i returned from singapore this july, and i accept it. but i know, this will not be the case in sinagpore..

in other words, i feel fine here, but i feel fat in singapore. why? i dunnoe, perhaos becoz a hell lot more girls in singapore are thin-slim kind. no, i'm not saying that most aussies here are fat, but the fact is, most of them here are curvy, full, not thin like most singaporeans.

why is there this vicious cycle for girls to be slim or else they will look ugly and not fit into society's idea of a attrative, beautiful person?? (suddenly i feel like i'm writting a GP essay) so much so that they deprive themselves of the daily happy things in life, like chocolate, or a slice of cake with with frens on a cafe, or even a birthday cake. or just not going to the gym for one day and take a nap at home. this extreme form of dieting really makes me wonder if becoming slim is worth all this trouble, all this hardship?

my fren told me of a very disturbing thing she heard from this fren. "i actually train myself to eat just one meal a day and i can take it!! so happy" i find it sad how she's, first of all, destroying her body, 2ndly: have such confidence that is so reliant on her weight, 3rdly: in denial that she's happy.

however, it is hard if u are told that u are fat.. i cannot forget what this nurse said to me in secondary sch when i reached 50kg. "u are 1% overweight, better start watching your diet" my goodness... i was like, pls give me a break man.. am i really that fat???? how slim do u want me to be?

i'm about 3 kg heavier than that traumatic nurse incident ever since. it does affect me, i cannot deny that. sometimes, i feel fat and ugly and all the negative things u can think of. okie, maybe only girls can relate to this.. but yeah, all my attempts to lose weight have never started!! hahahhhaa.. mainly coz i know i;m not that overweight, and i just love eating too much! i can;t help it!

however, i think i'm over with all this weight issue thing... just be healthy.. that;s good enough. =p

i'm so distracted!

yeah, it was 3 am in the morning and i was suppose to revise for my physiology exam in the afternoon! but i couldn't concentrate! i was sooooooooo distracted! i actually went to frenster and clicked on alomst everyone of my frens to see their prolife, their photos, what not..

i felt soooooooooooo "wu liao"! but i still did it coz i was so bored!

but anyway, i did stop at 3.30 then study till 5am then sleep, then woke up at 10 to start studying again..

thank goodness my exam is in the afternnon man............

anywayz, the exam wasn't so good. honestly, i can very shamelessly tell u that i've studied a lot harder this semester. but.. the qns weren't easy at all!!! thankfully i'm not the only one who feels this way. so it means i'm not dumb! haha.. well, at least i hope i can pass..

just now, i went over to pris's house. my vet frens and i wanted to discuss physiology prac answers. i felt kinda bossy at times and i feel bad.. but all i wanted to do was to let everyone hear what the someone on the other end of the table is saying. in other words, i think i;ve become more outspoken compared to last time.. (ha.. another change) after the gathering, i asked shwee and pris if i was annoying anyone for the fact that i was summarizing stuff other ppl say to the other ppl who couldn't hear it. they said that it was okie.. but perhaps, i should just keep my mouth shut sometimes..

u know me.. talking without thinking sometimes. my dad says i;m too direct sometimes and i offend ppl, and i wouldn;t know of it untill they confront me or i just happen to be more observant and notice it.. hahaha.. well, that's just me. BLUR...

Sunday, November 06, 2005

so stressed yet i feel relaxed..

haha confusing i know.. but really, i'm very stressed when i think of my exams!! but somehow i always tell myself.. "dont sleep lor.." sigh.. what a bad habit..

but i feel even more stressed when i think of my accommodation to settle.

that one.. really stressed..

seriously, i think i should maybe just stay at cs again and forget it.. but i really wanna try staying at a place where i have my own furniture and my own privacy, nit student accommdation where they can open ur door and check anything they wan whenever.. (yes.. that's what cs does to u..)

okie okie better get back to studying.
