Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


yeaah.. my busy sechdule got the better of me...

i knew i would fall sick.. it was just a matter of time... my terribly packed 9-5 sch time table, toegther with dance for 6 hours/week for the past few weeks, plus staying up late just to study.... also, i didn't eat healthy food, always snacking and not eating proper meals...

i'd be superwoman to not fall ill..

sigh... at least this illness allows me to rest a little more.. but i dont wanna turn up at ICSS ball snuffed up in the nose..... so i hope i get well soon..

now that i'm ill, i've slowed down my pace in everyday life, and looked at the big picture..

i wondered to myself.. why was i working so hard for dance for? shouldn't i study harder instead? i mean, isn't studying VET, is the one and onli reason why i am here in the first place.. i mean, yeah dance is my hobby and i LOVE dancing but shouldn't i put in more effort in my studies than my dance? shouldn't i put studying as my 1st priority??

all in all.. i've dedicated myself.. more than 12 hours sewing for other costumes that i'm not even in charge of.. i mean.. yeah, i am the costume mistress.. i am suppose to HELP organise everything associated with costumes like keeping them, stock taking, organise sewing sessions, and help around.. but...when i organised mass sewing sessions.. people came, but most of the people doing the majority of the work , are doing work not associated with their own dance! i didn't want dancers to feel that they have been made use of, so me and joyce(my partner for costume incharge) decided to let the choreogarphers organise their own sewing sessions and book the sewing machine from me. i would gladly help them book the multipurpose room in collge square and teach them how to operate the machine first, but i am not willing to do their work.. coz i dont wanna be made use of!

last sat, there was an organisation for "spirit"'s costume making.. i mean, i understand that people cannot come coz they have to study, but at least make ONE attempt can a not??? even if it was for one hour! in the end, onli 4 or so ppl turned up and when i went down to take a look and see if i could help out, to my shock they haven even started sewing yet! when i asked why,.. they said they didn't know, when i asked is it becoz they dont know how to operate the sewing machine? they said maybe... but the sewing machine isn't out of the box yet! there wasn't even an attempt to sew.... my goodness......

k, enough about dance....

i also realise that my hectic schedule has also made me a less.... tolerant person. i am less friendly, coz i feel that i'm just too tired to make that effort to befriend someone new. even sending an e-mail, or chating to an old fren online is "too much" work for me coz i keep thinking that if i dont chat to ppl, i can study more.... well it is kinda true anyway...

alright.. i've made up my mind..

i shall put my studies first.. always always always.. unless absolutely necessary.. i also want to catch up with all my old frenz.. in singapore, in CS, in vet.. etc etc... and take good care of my health... i want to cook for often for my CS frenz, make more cookies for them, study harder and smarter, then wehn exams are over, play harder..

however, i wont neglect my dance totally too.. they are my 3rd priority.. (2nd is frens..) i love dance, and i will never give it up.. i just have to organise my time properly and stick to it!

another problem i find of myself.. not related to my recent hectic schedule, is that i'm easily persuaded by ppl to do things i'm not keen in... if i say "no" or "donnoe" at first, and someone keeps telling me about this and that to pull me to one side/.. i will eventually go there..

so.. i also decided that i'll be more stubborn, in the sense that i will have a mind of my own, and next time not let ppl take advantage of me anymore!


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

most happening weekend ever

yeah. had a extremely exciting, fun-filled, tiring, alcoholic weekend...

on friday night, i had jane's birthday dinner at tgif, it was so fun.. i had a great time chatting with my frenz from flare! i had jack daniel's chicken.... yummmmmmm after that, jane invited all of us to frostbites(a club) but i didn't go, though i was super tempted to..... coz i was tired and i needed a break..

on saturday, i sewed from 9 to 6!! then rushed for shwee's party at night.,. it was such a busy day, not to mention annoying coz there were many poepl who didn't turn up for the sewing session when they HAD to. and i was sewing for other poeple's costumes who were there but didn't do anything! what the hell...

