Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Friday, August 19, 2005

bloody weather!!

i'm super pissed now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the weather forcast said that it'll be cloudy today, not rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when class ended, i had onli an hour to get back and change to meet my fren for a fren's party! at first i thought it would be alright coz my fren hiro couls share her umbrella with me till the tramp stop, then i can take the tramp home and not get wet.

but then, when i hoped onto the tramp, i forgot that i forgot to bring my bloody wallet today!! and i didn't have enought coins with me to buy a tramp ticket. i had no guts to fare evade so i hoped off the tramp and walked a freaking 120m to the next sheltered area. just then, i realise that my shoes, my precious $200 lacoste shoes are wet inside out!!!!!!!!!!! and my bag was the very-non-waterproof, white net-like bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i got to the sheltered area and went to a shop to get a bottle of water so that i can have coins for my journey! then i had to wait under the sheltered area till a gtramp cqame, then hurry cross the road to take the tramp. just as i was crossing, this bloody car crossed the tramp's path and blocked the trsamp from reaching us sooner by 1 min!!!!!!!!! redening all the ppl waiting for the tramp, WET!!!

i hoped onto the tramp and realise that it was too crowded to go to the ticketing machine. why didn't this happen in the 1st tramp that i took when i had no change?????? no ticket?????????

F***ing UNLUCKY!!!!

then the worst came, i rreached home and realise that my brother's present is wet!

yes, earlier today, i brought an envelope wwith my brother's present in it, intending to go to the post office during lunch time to get a stamp to post it, but it was raining during lunch and i didn't get the chance to go to the post office. F**k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what many things can go wrong in one hour of your life?????????????????????

and now, i'm going to be late to meet my fren coz i'm super pissed and need to vent my anger on this blog!!!! damn.........................


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