Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

i dont wanna be boring anymore!!

alot of things are running in my head now..(as always..) frens, family, sch work, dance, house....

alot of things are on my mind coz alot of things are bothering me. i've said it before and i'll say it again.. vet course is crazy! i just have so much work to do it never ends! to the point that my relationships with my frens are suffering.. and yes.. i feel damn sad about it.

vet course is crazy.... lessons 9 to 5 everyday. lab class every day..
mondays: lectures 9 to 1, then pathology prac 2 to 5. pth prac is okie coz it's computer stuff and we can leave early if we wanted to do it at home..

tuesdays, morning pracs, then afternoon letcures to 5

wednesdays: morning lectures 9 to 1, then afternoon pracs to 5 again

thursdays: morning pracs, then lectures 2 to 5.

fridays: no mercy.. sometimes we have lectures 8 to 1 in the morning, then lab classes, parasitology from 2 to 5..

please tell me how do i have the time for anything else? plus the fact that i have to add in my flare dance stuff??? meetings, rehearsals etc etc..

yesterday i heard something damn shattering.. all it all, it just meant that i've difted away from some people whom i really consider impt in my life here. and i dont like it at all, not one bit! i know i've been so busy with my work, to the point that i cannot stretch my concentration anymore over to other things like my frens. but i dont wanan be like that anyway, i wanna chnage i dont wanna be boring! i wanan go out. but how??

i know about this effort thing. as in, if you wanna have something, u have to put effort into it. but what if u feel that you've put in effort for somethings but ppl did not respond??

shit.. i'm starying to feel that this bloog has no structure.. as usual, my tot s are all over the place.. i cannot think properly..

all the more i should get it out of my head!

dont wanan be boring, dont wanna be distant no more. must balance work and play, must restore old frenships, must become closer to mroe ppl... must must must must must..


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