Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

it's my birthday!!!


sick of reading all my complains?? here's a happy entry!!it's my birthday! and i had the most wonderderful "pre-birthday" celebration!

i woke up early in the morning at 5++ to fetch my mum and brother who just arrived at melb!! so happy!!! then for lunch and dinner, i ate home cooked food... coooked by my mum.. yummmmmmmmmmmm

then after much studying in the afternoon, sheerleen and estella bugged me to study to eat dinner early.. and that they want to go to the nearby supermart (iga) to buy some stuff. when i came home, the lights were out! sheerleen opened the door, and there are everyone waiting for me!! Estella, Siaowen, Sheerleen, Dea, Erika, Quiwen, Zoey, Joyce, and of course, my mum and my brother(who happen to be sleeping in one corner..)it was a birthday surprise, and it really was a surprise coz i really had absolutely no clue whatsoever about this!!

i was so shocked, i kept my mouth open for quite some time before i stepped into the house. and they took pictures of me when i least expect!! they started singing happy birthday and i saw this huge chocolate rich cake with 19 candles on it!! then i made my wish and blew out alllllllll the candles!!

then we ate the cake, had lots of other chocolate biscuits then talked and talked and talked and talked.. usually about girl stuff, while my brother played his, i mean, my computer...

whao!! i was so happy to see everyone there!! i mean, it's exam times and they gave up 3 precious hours just to celebrate my birthay!! i am really really touched. i kept asking them whether they wante =d to go home to study and they all said no, then estella kept acusing me of chasing ppl out the house...-_-"... which is not so not true lah.. haha

oh, and i even got presents!!!!!!!! so happy, i received a cute box, with all my fav bright colours on it!! then i got a roxy purse!!! which again has all the cute colours, then i had fragrance soap, pink in colour!! scarf, hat, also pink in colour!!! pink earings!! pink bangle!!! and my mum bought me this night light that has a cute dancer on it!!!!! then she also bought for me a necklace with 13 diamonds on it!! 13!! my birth date!!

later on, i kept wondering to myself how they came about buying my presents, especailly when they have to study for exams, especially estella, she's usualy with me 24-7 and poof!!! out comes this purse!!

my friends and family in singapore also didn't forget me, my meimei wrote me a hand written mail!! i recieved a pair of drangonfly earings that's so cute! i also got mails, mails, and more mails from my friends wishing me happy birthday!!

thank you alll soo soo soo soo much!!!! i had a great time!!!!! love you guys!! muack!


  • At 10:09 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Glad you enjoyed the supprise party... and you know what, you are worth more than the 3 hours we spent... :)

  • At 5:29 AM , Blogger mAjEzTiX said...

    Sorry for the late greetinGS.......
    ;D HappY Belated BirthDAy!!
    A very enjoyable B'dAe indEED! Seems like u had Fun!
    LuckY girl..... cya sooN~


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