Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

old fren

i was walking home from my 3rd examination today, wehn i saw my old fren Lina.

i haven't seen her in almost 6 months and she's grown a lot slimmer and prettier. i got to know her last year from my physics prac class.. i thought she was annoying at 1st coz i had to do almost everything at the prac (she was clueless) and she was also very nosiy, as in everything she did, had a sound. whether it was tapping the pen on the book, flipping the pages violently, sighing aloud.. you name it..

but then i got to know her better and i learnt to ignore her noisy habits.

she's a very special fren to me becoz, whenever i feel frustrated wiht my family, i remember her.

you see, her parents both died when she was barely 18 and she is supporting her 15 yr old brother on her own. she told me that her mom died of some blood clot in her brian that killed her within days, and less than a year later, her father committed suicide. from what? i didn't have to ask, it was obviously from grief...

she's living off government grant but she still works part time to make some extra cash. i realli admire her strenght to live on. she told me that she went to visit her relatives in hong kong and they told her to come stay in hong kong with them, but she refused. coz she's born and raised in australia and didn't want to leave her country. btw, the government supplied her the money to fly the plane.

sigh, just as i was feeling very annoyed with my mom and brother in the house when i'm studying, i meet her.. it's a SIGN from God..


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