Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Monday, February 05, 2007

bad luck is attracted to me

when bad luck comes to me, it comes in the tonnes.

first, i couldn;t sleep last night. ended up sleeping for 4 hours before i had to wake up for sch.

then my fren and i waited for 45 mins for our fren who agreed to drive us to school to show up. she never picked up our calls, never answered our smses. when she finally turned up, it was 45 mins past the time she said for us to meet.

3rdly, she told us that she might be retaining so she doesn't want to go to prac in the afternoon so we have to find our own accomodation home.

4thly, i know she has a reputation of not keeping her word. so i asked her honestly if she could fetch us. tell us if she cannot and be honest coz then i can have time to find alternative transport. at first she avoided giving me a striaght answer, then she said "no she can't.. she has to give ????? in parksville" i thought this was very irresponsible fo her. I am not cruel, i have not forgotten the favour sh edid to me by agreeing to fetch me and my frent os ch everyday for 1 week. but thing is, she must understand that we are dependent on ehr to get to shc. if she cannot bring us to sch then tell us honestly. dont just say yes just to "strenghten the frenship" it just makes things worst.

then, no5, i called the car saleman ross. and found out that he fucking went on a holiday. when i paid the deposit, he said next week (which was last week) when i called last week, he said this week. then when i called this week, it's oh.. oops, "i'm not here" FUCK man. that is so irresponsible. I hate him! the representitive i talked to was ncie but i couldn't helped yelling at him. at one point he even went "i'm sorry i'm just the messnger, dont blame me" "yeah, you scold ross back for me then" i said. it's just so frustrating. "the car is now on the way, we'll get it for you on friday late afternoon" he said. this was the point when i felt hat if i hadn't yelled at them, i would prb get the car next year. i put the phoen down and yelled "KNN" damn loudly thru the hallway of my vet sch. well no one was around. i was so ont he verge of tears. i was just sooooooooooo angry and frustrated. they have no idea how much i need this car. it's a NEED, not so much of a WANT!

but at least my other 2 frens who are moving to werribee are still living in the city. they cna pick us for this week only. but it's very nice of them.

what a day to start the 1st day of sch. to top it off, my timetabel is 9-5 on mon and thurs and 8-5 on tues, wed, fri. i'm jinxed.. always have been..


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