Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

going home!

yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm finally going home tomorrow.. though i will only reach home on wednesday morning at 1am...

it's been a funny week here alone without my usual bunch of pals... i mean funny as in wierd.. luckily i have my good indo fren Dea.. whom i always call "dear".. hahahha

i had nothing to eat today.. there is nothing in my fridge.. so sickening... you know, i have to clear up everything in the fridge to turn the power off to save money while i'm away.. my last electricity bill came out to a wooping $90.00... i guess i have to blame it on the tv, coz my frenz get about $40-50.... but my mom says that the tv doesn't take up much electricity... wonder where my moneys' flying to then...

so sad.. i ate cream of chicken soup halfway and lost my appetite coz i had no bread to go with the soup. i needed some carbohydrates! then i cooked fried rice... only to realise that i have no eggs!!!(not that i'm infertile.. mind you) ended up eating rice with sauce.....

man i'm hungry for some really good food.... i ate a whole pack of chips in the afternoon while doing my chores... feel so fat... and i am fat.. i have put on weight and i dunnoe why my skin is just bursting with pimples everywhere... i use to think that it's exam stress, but exams are over and they are still there! it's not my diet either.. i am still eating normally... sigh, i feel so ugly!! yuck.... i'd dare not look in the mirrorat myself, i can't stand the way i look.

i'm so dead... i have to pay for my rent for next month but i dun have enough money in my account.... i told my parents to sent money to me the other day when i found out that the exchange rate was really low, but they didn't... now i'm in deep shit. i have to get down to the reception and request to pay outside aus... and for that i'll have to pay more too.... sickening.... a stitch in time could have saved nine...... (and my troubles..)

nevertheless.... always look on the bright side.. i am going home tml!!! yeah!!! at i thought i could never withstand the teasing about going home late.. hahah!


  • At 3:01 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    hey girl! Glad you are coming home! You sound so poorthing there.... haix... i know without me you cannot cope one! haha! Don't worry, when you go back you'll have all the proper meals you want! K me going shopping and watching spiderman2 already! haha! Make you jealous again... haha! Take care! Love YA!

  • At 5:35 PM , Blogger mAjEzTiX said...

    haha! BrAVE girl! hafta reward u when u get back.. haha.. we'll c how.. but u busy girl alwaz fly here fly theRE -_-'' takEcaRE ..


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