Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

mixed up


Sometimes i wish i was more heard, or that i'm not being ignored.
Or rather, sometimes i wish my words mean more to people than they think.
Perhaps sometimes, i even wish i had better talking skills, that way, maybe mroe people will listen to me.

Sometimes i wish i was not so sensitive, so that i dont feel jealousy, or inferiority, or outcasted.
Or maybe sometimes i wish i was more sensitive, so that i dont make ppl upset without knowing it.
Or perhaps, sometimes i wish people around me were more sensitive, then i wouldn't find myself keeping all the pain within.
Or maybe, sometimes i wish people were mroe straight forward, that way, i dont have to keep guessing if i've done something wrong.

Sometimes, i wish i was stronger, that i am more efficient, more clever, more able.
Or maybe sometimes, i wish vet course wasn't so competitive.
Sometimes, i even wonder if i suit this course, whether i can even pass.

Sometimes i wish to feel numb. in that way, it wont matter what people think about me
Or maybe, sometimes i wish i wouldn't judge myself through other people's eyes too much.
Sometimes i wish to feel numb. in that way, i wont feel outcasted, unthought of, inferior, behind.
Or maybe, sometimes i should learn to ignore some things in life and be happy.

Some times i wish people would open up their hearts to look at the big picture, to be more aware or the helpless, the needy, the environment, the animals, that not everything is about money.
Or maybe sometimes i wish i could close my heart and not feel so so much pain.

Sometimes i wish i was a better person, that i won't get grumpy or angry or sulky or annoyed so easily.
Or maybe sometimes i wish people would understand that a sick girl who feels uncomfortable cannot walk forever.

sometimes... just sometimes...


  • At 3:43 PM , Blogger Cheryl Tham said...

    sometimes.. sometimes.. sometimes you just need to know you aren't alone. sometimes you'd just need to know what you perceive isn't what it truly is.. sometimes you just need to know there are people around you loves you, who cares for you, who feels you're smart, who knows you are able.. who knows you're a great girl to be with..

    sometimes it isn't about feeling numb in order to disregard what people feel about you.. sometimes you may just want to realise that it's about growing up and knowing other people shouldn't affect how you feel and it's just you.. if people really truly don't fancy you, it's their lost.. because you know what girl...? i remembered disliking you like i told you i did in sec 1 and 2 but i knew i found someone good, loving, someone worth spending a good friendship with through the years and even up till now, much so through the future... you'd just need to know, you're in fact.. WORTHY!

  • At 4:11 AM , Blogger mAjEzTiX said...

    all these sometimes.. are wat i'm gg thru as well.. i noe perfectly wat all this means.. i'm actually making a joke outta this -> "second puberty stage"?? where we are all so sensitive , and so conscious of the ppl ard you looking at you...

    den i convinced myself it's part of growing up... part of stepping into the society and part of knowing the real world.. working with people.. knowing more people and building up our EQ.

    we can't please everybody and can't possibly set gd impression to every single one you know..

    nonetheless, those who sees the gem in you are all around you.. *wink* we are all here to support you and we know you can do it, no matter what.. your course, your dance...

    you are always the strong girl in that humble appearance.. ^.^

  • At 1:17 AM , Blogger ^MeL^ said...

    Sometimes, we all go through bad bouts of mild depression. It seems, anything we do, anything we say, nothing turns out right. Everywhere we turn, things just don't look right.

    Sometimes, we wish for so many things and they just don't happen. It seems, no one is really listening at all.

    Sometimes, we want things to go our way, but that just doesn't happen all the time does it.

    Sometimes, my dear friend, a little consolation from us friends may help to lighten things up a bit. It may not work miraculously, but I sure hope, it makes you smile.

    Sometimes, all you need is to have someone tell you how much you matter to them, how significant you are in their lives, to really make your day.

    Sometimes, all you need is someone to tell you how much you are appreciated, how much you have done for them.

    Sometimes, all you need is to have someone tell you that it doesn't matter whether you're too sensitive, or anything negative, because, we're all fine with who you are.

    Sometimes, all you need is to have someone tell you that we do not need to have to see perfection in you. You're unique with your traits and flaws.

    Sometimes, all you need is to have someone tell you how precious you are, what a difference you have made in their lives, whether significant ones or not.

    And sometimes, all it takes is to have someone like me to tell you how much you're loved and treasured. We may not see each other everyday, not interact for months, but girl, I would like you to have the faith that someone in the world cares about who you are.

    I hope that this wil at least give you a smile for the day :)


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