Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Monday, September 20, 2004


people.. i've just realise something..

i dont have a lot of company in Melbourne..

my frens here do spend time with me, which is super fun and cool, but when they retreat to other frens once in a while, i go into a state of depression..

i just become so so so so so sad.. i feel as though the world has turned it's back on me, that i am so alone in this world.. i cry, i stone around, i sit on the toilet bowl staring at the wall, or just do my homework to keep me busy..

maybe that's why i look forward to clubbing so much. coz it makes me feel as though there's a life in my life! i have fun, though it's not very healthy, but at least i dont do it so often... unfortunately, i can't always go. coz of various reasons, homework, no one to go with, no cool people going and stuff..

come to think of it, maybe i should find some other forms of entertainment. but what? the TV is my regular entertainer but it's "loserific" to saty at home and watch TV all day..(come to think of it.. i always do that...)

lucky for me i have my dance club.. though i am not a very very active member yet.. i wanna be one.. i love dancing, not the clubbing one (but i dont hate it) just yaterday, sunday night, i was invited to this potluck party at jeremin's house...

it was so fun.. i never had so much fun, besides with my usual frens here before.. it's cool right.... they made me feel part of their group, even though i wasn't int he dance the host cheographed. i felt so accepted and happy... we played games, we ate, and of course, we watched a DVD "you've been served" it's a show about dancing.. so cool man.. i went there at 6+ and came home at 12+. very cool.. =)

looks like i have to be happier in my life. i try not to feel sad and lonely sometimes.. but i just do.. wish i had my family here with me..


  • At 1:54 PM , Blogger little nite owl said...

    hey there, im juz a random reader. i assume you are a singaporean studying in melbourne? well, im a singaporean (soon gonna be aussie) studying in brisbane. but i have my family with me living here (we're migrants).

    neway, i juz wanted to say, take the time alone and do discover the beauty of being alone. remember this - you are on you on, you are never alone. oritez?

    hope you will find meaning in day. if you wanna drop by to say hi, enjoy! 'ciao!

  • At 1:37 AM , Blogger i keep on walking said...

    hey gurl... *hugs* u look like u need one.. and yeah.. its like this esp during ur first yr at uni.. somemore u're away from home and all that.. but dun worry gurl.. i'm sure things are realli not as bad as they seem.. u're not a loser for one thing.. its okay to have some alone time.. and if u feel bored.. i pretty sure ur frens won't refuse ur company.. =) come on.. u're such a charming gurl... hee~

    guess maybe u're jus trying to figure out where u fit in, in this big pic, without ur usual connections.. well.. e key is actually.. to not spend so much time figuring it out.. jus begin wif eating wif ur tutorial mates and its alrite if u dun join em for after class activities.. take things slow.. u'll get frens soon enuff...

    remember.. this is only gonna last for a short while.. think of how u made frens in jc.. somehow u managed to rite? and they're ur good frens now.. surely u can still do it now wor.. =)

    jia u gurl.. think maybe u getting stressed out over the seniors thing and ur work and all tt.. sooooo.. jus keep rattling on here.. i'd be praying for u over here in sg eh.. hhaha God is everywhere.. even in australia.. so rest easy.. u're in His loving Hands.. He knows u need frens... and He'll give u wonderful frens who'll stick by u and protect u... =)

  • At 4:21 PM , Blogger mAjEzTiX said...

    Well.. me too have tt kind of feeling... even when i'm back @ home ..i mean when all the new frens ard me retreat to their 'closer' grp? hmm.. i alwaz tot i'm not so close to them.. i dunno who i really close to ... juz yesterday after test.. i was left alone ..myself... nobody to go home with & tok to.. DepreSSed... well, juz wanna say this happens to i guess eVeryonE once in a while.. or many times a daY? YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!! ;)
    we're all grown up & independent adult-to-be... gonna be more comfortable with this type of lifestyle..
    i guess.. frens are there when u need help .. but they can't alwaz be there for u..
    but really poor giRL .. all alone in ur room.. go out & walk walk? i do tt too. go cafe & study like we alwaz do? or get ur digit cam. with u & take some artistic photos.. hehee... CheeRz!


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