Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Monday, February 05, 2007

sch starts in a few hours time

i realli should be sleeping now, but i couldn't get to sleep. maybe it's the very strong and nice green tea i drank at about 7pm. or maybe it's the fact that i'm just plain excited abotu 1st day of school (Sheep prac? yeah right..) or maybe the pain of the ulcer in mouth is killing me! or maybe i'm just excited about my car.

but anyway, i tossed and turned for 1.5 hours in bed and i couldn't sleep. science says that after 15mins of sleep and you still cannot sleep, go do something then tryt o sleep.. so i thought i'd bloged random stuff.

hmm.. last night i had a horrible dream. i dream that i was going to marry this married farmer guy from singaproe (puppy farm owner) ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.. i dunnoe why i keep dreaming of such horrible things. i had the exact same senario last year.. i dreamt that i was going to marry this other farmer in aus (The milk guy) ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.. please lah.. Brain, give me something nice can? like a prince? a rich guy? a handsome guy?

yesterday was realli fun. the park was amazingly big and spacious. it was soooooo nice to let the dogs off the lease and see them runa dn chase each toehr and play.. so fun! I think i also got to know pav a little mroe. tee hee...

yesterday i also realsied that in a few years time, we'll be bringing our babies to the park.. not just dogs..

gee time flies. it felt like yesterday when i just graduated form secondary school. today when i was shopping with dawn for t-shrits (btu ended up buying bras) i walked into the roxy stores feelign old. these were the kind of clothing i LOVEDD when i was a teen. but now i am an adult..

well at least my teen years were quite fulfilling.. now i must brace myself for proper adulthood. and school tmr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

apparently, 3rd year is not easier than the 2nd. and in fact it could be worse. ahhh why??? why do they love to torture us? coz we are the cream of the crop?? can't they just give us a break?

but no matter, i must study harder.. i think i've been studying smart enough. as in, i've always felt that i never studied hard, i just studied smart enough to know that is important and what the teachers want. now must work harder. no more slacking. i wanna become a good vet! not a lousy one!

so in order to work harder, i must not sleep in lecture! (snoreeeeeeeeeee) no! this means that i must sleep early!!

man.. should i even consider sleeping pills? ehh no lah, no good for my bodyt o become relient on it. okei okie.. better go sleep now. hopefully after wrting this out i can sleep now..



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