Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

busy busy busy

i'm packed.. day and night... with dance and studies.... i dunnoe how long i can hold staying up till 2am to study for next day's prac or test. (during the exams, i studied till 6am!!)

i'm mentally and physically exhauted man.. i know i need to cut down on my dances, coz my studies come first.

actually, i know i can manage my time. it's just that, i joined this competition which was suppsoe to be held this weekend, but got postponed to a week beofre my production. and i'm worried that i cannot cope with all the time dancing..

however, come to think about it, i dont have alot to dance during that routine for the competition and also, it's to be used in the production and a performance next next week..

so all in all, it's 4 hours of dance a week for 4 items in the production which is quite managable i think.... if i organise my time properly that is..................

sigh............. u know me.. i dont want to pull ou tof the competition coz i dont want to disappoint ppl in my "crew"

yet, i'm afraid that i dont have the time.

luckily sher called to convince me that it shouldn't be a problem. and anyway, she's joining 4 dances too...

God help me...


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