Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Monday, November 07, 2005

weight issues 2

yupz, it's about my weight again..

okei okie.. i know i'm NOT FAT! i know almost everyone think that i have a good body and all that. unfortunately, singaporeans dont usually see that.. yeah, seriously, that is what i feel.

i feel alright, i feel fine, and i feel good about my body here. i know i;ve put on a bit of weight since i returned from singapore this july, and i accept it. but i know, this will not be the case in sinagpore..

in other words, i feel fine here, but i feel fat in singapore. why? i dunnoe, perhaos becoz a hell lot more girls in singapore are thin-slim kind. no, i'm not saying that most aussies here are fat, but the fact is, most of them here are curvy, full, not thin like most singaporeans.

why is there this vicious cycle for girls to be slim or else they will look ugly and not fit into society's idea of a attrative, beautiful person?? (suddenly i feel like i'm writting a GP essay) so much so that they deprive themselves of the daily happy things in life, like chocolate, or a slice of cake with with frens on a cafe, or even a birthday cake. or just not going to the gym for one day and take a nap at home. this extreme form of dieting really makes me wonder if becoming slim is worth all this trouble, all this hardship?

my fren told me of a very disturbing thing she heard from this fren. "i actually train myself to eat just one meal a day and i can take it!! so happy" i find it sad how she's, first of all, destroying her body, 2ndly: have such confidence that is so reliant on her weight, 3rdly: in denial that she's happy.

however, it is hard if u are told that u are fat.. i cannot forget what this nurse said to me in secondary sch when i reached 50kg. "u are 1% overweight, better start watching your diet" my goodness... i was like, pls give me a break man.. am i really that fat???? how slim do u want me to be?

i'm about 3 kg heavier than that traumatic nurse incident ever since. it does affect me, i cannot deny that. sometimes, i feel fat and ugly and all the negative things u can think of. okie, maybe only girls can relate to this.. but yeah, all my attempts to lose weight have never started!! hahahhhaa.. mainly coz i know i;m not that overweight, and i just love eating too much! i can;t help it!

however, i think i'm over with all this weight issue thing... just be healthy.. that;s good enough. =p


  • At 5:50 PM , Blogger Sharlene said...

    Totally understand where you're coming from. You'll never guess it, but I am no stranger to body image hang-ups and eating disorders..Only God knows how much hell I went through and honestly..It's only this year with the help of Crunk'D, hip-hop, my loved ones, and the realisation that all guys love curvy chicks that I'm truly getting better..I think it'll always be a work-in progress..but I know one day I'll be all good..Baby steps! Just know you're not alone..Nobody shows it but deep down every woman thinks there's something wrong with herself! Hehe..We should have coffee sometimes and ponder upon the wonder which is the female drive to be skinny! Seriously! Just realised that although Crunk'D are so close as a group, we don't know much about each other below the surface! So let me know when you finish exams and are going back to S'pore yea..see if we can catch up! *huGz*


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