Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Thursday, July 01, 2004


hey.. finally home... but somehow.. feel that i'm down on my luck again... on my journey to KL, i lost my wallet.. got so many things inside!!!!! my bank cards, my money, my IDs... so sianz....... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

anyway.. got to sit business class on emirates coz there was a mistake with my seat nos.. that's the only good thing that happened....

well, at least i'm home.... i hope that all my money lost with my wallet.. about $200++ will "cover me for further bad luck"

i seriously think i'm jinxed.... someone help me!!!


  • At 8:02 AM , Blogger afd said...

    hmmz how u lost ur wallet?? must be got stolen somewhere huh.. and guess wat? i just lost my Sim card just now too! so u are not alone lah.. i should be cancelling my starhub number.. so call me at my singtel no alright?? sms me better as i haven activate the caller id on my singtel no. hahaha great to hear that u are back in Asian countries! u should try the roti Jala in Malaysia ya.. they are yummy~~ alright take care and cheer up as losing something might mean that u will get more good thing back in return. cheers

  • At 5:47 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    How many times must i tell you..... YOU ARE NOT JINXED!!! haha! But seriously, the bankcard u lost is the commonwealth one is it? Better report asap, if not some idiot may pick it up and use it. Also, take care when you are there! Don't end up losing yourself! hahA! K see ya on the 6th going to siao wen's place together right?

  • At 2:20 PM , Blogger mAjEzTiX said...

    oppsiE~ uh huh.. nVm.. 'ying huo de fu' ?!?! btw, NinG! when did u become so superstitiouS?? haha.. anewa sorrY for ur loST er.. of wallet & ya .. muz report lost quicklY .. give dem a call or stH.. juz in case ..


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