Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

i'm spinning around....

1st was the cyst, then now the immunisation.

yeah, i had a Q fever immunisation yesterday morning, so i had to cancel my cyst surgery. the doctors warned us that 44% of us will feel soreness around the injected area, 10% will feel headaches and 1% of us will have fevers. guess what, i got all 3! last night, i even broke out in cold sweat in the middle of the night. woke up with my head spinning.. thus the title... haha

at lessons today, i couldn't concentrate at all, my mind kept wondering off into some other place, and i'd start day dreaming. i find it very hard to concentrate now a days... i'm getting worried.

am i just overworked? tired? or is my brain capacity really deteriorating????? it had better not.. i still have 4 years of vet studies to go! and i dont wanna give up!

sianz, i'm having another test tmr about anatomy. wow...... dunnoe how to study when i'm feeling this lethargic


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