Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Friday, February 16, 2007

exciting day!! x2

Yesterday, i finally finally got my car!! it was soooo... exciting, i was scared at the same time but i drove back from honda john blair to my apartment with am, in one piece! woohoo!!!

there were a few instances when i thought i was a traffic diaster coz i suddenly turned etc etc. but it went okie.

my car plate number is UPX779. not bad eh?? hahahaha

Then today was the first time i drove to sch with dawn sitting beside me! it took us about 40 mins coz i was driving at 80-90, not 100kmph. there were so many cars on the highway just overtaking me coz i was slow. ahhaha but i didn't care. it was either my safety or their convinience. and i chose the former.

i'm actually at my sch computer lab (and my fren just joined me) we are suppose to have our horse prac now but 1.5 hours into the 3hour prac, the itch on my neck became unbearable! i stopped to go to the toilet to maybe wash up abit to help it get better. then was horrified to see my face (upper lips and eyes) and my entire neck with red, extremely itchy rashes. i tried to clean up as much as i can but when i went back to the shed, i couldn't take it anymore. the very very very hot weather did not make things easy. so i told the teacher that i had to be excused and here i am. luckily the prac was quite easy.. so it was kinda alright to skip.

just now i also went for LIVE SURGERY! that's right, i did surgery on a LIVE ANIMAL! i freaked out last night when i realise that it was going to be a live animal and not a cadevar that is tudied extra hard! me, ning, revising last year and last last year's notes! it's a miracle!!!

i freaked out becoz i thought the animal was going to stil live after that, but i later found out that these dogs were "going to be out to sleep anyway" so i was mnore assured.

I volunteered to be the surgeon on my group. then when the dog came, awwwwwww it had no indication what so ever of why this dog had to be put down.. it was friendly, happy, exicted and kept wagging its tail. I looked at my fren and told her that i was "scared"(not scared of surgery, butscared that i will not be abole to deal with the guilt, even thought i know it's not my fault) i nearly teared but i hel dit back of course.

when the dog was anaesthetised, i went on with the surgery and cut out a segment of it's jejenum(intestine) then tiched it back together. The instructors tested my titches and it went well.. my wound did not leak at all (i got a mars bar for that, but alot of ppl did!)

then as i went off to clean up the instrument ste ctec.. i came back to find the happy dog dead. I felt so sad.. it was kinda the first time that i experienced death of an animal by choice, by choice of a human (it's previous owner), by euthanasia, by barbituate.

i felt happy that at least this dog did not die for nothing. he helped me learn some skills that i will need int he future for saving other dogs, cats, etc etc. but i really wished that he wasn't put down int he first plac.e other groups had dogs that were sick, lame, etc etc, but ours was perfectly healthy.



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