Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Since I;m bored too..

1. Do you know where your sister is right now?
Nope.. singapore?

2. Last time you hugged someone?
Neko darling!

3. What is something you've learned about yourself recently?
I'm a very people person.. I CANNOT be alone at home with NOthing to do. it makes me sad..

4. What color is your watch?
erm.. silver? orange? candy?

5.Do you like anyone?
My family, frens, the earth, pets etc etc..

6. Are you close to your mom?
which one?

7.Where do you work?
dont work.. but i study in sad sad weribee

8. What are you listening to right now?
nothing.. oh erm.. "do you think u can dance tv background music

9.what do you smell like?
cats? dung? antiseptic? depends on the time of the day and what prac i have..

10. What color are your pants/jeans?
no shorts on now.. oops..

11. Closest thing to your left?

12. What color is your bedroomflooring?
silver carpet

13. Do you have a chair in your room?
yeah, a blue NIKE chair from Ikea.

14. Time you were born?

15. Do you know anyone who is engaged?

16. What's your favorite number?

17. Do you know someone named Lori?

18. What color is your mom's hair?
which one?

19. Do you have a dog?
i had one.. his name was noxx. he was a brown cocker spaniel.

20. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid?
"Kiss me honey honey kiss me, thrill me honey honeyl thrill me.." or "it was an itsy biny tiny winy yeloow poka dot bikini.."

21. When was the last time you went swimming?
cannot remember man..

22. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings?
1/2 hour ago? online? to my brother

23. Did you ever go to a camp as a child?
yes.. was very excicted at first. then realised had to queue for toilet to shower.. not so happy anymore

24. Do you play an instrument?
use to play the piano. erm, and recorder?

25. Do you like fire?
on candles? yes!

26. Are you allergic to anything?
dust n sun and aloe vera

27. When was the last time you cried?
a few days ago i think..

29. Have you ever been to a spa?

30. Did you take science all four years of high school?
yes, until now..

31. Do you like butterflies?
yeah, they're beautiful..


33. What is one thing you miss about your past?
no such thing as feeling "empty"

34. Have you ever seen the school counselor?

35. Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?
yeah.. when i was like 3years old?

36. What is one thing you've learned about life?
it's not about myself. it's about my family and frens

37. Are you jealous of anyone?
aiyo.. so many...

38. Is anyone jealous of you?
eh.. apparently, some poeple like some parts of my body or face or skin..

39. Ever been stuck in an elevator?

40. What does your mom call you?
which one? haha okie okie.. one says darling, the other one says girl

41. What does your siblings call you?
ka-jie or sista

42. What does you hair look like right now?
dry and messy

43. Has a friend ever used you?
yes, i'm too kind

44. Has anyone recently told you that they like you?

45. What have you eaten today?
sushi and teriyaki chicken

46. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?

47. What is your favorite movie?
erm... disney cartoons?

48. Who was the last person you drove with?
erm, dawn and the terrified car salesman on the test drive (coz i told him on the drive that it's my first time on a different car..)

49. What are you looking forward to?
my car!!!

50. How are you today?
good. bit tired

51. Who do you tag?


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