then at shwee's party.... whao.. we had so much fun amonsgt ourselves.. i introduced to them the watermelon seed game, but we still loved priscilla's "kunfu" game better.. hahahah the loser had to drink up a cup of vodka with coke or juice.. this amt depended on what the last loser puts in the cup....

then sunday morning, i prepared to go for a performance in Uni.. i was paid $15.. not to bad right... it was so fun, we performed and laughed and went around collecting free stuff from ppl handing them out.. haha i had to pretend to be a new student so that i could get something... =p very bad right...

then at night i went for a pot-luck house warming party at cindy's new house.. it was beautiful... and the food was great... i wanted to go back earlier but i was afraid of going back alone.. then luckily at 2 plus, the party ended and fionna drove me home.. =)

it was great stuff, now i need to study harder...

Friday, August 19, 2005

bloody weather!!

i'm super pissed now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the weather forcast said that it'll be cloudy today, not rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when class ended, i had onli an hour to get back and change to meet my fren for a fren's party! at first i thought it would be alright coz my fren hiro couls share her umbrella with me till the tramp stop, then i can take the tramp home and not get wet.

but then, when i hoped onto the tramp, i forgot that i forgot to bring my bloody wallet today!! and i didn't have enought coins with me to buy a tramp ticket. i had no guts to fare evade so i hoped off the tramp and walked a freaking 120m to the next sheltered area. just then, i realise that my shoes, my precious $200 lacoste shoes are wet inside out!!!!!!!!!!! and my bag was the very-non-waterproof, white net-like bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i got to the sheltered area and went to a shop to get a bottle of water so that i can have coins for my journey! then i had to wait under the sheltered area till a gtramp cqame, then hurry cross the road to take the tramp. just as i was crossing, this bloody car crossed the tramp's path and blocked the trsamp from reaching us sooner by 1 min!!!!!!!!! redening all the ppl waiting for the tramp, WET!!!

i hoped onto the tramp and realise that it was too crowded to go to the ticketing machine. why didn't this happen in the 1st tramp that i took when i had no change?????? no ticket?????????

F***ing UNLUCKY!!!!

then the worst came, i rreached home and realise that my brother's present is wet!

yes, earlier today, i brought an envelope wwith my brother's present in it, intending to go to the post office during lunch time to get a stamp to post it, but it was raining during lunch and i didn't get the chance to go to the post office. F**k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what many things can go wrong in one hour of your life?????????????????????

and now, i'm going to be late to meet my fren coz i'm super pissed and need to vent my anger on this blog!!!! damn.........................

Thursday, August 18, 2005

the lion king was MAGICAL

the costumes were beautiful, the props and setting were incredibly life-like, and al so creative!! the singing, the acting the dancing were fantastic, so incredibly beautiful, animated, whaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo just awe inspiring!!!!!!!!!!

i actually bought the soundtrack coz i loved the music so much!!! the sences i loved the most were, the starlight sence, when mufasa was telling simba about the kings who have passed, who watch over as sparkling stars in the deep night sky, then i loved the love sence....

yeah, it actually brought tears to my eyes, coz it was sooooooo beautiful!!!!!!!! the song :can u feel the love tonight" was sooooo beautifully sang by simba and nala with such rich, passionate voices!!!!! then halfway through, 6 beautilful dancers in pairs(1 girl one guy) danced in synchrony, it was soooooooooooo magnificant!! i'm just so awed!!

and i must not forget to mention the 1st sence, when all the animals came out to hounor their future king, baby simba.. there was a cheetah, an elephant antelopes, birds, zazu(the hornbill), rihno, baby elephant, giraffes.. etc etc whao... and that's not all, some animals actually walked onto the stage from the side walk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was such a beautiful surprise!!!

i loveddddddd how the lionesses were dancing, it was soooo beautiful!!! the dancers had a lion head as a hat, then they wore a cloak that was light orangey-brown, with one side tied to their waist. so whenever they turned, the cloak expands like a puffy skirt on their backs. it was sooooooooooooooo pretty!!!!!! some to think of it, how did they turn rounds when they can't really move theur heads coz of this cloak??? whao.. they must be extremely skilled dancers!!

i wish i could watch it all over again! but it cost me$100 to watch this show! though the money was worth spending on the show, i doubt i'll spend that money again...

but seriously, it was beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i've always loved musicals... wish i could be in one! i've always dreamt of myself singing and dancing like that, but i know chances are slim... perhaps in my next life..

