Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

my goodness,,.... i don't ever want to have children like that!

haha.. my brother and my mum came yesterday and from the moment they arrived, there's just non-stop noise!

well, they do keep a little more quiet when i'm studying, but generally, i can't stand my brother's attiude. i can imagine him becoming the number 1 geek in school when he goes to secondary school! he is unbelievable annoying in the sense that he would just sit around and play his gameboy, not help with any chore in the house! he cannot even off the toilet lights by himself. and he is more blur than me!!!!! i can't stand it! when he wanted to charge his gameboy, 1st he asked mom for the charger, then asks me where to plugg it in. oh mi gosh, the electrical outlet(is that what you call it?) is just in front of you, use your eyes!!!!!!!! then when he left his game boy ont he floor to charge, my mom scolded him for letting the wire cross a narrow path such that ppl can trip over it easily. "but sister ask me to put the charger there!" for God's sake! i asked you to plugg it in there but not place the wire in such a away that it tripps ppl right????

game boy and play station has DESTROYED my brother's brain. he used to be sooo alert, and aware of his surroundings, now all he cares about is his make belief world of pokemon, havest moon, harry potter what not!!!!!!!!!!!!

just now as they were about to go the the supermarket, my mom asked him to bring a lipbalm coz his lips were very dry. then he asked "but my pants doesn't have a pocket" SO??? use your other pockets! your jacket? your shirt? bring a pouch?????

what has happent o today's children??? brainwashed by all the virtual games, living in their own world of "glory" in their computer games. i know it's very fun, but no matter how much fun you get out of it, you are wastign your time! the acheivements in your games mean NOTHING in reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and as if it wasn't enough,... my mother keeps scolding and picking on him!!!

noise noise nosie!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok, better get back to studying!

(P/S: joke of the day, my brother brought his play station, made my mother carry it all the way at the airport as a hand luggage coz he didn't have the strenght to carry it, and then forgot to pack the games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


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