Love All Life

my whiny complains about stuff i cannot yell out to people on the street.

Sunday, December 31, 2006


Lots have happened since that stupid christmas...

for a start,letme just convince everyone that i'm okie.. i justrealli like to nag and complain on my blog..

chritsmas day

anywayz, when my mom came back on christmas day and my dad convinced me to g to the airport with himand my brother topickthem (as in my mom, and 2 sisters) okielor...i thought.. the moment i saw my mum, though angry that she 'cheated' me. i was quick to forgive.. haiz, it's just my kind hearted soul...

i decided to forgiveher even more when she took out a nice purple top for me.. hohoho

My hair straightener died on me (on christmas morning i think.)

How sad... one day it was useful the next, dead.. (bloody 200dollar striaghtener..) i need to get a new one...

Boxing day

PLayedmajiong the entire day with my mum, steph and grandma. neven seen my grandma laugh so much until she needed to pee in along time. whathappened? well steph forgot that she had 'pong'ed 8wan. then she threw the 4th one she had out. we all kept quiet. thern my grnadma burst out laughing..


went shopping alone. bought all the things i needed. well not ALL. but most. really broke.. i think my bank balance isless than 1000 now. but i really dont wann ask money from my dad. and mum stop telling me to do so.i will do it in my own time thanks.


went to see my jc frenzfor dinner.. coolies! sigh.. going to miss them.


went for lunch with steph and mum j. BIG lunch. big tummy too. then went for facial a\to getrid ofall the evil black heads on my face. then went to meet bboy Vinhny with ness ian and fiona and ni.woot! haven seen them in ages! it was nice. but my yummy got bigger.

30th (today)

went for lunch with mum. then went shopping at some warehouse sale. bought a dress for only 6 dollars! incredible! then had dinner at home and at the right time too., "so nice, you me and my parents and the rest of the family having dinner together.. how nice hor kajei" hinted my dad tome. in other words. had i gone out to eat dinner again.. hmm.. not nice.

feelings now

sigh.. going backto melb so soon..WTF.. just as i'm getting use to this place... i have to go back and get use to there all over again.

i also have to face the reality and my fear of taking my car driving test.. (legs shaking..)

but,, i get to see..NEKO DARLING! miss you! and i als get to see my flarianz!!!!! missya all lots. and my other frenz!! (hmmm who's there?)

but still... i'm really afraid of the test. but like.. come on! i can't run away from it! at least not forever...

oh oh oh!!! i drovemy mum's car once fromher house backto mine. illegally of course.. so exiciting!!!!! and no one got killed.. but my brother did suffer from his own imagination.


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