Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Fed Up with the seniors!

hey people... have you ever been in charge of something that you feel so pressurised to manage it well, but somehow, some irritating seniors are always screwing up your efforts? yeah, that's exactly how i feel right now..

i took the trouble to e-mail them (members of the dance) everyweek to tell them when to meet and what we will do for the costume making thingy (i'm in in charge of it for my dance). but somehow, everyweek, no one turns up at all!!!! except for a few juniors,(my frens).

alright, you dont turn up coz you say that you are busy.. fine.. i understand, coz they are SENIORS, they have ALOT of things to do.. fine.. okie, whatever!

but, now, i purposely arranged a day during the holidays, and even booked a room so that we can all meet and stuff, and,,. again, no one bloody turns up!!!!! i mean, what's wrong with these people, in the mails, i told them that it's okie if you cannot come, but that doesn't mean you dont make an effort to come at all!

i didn't said that it was compulsory to come in the e-mail, but i was expecting these people to be responsible enough and smart enough, with enough common sense to turn up and make the costumes! they're busy? then what do you think i am?! not busy??? who wants to come to school during the holidays to sew costumes?? not me, not you, not anyone! but it's just a need coz of the dance..

damn they are giving me lots of problems! the cheographer is gonna be disappointed in me man... damn!

haha, okie.. thanks for listening to me complain,,, see yah


  • At 4:27 PM , Blogger mAjEzTiX said...

    hmm.. are those valid emails in the first placE?
    or maybe they nv check mails?
    i suggest u can set up a forum (yahoo! forum) to discuss? ask ppl to upload their designs & suggestions?
    den finalise a few designs for ppl to vote.. tt will be easier..

    reallly really bad seniors.. since they dun care wat they wanna wear den heck them? do wat u wan wOmAN! haha..


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