Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

The MOST EXCITING chemistry lecture EVER!

I had the MOST EXCITING chemistry lecture Ever today! it was 10am in the morning, and everyone is tired, sleepy.. bored, you name it!

then suddenly, about 15min after lecture began, 1 guy walked in from the front door wearing a toga, you know, those kind, just use a white bedsheet, then anyhow wrap around your body kind. and sat down.

lecturer:"hmmm... i always worry when people walk into lectures with only their togas, oh weel, better than last year. last year we had someone walk in naked!""

suddenly, some music was played from a portable player from the back of the hall, and four guys from the front row (not including the toga guy) started STRIPPING!! they ran down ran down to the front og the hall and started dancing in synchrony!!!! i could see everything!!!! i was so darn shocked! and i thought to myself... "i just lost my innocence.. " ahahahhahahahahahhaahhahahah

just as the dancing was about to end, my fren sherleen shouted, Ning! take picture, but before i could pull out my phone, they stopped and ran out of the hall!

lecturer:"now that was exciting... let's continue"

aboout 15mins later again, another guy dressed in a funny looking silver costume, holding a plastic spear in one hand, a piece of rolled up paper in the other hand, came into the hall riding a unicycle! he held out the paper and shouted "this msg is from your master, silence, this is very important. he has decided that your lives shall be spared, provided that someone amost you all is willing to identity ????(some greek name)'s dead body. who is spartus?? own up!!!"

suddenly, from all corners of the room, about 6 peoples stood up and shouted, "i am spartus, no i am spatus......." including the guy in the toga! it was so funny!!! not long after that, they ran out of the hall, and the drama ended!

it was so darn funny. who are these people?? we dont know. but they definietly are from our uni, maybe just art people who like to play pranks??? ahhahahha it was so funny!! i think they are the same people who came to my psychology lecture about 2 weeks ago and taught us about fire safety.. i'll reccount it agian!

it was 4.15pm and everyone at the lecture hall was waiting for lesson to begain. it was an afternoon lectures, so not alot of people were there. suddenly about 6 guys came in and shouted:"wow!!!! so hardwaorking! it's 4.15pm and you giuys are still here!!"

"you dont have to be here you know, you dont have to study. go home! relax!!" said the other.

"yeah...." then about 3 of them walked right down to the front while the rest dispersed themselves at the back. they sat beside people they didn't know and started talking non-sense. luckily i was at the other side.

"what lesson is this by the way? psychology?? wow!!!!!!!!!! can you read my mind? huh? can you read my mind?"

"what am i thinking about now?" and the poor people being qnsed just looked at them confused.. ahhahahhaha

then 2 guys went to the front, turned on the projector and put a "fire exit map" on the screen. and once again, they started crapping.

"today, we're gonna teach you about fire safety!"

"yes sir!" said those at the back.

"when there is a fire, do not walk! i said do not walk!!and do not panic!!! CRAWL under the carpet!!! or else, you will die coz of the smoke."

and he started crapping more and i couldn't remember the rest! it was so funny!

i think these people are so so so so entertaining, not to mention cute! ahhahahahhaha


  • At 11:43 PM , Blogger mAjEzTiX said...

    woA~ tt's eXciTinG man!!!! ahahha... not like my lectureS.. noisily go in.... suddenly vv quiet... *zz..ZZ..* den noisily come out... ahhahhaa
    & woA~ hahaa... ice-cream to ur eyes woR! ;p

  • At 11:58 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Hi girl, yeah it was a cool lecture i sure do agree! haha!


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