Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Saturday, March 26, 2005


yes.. busy busy busy..

i've been studying non-stop for the past few days for that stupid anatomy test that will cost me 12.5%!!!! SUCK IT!! anyway, the test didn't turn out so well, i dont know the results yet, but all i hope for is to pass.

you see, it's our first test and i have no idea what the test was going to be like, so i didn't study the way they wanted me to i guess, by looking at pictures and dissections and figuring out what's what... in other words, i'm not going to do so well..

but seriously, i must complain, this course is F**king difficult.. but as my msn nickname goes.. I CAN, I WILL, I MUST and I HAD BETTER!!!! i'm no quitter and i'm not going back to singapore to take up another course! i will study smart, i will study hard, but i will also not forget about my social life! i will be an all-rounder!!!!! I CAN I WILL AND I MUST!!!

k, it's getting corny again, but anyway, speaking of social life.. just yesterday, i had "pizza in the park" with my flare frens. it was so damn FUN!! i've never laughed so much in a day since i came back to melbourne this year! yes i'm serious! first we had chips and drinks while waiting for the pizza to arrive, then we played so many games!! there was the 3-legged race, the posing game, the many many, many brain teaser games, there was cherraids(is that how you spell it?). but the best part of the games?? the forfeit!! hahahahah, i saw my very demure looking president shake her booty and do a pole dance for the first time! my goodness.. like derrick said, it was hidden talent revealed!! hahahahahahahaha we were so into the picnic that it lasted from 11am all the way till 6 plus!!! hahaha, then joyce came over to my house to chill before i retired to bed!!

oh... btw, my mom came over this morning!! it was so exciting!! so happy to have her here, (though i think i'm disturbing her sleep while i'm typing this.. oops.. sorrie..) we went to the city and bought so many things, a floor rug for my living room, an ironing board, clock, and so much grocceries and househloh stuff! my goodness.. i "sweated" when i sw the trolly full of stuff!! luckily we had this rolling basket, so we didn't carry much we dragged the stuff!! hahahahhaha

whao, my mom is sooooooooooooooooo engergetic!! she hasn't rested for more than an hour since she touched down, she was shifting this and that, cleaning this and that.. i never wanted her to come here and clean up after me, but i didn't have time to clean up the kitchen and the toilet recently.. sorrie mom.. well, at least i did clean the living room on thursday night. =)

i shifted the tv to another table and put the tv cable up the ceiling, so no one trips over the wire again! we also set up the new cupboard.. (yes, as if all the work wasn't enought, she brought a cupboard over from singapore just for me!) yeah!! more room for all my clothes!! which means i can get more clothes!! hahaha, nah, just kidding.

my mom also brought over a dvd player and a cd/radio/cassette potable player for me. incredible isn't it? she also brought over a small basket to put the soaps in the bathroom, also a towel hanger, and a clothes hanger. whao??? she's beginning to remind me of "siao ting tang". just amazing.......

oh.. had such a busy tiring day.. i have so many things to do this easter holiday, i have a birthday party tml and it's going to be great! i'm going on a day tour in melbourne with my mom soon, though we dont know where yet, and i still have to catch up on my studies!! well, wish me luck!!

but right now, i feel like the happiest girl in the world!! love you ma!!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

i disected a bloody dog!

yeah.. gross.. but very very interesting.. i dare not look at the eye of the dog.. but i saw it's black tongue.

it was so interesting.. i went into the room and saw my dissected dog to be on the table, my 3 partners and i started cutting it up slowly.. we had to chop up lots of muscle.. our dog was the fattest and the bloodiest!! but it was cool..

couldn't eat meat after that afternoon.. ahhaha had maggie mee with tofu and vegies for dinner.. hahaha..

Sunday, March 13, 2005

i touched a bloody horse's limb..

yeah, but with a pair of gloves on..

whao seriously, this vet course is very challenging... especially anatomy. but luckily my frens are around to help me. =)

i feel so worried about my studies all the time.. i feel as though i just HAVE to study all day and night, but i also want to join my dance club..

i have already cut down on my dancing activities... yet i dont feel that i have enough time to study.. maybe i am being just paranoid.. but my frens also say that they have a lot of things to study..

sigh.. sometimes i feel so stressed, i think about going back to sinagpore.. but i'm NOT a quitter!

i can, i will and i must manage my time properly to study hard, play hard at the same time!!!

hope everything turns out fine..

btw, i went to moomba just now.. it's just this festival in melbourne.. the fireworks display lasted for 15mins, they were absolutely beauiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i especially love the red fireworks!

but one sad thing... i saw so many couples around.. the girl would usually carry a soft toy, which was won in a game by the guy.....

i tried a game to win my fren a toy for her birthday, but naturally failed.. the ball kept bouncing out of the bin... man.. it looked so easy but was so hard..

it was sad going home without a toy, but the bumper car ride put a smile on my face.. =) it was so fun!

Monday, March 07, 2005

Completely LOST...

so many things have haapened in my life recently, i'm about to explode...

first i moved house twice coz i wasn't happy with my new apartment, then i had to settle the 1-year lease of the old apartment by paying about $1800. then now i'm struggling woth my studies..

my frens all say that i'm just paranoid, but seriously, i've never been so lost in a subject since i first encountered the written chinese words in primary school!!!

that subject is anatomy. the lecturer points at bones and says "this is this, that is that." my 3-d is not fanastic and i have difficulty picturing all the different parts of the bones..

usually i'm really cool if i cannot understand what's going on in lectures, coz i know there's always the textbook at home to refer ans self study too. but the problem here is, that the textbooks here are so bloody expensive. i'm going to photocopy a 390 page book that will cost me about $46, while buying it will cozt me over a $100!!!! and even if i wanted to buy the books, it may not be available in the bookshop. moreover, we have been advised time and time again that we shouldn't buy the textbook, that we should go the library and borrow them. problem is, the books at the library are often taken up before i can touch them!

i was so lost in anatomy lab last friday tht i actually thought of going home to singapore to study some other course instead... i thought about my easier life there, my family, my frens...

but of course i snapped myself out of that.. i'm already 1 year through, i have 4 more years to go...

but i'm just sooooooooooooooooooooooo afraid that i cannot pass this course. i'd be wasting my parent's money, my time, etc etc.....

guess i must accept the fact that i must try my best to pass, not pass with 1st class honours, but just pass... i must also accept the fact that i will go back to singapore if i fail.

sigh... grown up life sucks..