Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

the most disgusting prac and my new skinny jeans!

it was full of fliud... yellow, pungent ammonia smelling fluid.

i had a pacental prac today and my group happened to have the biggest calf fetus ever. it was almost full term.. but the uterus was cut out for our prac. when we cut the uterus open.. it was all filud everywhere.. like a water balloon that just burst. the calf was huge. could have easily been 40kg? i couldn't touch the thing at all even with gloves on./ i know i should touch it but i wasn't feeling very well from the lectures that morning.. the tiny handwritting made me stare at the white boeard like forever and it made my head spin..

speaking of white boards.. why did they ever invent it? yes it's cleaner than chalk boards but it's freaking so much harder to see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anywayz, i bought my first pair of skinny jeans last saturday. i never dared to try or buy skinny jeans ever since i tried my first pair at gasp. damn they gave me a bad impression of skinny jeans. gasp jeans' cutting is just not good! glad i dared to try other skinny jeans. i woulkd ahve regretted not buying this pair. it fits so well!


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