Monday, August 15, 2005

sweet home singapore

yeah i just watched sweet home alabama on tv and it's a pretty cool show.

it made me miss my family lots.. then suddenly i realise that i haven called them in a while, so i did just now..

it was so good to hear all their voices...

miss yah all!!!!

btw, just wanna say what a good time i had yesterday. although it was super busy. first i had the dance sewing session on at cs that lasted from 9am to 4pm plus!! my goodness, the overlocker was soooooooooooooooooooooooo fussy! we had to rethread the thing so many times! it was sooooooooooooooo intricate and difficult!!!!!!!!!!!! i can imagine how a small scale surgery would be now....

then after that i studied for 1.5 hours with sher and siaowen. it felt soooo good to study with them for a short while, i studied very fast and efficient. and we ate cake sher brought from gloria jeans... so yummmm!!

after that we had delicious dinner at a lygon cafe, then had ice creammmmmmmmm it was so much fun.. it really made me miss the old times. the good old times!!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2005


yup.. for once, it's a happy entree.. ahhahahhahahha

i've cleared up my dance stuff and now i can just focus on my studies..

whao. i was sooooo troubled yesterday, politics, dance issues, studies, time management etc etc, then someone made me more miserable by saying mean stuff.

but it's all over. i'm good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hehe!!! =)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

busy busy busy

i'm packed.. day and night... with dance and studies.... i dunnoe how long i can hold staying up till 2am to study for next day's prac or test. (during the exams, i studied till 6am!!)

i'm mentally and physically exhauted man.. i know i need to cut down on my dances, coz my studies come first.

actually, i know i can manage my time. it's just that, i joined this competition which was suppsoe to be held this weekend, but got postponed to a week beofre my production. and i'm worried that i cannot cope with all the time dancing..

however, come to think about it, i dont have alot to dance during that routine for the competition and also, it's to be used in the production and a performance next next week..

so all in all, it's 4 hours of dance a week for 4 items in the production which is quite managable i think.... if i organise my time properly that is..................

sigh............. u know me.. i dont want to pull ou tof the competition coz i dont want to disappoint ppl in my "crew"

yet, i'm afraid that i dont have the time.

luckily sher called to convince me that it shouldn't be a problem. and anyway, she's joining 4 dances too...

God help me...

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


my fren was surfing and found ou that a picture of adeline, cassandra and i in bikinis is posted online, with horrible comments on it.


thank God there weren't names. but my fren sadi that some TPJC person did this.


in the first place, why are such nonsensical websites up on the web? isn't there enough hate in this world already?????? these bartards and bitches who set the website/pictures up and other minor bastards/bitches are LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they dont have a LIFE! they are JEALOUS and thus make sure they make themselves feel better by humiliating others with such PETTY deeds!

HA! i shall not be one of them. therefore, instead of going "curse u" (as i've typed above)

i'll go I HOPE U GET YOUR RETRIBUTION! MAY ALL YOUR FINGERNAILS DROP OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes i'm damn pissed off alright. and if any of u suckers reading this is one of them, pls change your pathetic ways!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

do i need medical attention?

seriously, i think sometimes i really do. and i better talk to someone fast..

i guess i'm just a very ppl person, so when i feel alone (like now) i get very depresseed. i know it's norml to feel sad, but i think this is serious..

it just so happened that none of my frens are free tml, so i have no one to go out with for the afternoon. at least i have derrick's party to attend, but i was relaly looking forward to shopping in t he afternoon. i dont blame anyone, it;s no one's fault.

i dont hate to be alone, in fact i appreciate the fact that i get "time out" living alone. but today, i really wanted to go ou ttml and no one is free... sadz.

am i crazy?

and. doesn't anyone read my blog???? why no comments????