Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

my house

my lights went all out suddenly.. then i herd the monsterous thunder sound..

black out..

howtypiczl of my run down singapore house.

sometimes i really dont understand my parents and grandparents. they can buy my brother the lastest mostexpensive gadets and toys. buy themselves expensive cars and eat fancy expensive dinner. pay monthly membership for some country club theyhardly use. give me somuch moey tospend. but refuse to revampthe house.

just look atit. the pipes, wiring and evrything is out of date. with the slightest lightning, the house blacks out. crap furniture is everywhere. ,y grandma refuses to throw them awayeven though theyare spoilt (that's why they got replaced in the first place)

now that i have become a home maker(coz ilive along in aus mah) i look atthis house with much pity. it has somuch potentialto be beautiful. the graden is huge! but it's left so messy and unruly, it's nolonger a garden. it's a jungle.

the living room is sohuge but thereare 3 extra tables here and there just becoz my grnadma refuses to throw them away.

the bar... is no longer a bar. it's a storeroom. the smallroom hasan extra bed but the maid is not allowed tslee on it. she sleepson the floor on amatress. who slps in it? mygrandma when she's taking a nap. (she can't claimb upand dwn the stairs)

the hugemongous kitchen is full of junk. and we have 4 fridges in the kitchen. yes 4! not justnrmla ones. HUGE fridges! and whatever for? everything is jststocked stocked stocked andnot used. half the items in the fridge are spolit or expired and no one bothers to throw but me.

and my balconyis demolished to make room formore rooms. sigh..



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